Alien Mummies And Unknown Pyramids: What Surprised Archaeologists? - Alternative View

Alien Mummies And Unknown Pyramids: What Surprised Archaeologists? - Alternative View
Alien Mummies And Unknown Pyramids: What Surprised Archaeologists? - Alternative View

Video: Alien Mummies And Unknown Pyramids: What Surprised Archaeologists? - Alternative View

Video: Alien Mummies And Unknown Pyramids: What Surprised Archaeologists? - Alternative View
Video: What Is Hiding Under The World Famous Nazca Lines In Peru | Blowing Up History 2024, September

People almost from the very inception of science, having begun to fully study the world around them, asked themselves the question: is there someone else in the Universe who is also intelligent? Some kind of extraterrestrial civilization that is able to impress with its incredible knowledge and abilities? Or are earthlings a unique phenomenon for all existing Galaxies? Theoretically, life can indeed arise on other planets. This proves the fact who millions of years ago were for this condition on Mars, which actually resembled a second Earth because of what happened there.

The only thing that the red planet did not have enough of its large satellite to balance the axis without a strong amplitude of oscillations and to be less attacked by asteroids, which, as scientists assume, have recaptured significant pieces from this celestial body. As a result, Mars not only became smaller, but, accordingly, due to its mass, it could not hold the atmosphere sufficiently to keep water in a liquid state, and not only in the form of glaciers at the poles.

In fact, now there is no one on the Red Planet, although some ufologists still believe that someone lives there, stubbornly insisting on this when studying photographs. The latter, made by the rover, are carefully viewed, and in every pebble there they see something that proves the existence of local aborigines. However, even if you do not take this, experts are actively studying what they manage to unearth on their home planet. Over the latter, such strange objects often appear in the sky in different corners that even complete skeptics admit: this is hardly some kind of another optical illusion, but more still some kind of alien space ships.

Since there are UFOs, this means that extraterrestrial civilizations have been or are on our planet. Their traces are diligently sought. Either a strange piece of metal is found at the bottom of the sea, which naturally could not be there due to its weight and unusualness, then they are looking for a new explanation for the well-known ancient phenomena. All kinds of excavations are especially interesting in this regard. One way or another, but no one knows the reliable history of the Earth, everything is based on conjectures and hypotheses. The ancient chronicles, as you know, could have been rewritten for the purposes of local rulers, and some of the records were made in such strange languages, hitherto not preserved in practically any form, that interpretations are generally made there at random. What surprised the latest research of archaeologists?


First of all, it is worth mentioning the discovery of an unusual mummy in Peru. To specialists, she very much reminded not of a person, but of an alien-humanoid, such as he is depicted in pictures and described in science fiction. When they carried out an X-ray examination and magnetic resonance imaging, and also studied the same mummies, they came to the conclusion that the remains in front of them were certainly not an earthly intelligent inhabitant. The mummy has only three fingers on each hand, there is no hair, the skull is elongated, resembles a dome, huge eye sockets and a tiny mouth. However, not all experts agree with this. According to skeptics, just a person at that time lived with such a congenital anomaly.

However, if so, then there must be a reason why an individual could be born that way. Such strange mutations can be, presumably, from radiation - explosions or falls of large meteorites, which also bring with them harmful vapors, some of which can bring a headache or even more affect the body. However, if there were such a thing, then at least some mention of such a catastrophe would remain - either in the chronicles, and if not in them, then at least on the earth's surface. Geology has now reached such a development that it is already easy to distinguish when something fell on our planet in antiquity, and when it did not. There is no information about Peru that there was some kind of catastrophe during the period of the appearance of a strange intelligent subject and, therefore, the creature could in no way be born like this from an earthly person. Therefore, with a high degree of probability, archaeologists actually unearthed the remains of an alien.


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The next point is the study of ancient drawings. Rock painting is a phenomenon characteristic of the past of our Earth. Reasonable creatures, not differing then in a special fantasy, most often depicted what they just saw around. Basically, these drawings are quite primitive and do not represent anything special, they are easy to identify with existing objects and phenomena of the Earth. However, there is something that is beyond logical explanation. Some of the images found by American specialists are too unusual. According to the testimony of some of them, the drawings very much resemble real spaceships.


Finally, the Egyptian pyramids remain no less mysterious for humanity. Scientists question whether pharaohs, local rulers, were actually buried there in ancient times. It is interesting that the religious buildings of the Egyptians were little described in the chronicles. The famous Greek historian Herodotus mentioned them for the first time, but for some reason this brilliant scientist of antiquity had strange moments in his records. For example, he stated that slaves carrying stone blocks weighing several tons each spent almost 5 minutes on each. Were the Egyptians so strong? If this is the case, then for what reason did the "super-people" not capture all the surrounding territories of the ancient world? Not conquered at least the same Greece?


Rare testimonies from ancient Egyptian historians convey the local legend that the pyramids were built for aliens. Scientists are inclined to believe that this may be true, since the technologies used for buildings and so on are very alarming. One gets the impression that the pyramids were created with the help of tools that are not available to everyone now, after thousands of years. Accordingly, there is a version that it was the aliens who were involved in this.

Irina Letinskaya
