Lines Of The Gods - Alternative View

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Lines Of The Gods - Alternative View
Lines Of The Gods - Alternative View

Video: Lines Of The Gods - Alternative View

Video: Lines Of The Gods - Alternative View
Video: All Tomorrows: the future of humanity? 2024, May

Ancient civilizations built grandiose megaliths and sacred cities on the 30th parallel. Who and why advised people to do this? Where did they get the knowledge and technology for construction?

Have you ever wondered what connects the Egyptian pyramids, the Great Wall of China and the Bermuda Triangle? And how do the sacred Mount Kailash in India and the ancient cities of Heliopolis, Eridu, Persepolis, Lhasa adjoin them sideways? Do not know? Then try to put all these objects on the map - and the answer will come by itself: they are all located on the 30th parallel …

Parallels and meridians are conventional lines on the surface of the Earth that form a grid of geographic coordinates. We all know this from school, as well as the fact that in ancient times there was no coordinate system and most of the geographical discoveries were made blindly. Although there should be a correction: our civilization did not have a geographic coordinate system. But it was among the ancients - Egyptians, Sumerians, Chinese, Maya - who received this secret knowledge from the gods.

According to legend, the gods divided the sky over our planet into three zones: northern, central and southern. The dividing lines passed along the 30th parallels of north and south latitude. And just at the southern latitude is the Nazca Valley - as famous as it is, just as mysterious. Huge stylized images of 18 different species of birds, monkeys, killer whales, spiders, lizards and even people occupy a plateau of 500 square meters. km. Who "drew" these drawings? When? In what way and for what purpose? None of the many theories attempting to answer these questions have found support.

The Nazca drawings from the ground are not visible, and therefore there is nothing strange in the fact that they were discovered only in the middle of the 20th century: a pilot who flew over the desert noticed amazing figures. Of course, archaeologists could not ignore the obvious thought: the huge images - some are 10 km long (!) - were created in order to admire them from the air. Indeed, as the images from space show, they are visible from an altitude of 920 km.

The 30th parallel north seems to be of much greater importance. The sacred cities of antiquity from Tibet to Egypt were built along it, and it was on it - on the central plain of the Sinai Peninsula - that the structures that researchers consider to be an ancient spaceport were located. But let's go in order …


The Indian mountain Kailash, lying on the 30th parallel, is considered the holiest place on planet Earth by representatives of as many as four religions - Hindus, Buddhists, Jains and followers of the ancient Tibetan teachings of Bon. And in this area, the four main rivers of India, Tibet and Nepal originate: Indus, Sutlej, Brahmaputra and Karnali. Here god Shiva and one of the forms of Buddha live, and at the same time there is an entrance to the mystical land of Shambhala …

But the main thing that attracts pilgrims and pilgrims to Kailash is the opportunity to make kora - a ritual tour. It is believed that a single bypass of Kailash gets rid of all sins of life, and 108-fold allows you to go to nirvana during this life. There is no doubt about the veracity of the last statement, since one detour around the mountain is equal to 53 kilometers.

The exact height of the mountain is questionable. For example, monks claim that Kailash reaches 6 666 m, and scientists call the figure 6 714 m. In addition, Kailash “breathes” - the mountain “grows”, then “falls”, and therefore its height changes by several tens of meters per year … Also worth mentioning is the climbing taboo, thanks to which Kailash is still considered unconquered. Any expedition to the mountain is possible only with the special permission of the Chinese authorities. But the earthly rulers, apparently, Kailash is not a decree: they say that everyone who ever tried to climb to the top either died or returned without reaching the goal. So, allegedly in Soviet times, on the slopes of Kailash, two expeditions of the NKVD disappeared without a trace …

What kind of place is this? In fact, Kailash is a regular four-sided pyramid, the slopes of which are oriented to the cardinal points. The top is rounded in the shape of an egg and covered with a cap of eternal ice, and Kailash itself seems to be composed of 13 horizontal stepped layers. Outwardly, the mountain resembles a giant stone staircase leading from the base to the top.

The main mystery of Kailash is its slopes, which look like concave stone mirrors up to 1,800 m high. According to some scientists, they can influence the course of time. In particular, the famous Russian explorer Ernst MULDASHEV, who tried to climb the mountain in 1999, was warned by local residents not to leave the sacred paths laid by the lamas. Say, otherwise there will be trouble. And they told a story about four climbers: they deviated from the sacred roads, and upon returning from the expedition began to age sharply. As a result, they all died in one year - and medicine could not name the cause of their death.

And either the horror story worked that way, or the Higher Forces intervened, but Muldashev never ascended the top of Kailash …

Curious geometry

Continuing the topic, one cannot but say that all the ancient shrines - Kailash, Stonehenge, pyramids (Egyptian and Mexican), Easter Island - are located on planet Earth by no means haphazardly, as it might seem at first glance.

The main "mirror" of Kailash looks exactly at the Egyptian pyramids, and the other two, northern "mirrors" - at the Mexican ones. The Sphinx also faces Kailash. Believe it or not, if you connect the Kailash and the Egyptian pyramids by the meridian, the continuation of the line will lead us to Easter Island. And the distance from Mount Kailash to the pyramids will be exactly one quarter of the distance from Kailash to Easter.

