Mount Roraima. Venezuela - Alternative View

Mount Roraima. Venezuela - Alternative View
Mount Roraima. Venezuela - Alternative View

Video: Mount Roraima. Venezuela - Alternative View

Video: Mount Roraima. Venezuela - Alternative View
Video: Mysterious Islands in the Sky Unlock Secrets of Our Past: Return to Tepuis | Short Film Showcase 2024, September

Mount Roraima, also called the "heavenly island", is located at the junction of Venezuela, Brazil and Guyana. The top of the mountain with an area of 31 square kilometers is striking in its size. Roraima is one of the oldest geological formations on Earth, as it consists mainly of quartz sandstone, which is about 1 billion years old!


The Indians believe that this mountain is the fossilized remnant of the trunk of a huge tree that gave birth to all the fruits and vegetables of our planet. According to the legends, the tree fell from the ax of Macunheim, the negative hero of Indian legends.

This mountain is also called “the mother of all rivers”, because Orinoco, Essequibo and the Amazon originate on its top. Rivers descend from the "heavenly island" down the steep slopes in dozens of beautiful waterfalls.


It is believed that the gods lived on the flat top, so the mesas are also called the word "tepui", meaning "house of the gods." The Indians believed that this is where the souls of the dead fly away. Therefore, before the arrival of Europeans on Roraima, no one rose, fearing to anger the sleeping ancestors and powerful deities.


Even today, there are native Indians who believe in the gods of the sacred mountain, rewarding people who still worship them with illumination. By the way, it was Roraima who inspired Arthur Conan Doyle to write the legendary novel The Lost World.

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A flat mountain sometimes resembles a ship, cutting through the heavens on an eternal journey to the valley of dreams, dreams and desires. It is worth climbing to the top and a storm of emotions will overwhelm you. What you saw is impossible to forget and the echoes of blissful euphoria will excite your blood even after years. Perhaps this is a piece of the gift of the gods, sung in ancient legends?