Classification Of Aliens According To Eyewitness Accounts - Alternative View

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Classification Of Aliens According To Eyewitness Accounts - Alternative View
Classification Of Aliens According To Eyewitness Accounts - Alternative View

Video: Classification Of Aliens According To Eyewitness Accounts - Alternative View

Video: Classification Of Aliens According To Eyewitness Accounts - Alternative View
Video: Bizarre Alien Life Forms | Known Universe: Alien Contact 2024, September

The sky … Evening, beautiful and so mysterious. And what's up there? Is there life on other planets? After all, we cannot be alone in such a large Universe!

Every year the Earth is visited by intruders, and these visits do not go unnoticed. But are all aliens the same? Let's try to classify them according to eyewitness accounts.

Type I. The gray ones. The most common type of alien

Distinctive features: small stature, thin physique, gray skin color, very large head with a small mouth.

1. September 1961. Spouses Betty and Barney Hill, traveling by car in New Hampshire, stumbled upon a UFO. After a few weeks, Betty began to have nightmares. She had the same dream about little humanoids in military-like uniforms. The couple turned to a hypnotherapist for help. Under hypnosis, they recalled how a dozen aliens with gray skin, blue lips, black hair and long noses had pulled them out of the car and brought them aboard the ship. They examined Betty and Barney. The Hills later woke up in their car, oblivious to what had happened.

2. Neighborhoods of Tallinn, 1989. V. Bigunyak, a locksmith at the Pishpek station, was returning home at night and noticed how suddenly a bluish light illuminated the surroundings, and a pulsating cloud of orange-red color slowly descends nearby. Gradually, it took on the shape of a cucumber measuring 3.5 by 2 meters. Bigunyak was numb, his legs stopped obeying him. Two people emerged from the spacecraft the size of ten-year-olds. They wore silver, tight-fitting suits. “About four meters away they stopped, - writes Bigunyak. - Their faces were very difficult to see, but I still made out that they looked like human beings. One, standing straight, handed me a thin handle, and the other bent down - and then squat down, then stand up ….

3. Simmaron, New Mexico. A twenty-eight-year-old woman returned home with her son at night. At a certain point, she lost consciousness. In a hypnosis session, she later remembered what happened at that moment. The woman was approached by strange creatures in orange and blue uniforms and taken to the ship. Big-headed bald creatures with huge eyes, devoid of eyelashes and eyebrows, became interested in the woman's hair and gladly pulled them out by the roots. Subsequently, the woman's memory was erased and she was returned to the car.

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II type. Balls

Distinctive features: represent a bright ball, most often with the outlines of a human face.

Examples of eyewitness accounts:

1. Moscow. The husband of a Muscovite was hanging a chandelier, while she herself was facing the balcony. Suddenly, a face appeared in the window to the right, about 120 centimeters from the floor. It did not look human: bright yellow, much wider than usual, almost round, with a very long mouth, narrow pale lips, and a small upturned nose. The face looked at the woman with curiosity, benevolently. But she could not see the details, because after five seconds the face moved to the left and disappeared behind the wall. The husband managed to notice the movement in the window, otherwise no one would have believed the woman.

2. February 1975. A resident of Tallinn Kartul and her 17-year-old daughter from the Stroomi embankment noticed a large yellow ball that seemed to be swinging above the water. The contours of a human face were visible on it, while the ball glowed, illuminating the surface of the water. Gradually he moved away into the distance, until he disappeared beyond the horizon. The ball stayed at the embankment for about two hours, many residents of the city saw it.

III type. Giants

Distinctive features: tall (about 3.5 meters), flat bodies, short legs, large eyes (orange or pink).

An example of an eyewitness account:

1979, Derzhavinsk (Kazakhstan). A group of pioneers from the Berezka camp went for a walk to Lysaya Hill. Suddenly, someone in the distance noticed a flash of light, followed by people approaching the edge. They were tall, thin, slender, black, only white belts. Children also noticed that these creatures had pink eyes and a smooth gait. The children ran back to the camp. The aliens pursued them, but soon fell behind. (According to some stories, they wore bright red robes that were hard to take their eyes off of).

IV type. Scandinavians

Distinctive features: "Scandinavians" are very similar to people. Their height is slightly above average - about 2 meters, the muscles are well developed. They don't kidnap people. Their goal is to penetrate human society. They look like ordinary blue-eyed blondes with pale skin, but they can read minds, move in space, see the future. Another sign is an unusual body structure (lack or excess of any internal organs).

Example of an eyewitness account:

1985 year. Krasnoyarsk. Surveys have shown that Paul has advanced lung cancer. He had no more than three months to live. He was already desperate how his life had changed after one incident. At night he could not sleep, he looked at the sky. And suddenly the room lit up with a bright light, and two men appeared next to the bed. They were above average height, both blond with blue eyes. Their faces glowed with kindness. The people took Paul by the hands, and the three of them along the beam through the window moved into the spaceship. There they gave him some pills to drink, from which he lost consciousness. He woke up three days later, in his bed. His family, frightened by such a long sleep, took him to the hospital for examination. The doctors were surprised, because Paul's lungs were clean, no signs of illness.

V type. There is no exact name, the conditional name is hybrids

Distinctive features: short stature, may outwardly resemble gray ones, but differ in the shape of the limbs and faces.

Examples of eyewitness accounts:

1. Siberia. October 13, 1987 The soldiers spotted a plate over the territory of the unit. It was fired at by a surface-to-air missile and the object fell, shattering on impact. Small humanoids with large heads and noses-trunks emerged from the ship. They pressed against each other for a moment, forming a droning ball. In a split second, the ball exploded with a blinding flash. Of the 23 soldiers, only two survived.

2.80s. Mississippi State. Fishermen Hickson and Parker were fishing. A strange egg-shaped object began to approach them, three strange creatures with mites instead of hands emerged from it. They had no neck or eyes, and their legs were thick, elephant-like, without feet. Instead of mouths - slits, instead of a nose and ears - tapered protrusions. After the incident, the fishermen were examined with a lie detector, which confirmed that their entire story was true.

Questions regarding meeting with aliens:

1. When are the most frequent encounters with aliens? At night, their number increases especially during the years of solar activity.

2. Who is more inclined to meet with them? People are impressionable, insecure - it is easier to influence them.

3. How can aliens affect humans? Explore the body, take tissue samples for analysis, infect or heal with a disease, sew in chips, share knowledge. Perhaps kill.

4. What to do when meeting with representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations? The main thing is not to panic, try not to make sudden movements, not to ask for anything from these creatures, to try to remember everything that they show and tell. After the meeting, contact the society dealing with these issues and provide them with the necessary evidence.

Our life is full of secrets, and aliens are one of them. But someday there will come a moment that will tell us whether they are friends or enemies …