The continuation of the line "Easter Island - Mexican pyramids" will lead us to Kailash again! At the same time, the distance from stone idols to the pyramids will also be equal to one quarter of the route from Easter to Kailash.

Let's go further: we connect Kailash with the Stonehenge monument and see that the continuation of the straight line leads us to … Easter Island. We put off one third of the distance from the island and find ourselves exactly in the Bermuda Triangle!

To top it off, one cannot but recall the official height of Mount Kailash - 6,714 meters. Meanwhile, it is 6,714 km that separate Kailash and Stonehenge! The same amount is from Stonehenge to the Bermuda Triangle and from the Bermuda Triangle to Easter Island. Moreover, from Kailash to the North Pole is also 6,714 km!

Celestial Stone Belt

Despite the fact that the parallels and meridians are conditional lines, it is the 30th parallel that can be seen from space. True, from a very small orbit, in conditions of good visibility and only on the territory of China, where its contour … was "circled" by the builders of the Great Wall of China. This monumental building 8 851.8 km long can be rightfully considered the greatest achievement of world civilization, the main secrets of which have not yet been solved.

First, the geographical location. Scientists have reconstructed the approximate configuration of the Eurasian continent 2,200 years ago. So, at that time the Great Wall of China went almost along the 30th parallel. There were no accurate maps of the earth's surface at that time, even more so aerial photography, and therefore the question naturally arises: who was the main architect of this project?

The second riddle: the practical use of the wall. It is generally believed that the construction of the "stone belt" began due to the need to strengthen the borders of the Chinese state. In the north, nomads were gaining strength, and the empire decided to isolate itself from the outside world. This version is generally accepted, but in our case another is more interesting.

The basis of the grandiose monument was two load-bearing walls located at a distance of 7 meters from each other. The gap between the walls was covered with soil, clay and the bodies of unnamed workers, who were buried in the wall in an upright position. According to some reports, during the construction in the Great Wall of China about … a million people were buried! If we consider that the human soul periodically returns to the place of burial of the body, then one can imagine what a colossal energy gathers here.

Researchers of anomalous phenomena consider this millionth burial to be nothing more than a huge battery. But then the question immediately arises: what and how did she nourish? It is known that any physical body has an electrical potential, and the planet Earth - in the first place. The Great Wall of China was not built anywhere, but in the place of the outflow of this potential to the north and south! According to the laws of electrodynamics, the movement of our planet around the Sun generates an electromagnetic wave, the phase velocity of which is much greater than the speed of light, and this creates all the conditions for establishing communication. With whom?

Apparently, with space.

According to scientists, the outer walls of the monument can be used as a two-wire communication line. A signal was supposedly sent through them, which changed the structure of the natural electromagnetic field of the Earth and sent information through … the intergalactic communication complex in Giza!

Alien transmitter

Scientists have long disproved the theory of 19th century Egyptologists who believed that the pyramids were grandiose tombs built by the pharaohs during their lifetime. After all, in none of the pyramids was found the body of the Pharaoh, by whose order it was built.

For some time, it was believed that evidence of this hypothesis was found in the third largest pyramid - Pharaoh MENKAUR. After all, it was there in 1837 that British Colonel Howard WEISS and two of his assistants found a sarcophagus with mummified remains. But in fact - and this fact has long been known to scientists, although not too publicized - neither the mummy, nor even the wooden sarcophagus belonged to Menkaur! Most likely, Weiss and his colleagues brought into the pyramid a sarcophagus made two millennia after the death of the pharaoh, and remains dating from the Christian era - and joined together two artifacts. The result is a shameless archaeological forgery!

Why the "seventh wonder of the world" was actually built, we can only guess. And if so, the version about the practical use of the pyramids as a transmitter also deserves attention. According to this hypothesis, the top of the main pyramid - Cheops - was used as a receiving point for cosmic energy information, formed in the form of a spiral and directed downward. Scientists know that pyramidal structures are generators of an energy field, the parameters of which have not yet been determined by traditional science. In view of these revealed effects, flights of any aircraft are prohibited over the Giza complex: navigation devices and engines too often fail over the pyramids.

For whatever the pyramids were built in Egypt, their creators knew the length of the equator and the length of the year to within a few decimal places. They knew the length of the earth's orbit, the specific gravity of the Earth, the 26,000-year equinox cycle, the acceleration of gravity and the speed of light … And the location of the pyramids exactly on the 30th parallel suggests that the construction was carefully geographically verified …

Where and by whom?

In addition to the grandiose megaliths, the ancients built their sacred cities on the 30th parallel, and it is not known who and why advised people to do this. Where did they get the knowledge and technology for construction? Why then were they lost and revived at best during the Middle Ages?

Think of the Maya Indians who set their alarm on December 21, 2012. How could people who made bloody sacrifices independently reach such deep and accurate astronomical calculations? Or how to explain that the small African people of the Dogon, living on the territory of the Republic of Mali, even in ancient times knew about the trajectory of the Sirius satellite invisible to the naked eye, about the four largest moons of Jupiter, about spiral galaxies and other astronomical realities?

There are no exact answers to these questions. And they are unlikely to ever appear. Traces of civilizations that have gone into the past have for the most part already been erased by time and man, and it is likely that our present world will one day sink into oblivion … God grant that this should not happen earlier than in 4024 …