Earthlings Enslaved By Alien Reptiles? - Alternative View

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Earthlings Enslaved By Alien Reptiles? - Alternative View
Earthlings Enslaved By Alien Reptiles? - Alternative View

Video: Earthlings Enslaved By Alien Reptiles? - Alternative View

Video: Earthlings Enslaved By Alien Reptiles? - Alternative View
Video: Ancient Aliens: DNA Reveals Human/Alien Hybrids (Season 7) | History 2024, July

Former goalkeeper of British football club "Coventry City" and now journalist David Icke published an article on his website in which he claims that during the opening ceremony of the London Olympics, satanic symbols were used and this action was in fact a secret black mass.

According to Hayk, one of the stadiums that hosted the Olympic Games is part of a hidden energy system designed to create vibrations that help Satanists control people. At the same time, the giant bell that was rocked at the opening of the Olympics was specially tuned to a frequency that allows Satan's minions to brainwash everyone who hears his ringing. Even the famous Olympic rings, according to Hayk, are nothing more than a satanic sign. "We are ruled by Satanists, or even alien aliens!" - the ex-footballer summarizes categorically.

David Vaughn Icke, after retiring from the sport, was a sports commentator for the BBC and a speaker of the British Green Party. He joined the ranks of conspiracy theorists in 1997 and has since written 16 books on conspiracy theories. Ike believes that alien reptiles rule the inhabitants of the Earth through magicians and Satanists. The latter know how to disguise themselves as people, but in order to preserve their human appearance, they need our blood, which they obtain in the most terrible ways.

America prepares for a zombie invasion

The image of zombies - "living dead", whose body is at the mercy of a certain force, forcing the corpse to walk and attack "normal" people - has recently been used not only in horror films. As it turned out, the US authorities also show interest in the topic of zombies.

According to an official statement recently made by the American company HALO Corp., which serves the government, in the near future, military, police, doctors and civil servants will undergo special trainings, during which they will learn how to act effectively in conditions when part of the population has turned into zombies.

To preserve the effect of surprise, the organizers of these events decided not to disclose the details of the zombie training. It is only known that according to the scenario an epidemic of a virus begins on Earth, which devours the human brain. In these conditions, representatives of various government services will practice their skills in dealing with the pandemic.

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In fairness, it should be noted that similar exercises in the United States have already been conducted before. Thus, the Department of Homeland Security arranged a "funny" training alarm for citizens, announcing the threat of an attack by the rebellious dead.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also once organized a training zombie alarm to raise awareness of health issues. His leadership later had to explain to the press that the department did not believe in the existence of zombies.

At the same time, the US authorities constantly say that the Americans "must be ready for any, even the most incredible threat", which leads to bleak conclusions. According to specialists who are familiar with the problem of zombification firsthand, modern biotechnology may well lead to the transformation of ordinary people into zombies. And not figuratively, but literally.

Apparently, therefore, the future armies of the walking dead have already had their own leader - a certain Mr. A. Zombie, who announced that he would defend the rights of the undead, even if he had to die for it - once again.

Claudia Schiffer suffers from a ghost

The top model known in the past, Claudia Schiffer, who is already in her fifties, has experienced great disappointment due to the tricks of evil spirits in her mansion "Coldham Hall" in British Suffolk. After paying ten million pounds, she felt that her childhood dream of owning her own castle had finally come true. However, as it turned out, the building, built in 1574, is the abode of a ghost, which is not deterred even by the presence of a functioning chapel on the estate.

Soon Schiffer learned from local residents that, in addition to a ghost named Penelope who was visiting his former possessions, there were paintings in one of the halls that, in order to avoid trouble, should not be moved under any circumstances. They say that the canvases are cursed, and everyone who dares to remove them from the wall is in for something terrible.

By the way, a native of Germany, Claudia Schiffer at first was very skeptical about stories about otherworldly phenomena. However, soon both she and her husband Matthew Vaughn became convinced that the ghost really exists. According to the famous blonde, she became very scared when she first saw a translucent silhouette moving through the air. (Who would have doubted …) After that, Schiffer forbade her household to even touch the "damned" paintings.

Since at first Schiffer did not intend to move out of the mansion, she had to pay a lot of money to the hunters for evil spirits, who arrived at her house with cleansing missions. However, all measures had an unstable result - hiding for a while, the ghost reappeared “in public”.

Since the couple has two young children growing up, their parents seriously fear for the psyche of preschoolers, who are clearly not ready to meet the spirits. Perhaps this problem will ultimately cause the star family to move to a quieter place.