Epiphany Water And Its Secret - Alternative View

Epiphany Water And Its Secret - Alternative View
Epiphany Water And Its Secret - Alternative View

Video: Epiphany Water And Its Secret - Alternative View

Video: Epiphany Water And Its Secret - Alternative View
Video: Explanation before blessing the Epiphany Water 2024, September

I liked this article, which I am citing, because, at last, the regularity of the emergence of the healing properties of water and religious rituals, which are performed on these natural days for nature, has been discovered. It becomes clear why changes in the electromagnetic properties of water are used by unscrupulous worshipers, presenting these qualities of water as a "blessing" of God. There is no miracle or blessing. There are laws of nature that you need to know and understand in order not to become victims of shameless deception by the ministers of religious rites.

The discovery, which may lead to the Nobel Prize, was made by a metropolitan scientist, Doctor of Technical Sciences Vladimir Tsetlin. Having become interested in the properties of water in Baptism, he was the first in the world who decided to analyze this phenomenon from a purely scientific point of view. As a result, the scientist offered a solution to the global mystery of the "relationship" of man with the Sun and the Earth.

It all started two years ago. Studying the properties of water used by cosmonauts on the International Space Station, Vladimir Tsetlin drew attention to the fact that daytime water differs from nighttime in its current conductivity. So, at 10.00 and at 18.00 it had the maximum ability to conduct, that is, its molecules were more active than ever. But at 13.00 and at 4 am the water seemed to fall asleep, calmed down.

- Many scientists suspected that this was somehow influenced by astrophysical factors. But no one suggested a serious study of the mechanism, says Tsetlin. - I continued to measure, because my main job required it. In my laboratory there were several vessels with water, each with electrodes for measuring the conductivity of the current. And then one day the measurement time fell just on the eve of Epiphany. I was amazed to find that the molecules calmed down much earlier than usual on the evening of January 18th. The water has reduced its conductivity to a minimum since 18.00. And she stood in this state until midnight.

- Was that the notorious Epiphany water? Have you figured out what her mystery is?

- Yes. I started by understanding the variability of water depending on the daily cycle. Surely she has a connection with earth vibrations. Our earthly shells can vibrate both vertically and horizontally - this process depends on the gravitational influence of the Sun and the Moon. But I focused my attention on the Sun, because its effect is stronger. So, when the shells move under the influence of the luminary, they begin to tidal friction. And with friction, electromagnetic radiation is emitted. Stronger or weaker, it is captured by the water in the ocean, the river, and also by the aquatic environment of our body. That is why sometimes we are visited by extraordinary cheerfulness, or, on the contrary, lethargy piles on us. We have proved this with the Mexican prickly pear in my office. Having brought electrodes to the roots of the tree and to its stem, we began to watch. My hypothesis was confirmed! As soon as the hours of water calming in nature came, the plant's biopotential also decreased.

- What is the manifestation of this biopotential?

- In the state of the membrane - cell membranes. With increased electromagnetic influence, it seems to be stretched, its tone increases. Why all living things also begin to activate, some become overly active, even aggressive. Conversely, when the membrane potential is weak, which is due to the effect of reduced terrestrial radiation, all life on earth feels more relaxed.

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- But what effect does the Sun have during these periods?

- At 13:00 local time, it is at its zenith, and from this the strength of the tidal wave emanating from it increases. Earth's shells seem to be stretched, their friction decreases, reducing the electromagnetic radiation of the Earth. We get the same effect, but less pronounced, at night, when the Sun "pulls" our planet from the opposite side.

This is for the daily cycle. But the Sun also has a 27-day cycle - during this time it makes a complete revolution around its axis. What if you follow him? - I thought. Ancient people always celebrated the new year at the winter solstice, around December 22-23. At this time, the distance between the Sun and the Earth was maximally reduced, reaching 149 million km. Together with my assistants, I took measurements during this period. Everywhere the water on December 22 "abnormally" changed its properties. That is, she calmed down not for an hour, as it happens every day, but froze immediately for 6 hours.

What do you think happened to the water in the next 27 days? On the calendar was the evening of January 18, the eve of Epiphany … We checked the indicators of the electrical conductivity of water and did not believe our eyes - everything was repeated. Then every 27 days the water turned into "Epiphany". And what is surprising, these days were always close to some Orthodox holidays: Sretenya, Matryona's Day, Annunciation …

- Can this be explained somehow?

- Apparently, the ancient people knew about the peculiarities of water better than us.

- So, the water these days becomes calm due to a certain position of the Sun?

- Exactly!

- But what, then, is its healing power?

- Who told you that we have proved its special healing power? We just realized that this water can be useful to humanity in that it possibly reduces excessive aggression by reducing the membrane potential of cells. People these days, regardless of whether they swam in the ice hole or not, become calmer, more balanced in their actions.

- And how to explain that the water collected at Epiphany does not deteriorate for a long time?

- Due to a decrease in electrical conductivity, the growth of microorganisms is suppressed in it. In the hours of the greatest calmness of the water on the planet, it can be taken from the river, even from the tap - it will retain its good quality in the vessel for a long time. It is good to wash with such water, and since water on the planet still exists in a gaseous state, it becomes easier for all of us to breathe on these “special” days of the solar 27-day cycle.

- What will you do in the future?

- I am interested in testing the effect of water on humans in a clinical setting. Now we have agreed with one medical center to conduct an experiment similar to the one we conducted with our prickly pear plant. Imagine how much this can change our medicine in the future! After all, no one takes into account the current activity of water and air (in which it is also present). For example, activity is at its highest point, and the patient is given an aphrodisiac at this moment. So much for a stroke and a hypertensive crisis. My dream is a remote control equipped with a water conductivity measurement system. The medic presses the button of the device, and that in real time shows him the level of current activity. And only after that he decides what medicine to give to the patient.


I want to draw your attention to this phrase: “We checked the indicators of the electrical conductivity of water and did not believe our eyes - everything repeated. Then every 27 days the water turned into“Epiphany.”And what is surprising, these days were always close to some Orthodox holidays: Presentation, Matryona's Day, Annunciation …

All religious holidays took these natural changes into account and, with their help, controlled the minds of believers (ignorant or ignorant people). It is not the holidays that make the water holy, but the cycles of the moon and the seasons of the year. And also the dimensional difference …

By the way, Tsetlin is not the first in the world who decided to analyze this phenomenon from a purely scientific point of view. All phenomena (water too) have a common pattern discovered by our scientist Nikolai Levashov.
