In The Gulf Of Mexico, A Giant Squid Was Photographed - Alternative View

In The Gulf Of Mexico, A Giant Squid Was Photographed - Alternative View
In The Gulf Of Mexico, A Giant Squid Was Photographed - Alternative View

Video: In The Gulf Of Mexico, A Giant Squid Was Photographed - Alternative View

Video: In The Gulf Of Mexico, A Giant Squid Was Photographed - Alternative View
Video: Magnapinna Squids - Deepsea Oddities 2024, September

In the Gulf of Mexico, just 100 miles from New Orleans, an underwater research camera captured a giant squid at depth, which was about 3-3.7 meters long (see video below).

Moreover, according to scientists, it was still a very young individual, a teenager who was still growing and growing. Adult giant squids can grow up to 8 meters in length.

For hundreds of years, ocean monsters like these have inspired sailors' tales of tentacled monsters capable of sinking ships.

Sometimes huge squids were thrown ashore and then scientists could only guess how they looked in the water. And only in 2006, scientists for the first time filmed a live giant squid on camera. It happened off the coast of Japan.


A fresh video from the Gulf of Mexico on June 19, 2019 shows that these monstrous squids are found off the coast of the United States. The squid was captured by the Ocean Research & Conservation Association (ORCA). They could only watch him for a few seconds.


The squid appeared completely unexpectedly: first, the first tentacles stretched out from the darkness of the depths, which reached out to the camera, mistaking it for potential prey, and then the tentacles became larger and larger. Turning around for a moment, the squid tidied up all its tentacles and again disappeared into the depths.

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Giant squids very rarely come across to people and since 2006 it could have been photographed only a few times. And also sperm whales hunt giant squids with pleasure. And in principle, this is all that we know about these amazing creatures.