Traces Of Aliens Were Found In A Village In India - Alternative View

Traces Of Aliens Were Found In A Village In India - Alternative View
Traces Of Aliens Were Found In A Village In India - Alternative View

Video: Traces Of Aliens Were Found In A Village In India - Alternative View

Video: Traces Of Aliens Were Found In A Village In India - Alternative View
Video: LIFE BEYOND II: The Museum of Alien Life (4K) 2024, September

In India, the inhabitants of the village of Anturu are confident that alien creatures live on the territory of their village. The residents consider the fact that suspicious tracks have been found in the village several times as proof of this judgment.

They claim that the found footprints are somewhat similar to human ones, but the distance between them is about 1 meter, which is impossible for a person.

Also, quite recently, the Indians discovered about 30 new mysterious prints on their territory. Immediately after the discovery, the frightened local residents made a cast of one print and gave it to scientists for study by ufologists.

The villagers complain that from time to time they are frightened by a terrible sound, somewhat reminiscent of heavy breathing.

Nowadays there are many assumptions and legends about the village. Some say that these are aliens, the second - that a monster, while skeptics believe that some new beast has just turned up. But everyone agrees that something that now lives in Antur is fraught with danger.

The Indian authorities are comforting the concerned residents and have already sent scientists to the village to investigate the mysterious events.