How To Find A Husband? What Are The Coaches Completely Silent About? - Alternative View

How To Find A Husband? What Are The Coaches Completely Silent About? - Alternative View
How To Find A Husband? What Are The Coaches Completely Silent About? - Alternative View

Video: How To Find A Husband? What Are The Coaches Completely Silent About? - Alternative View

Video: How To Find A Husband? What Are The Coaches Completely Silent About? - Alternative View
Video: After watching this, your brain will not be the same | Lara Boyd | TEDxVancouver 2024, July

The problem of single women is increasing every year. More and more women cannot find a husband and start a family. While the girl is young, she is looking for a life partner with hope. If, after 25 years, a woman does not find a match, she begins to think that something is wrong with her. Either she behaves incorrectly, or she does not communicate with men like that.

When the age rolls up to 30, and the spouse does not appear in any way, the woman realizes that it is time to urgently do something. The years take away the attractiveness, the freshness goes away and the competition from the young grows up. Then the woman begins to read books on how to find a husband, goes to classes where they teach to attract a partner, attends family harmony seminars, watches educational video courses on female happiness and goes to consultations with various coaches, trainers, gurus and other rogue types.

Who rub in about the fact that you need to love yourself, become feminine, feel harmony inside, raise feminine strength. They talk about the secrets of male psychology, how to lure and keep a man, how to manage this cattle and the like.

Women's seminar. It was fun
Women's seminar. It was fun

Women's seminar. It was fun.

Women obediently listen, but most of them still cannot arrange their family life. Then the women go to another counselor, read another author's books, and watch another coach's courses. And again it doesn't help. The teacher changes again, which again does not lead to the desired result.

It will not be for one simple reason, which all personal consultants, life coaches, and coaches of happy families are completely silent about. Because there are more women than men.

According to official statistics, 74% of Russians live in cities. The majority of modern men get married at the age of 25-29.

Distribution of first marriages by the age of the bride and groom. Percentage of the total number of marriages
Distribution of first marriages by the age of the bride and groom. Percentage of the total number of marriages

Distribution of first marriages by the age of the bride and groom. Percentage of the total number of marriages.

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There are 1,012 women per 1,000 men in this age group. It gets worse. In the next age group 30-34 years, the gap is widening, now there are 1,032 women per thousand men. The 35-40 age group has an even larger gap, 1054 women per thousand men.

But here is a statistical head count. In real life, not every man is capable of starting a family. Many boys do not grow up to become men. They remain boys, not even responsible for their own actions. How could he take responsibility for his wife and children. Such immature men will meet, communicate, take a woman to a movie, cafe, restaurant, go with her to a resort, live in the same apartment and sleep in the same bed. That is, to receive the pleasure of communication from a woman. But they do not want the worries and difficulties of family life and run away at the slightest problem. Or they pass the difficulties onto the shoulders of the woman. Who wanted a completely different behavior from them.

We just live together. And that's all
We just live together. And that's all

We just live together. And that's all.

This happens for several reasons, which we will discuss in another article.

The number of full-fledged men who are ready to start a family and take a woman under their responsibility is decreasing year after year. There are two, or even three times less real men than the total number of males.

Therefore, dear women, no matter what you do with yourself, no matter how you develop personally, no matter how much you raise your feminine strength, you simply do not have enough men quantitatively. If there are N bolts and N-20 nuts in a box, then no matter how the nuts polished themselves, no matter how they shine and no matter how they rubbed with machine oil, there are fewer bolts. Loose nuts will definitely remain.

What to do?
What to do?

What to do?

But all personal coaches, experts in male psychology, coaches of marital happiness and consultants for attracting men are completely silent about this problem. Because the main consumer of their trainings on how to find a husband, how to build a relationship with a man, how to build a future family life are women about 30 years old. On which there are no men stupid. At least raise your feminine energy above the cornice, at least study all masculine habits - there is no pair for you.

A small fraction of such literature. Or waste paper?
A small fraction of such literature. Or waste paper?

A small fraction of such literature. Or waste paper?

But if women understand that the reason is not in them, but in the demographic imbalance, then who will go to personal growth lessons and trainings to attract men? Who will buy waste paper with enticing names? Who will watch the video courses "how to be happy"? Who will go to expensive personal consultations?

You need to know what to say and what to keep silent about
You need to know what to say and what to keep silent about

You need to know what to say and what to keep silent about.

All these courses, trainings, consultations are just a business proposal, because there is effective demand. But coaches, coaches, consultants won't tell you about it, because that's how they earn. On you. A woman wants to get hope and is ready to pay for it. If there is demand, there will be supply.

Therefore, there is nothing to wander about useless courses, trainings and seminars. It will not help you find a husband and start a family.

Author: Artyom Voitenkov