Knights And Dragons. True Or Fiction? - Alternative View

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Knights And Dragons. True Or Fiction? - Alternative View
Knights And Dragons. True Or Fiction? - Alternative View

Video: Knights And Dragons. True Or Fiction? - Alternative View

Video: Knights And Dragons. True Or Fiction? - Alternative View
Video: How Good Do You Think You Are.... | Knights And Dragons 2024, September

Each child read stories of brave knights fighting monstrous dragons. But here is the paradox - why did the fabulous reptiles resemble dinosaurs so much? Maybe this similarity is not accidental, and the characters in question in the tales really intersected and even entered into single combat?

How long did giant reptiles live?

According to the Eastern calendar, every year it is associated with one of the 12 representatives of the fauna. And did any of you think about the question: "Why 11 of them are real individuals, and the twelfth being (dragon) is fabulous?" Was this animal real at the time of the calendar?

Once upon a time, our planet was inhabited by giant lizards - dinosaurs. But that was until an incredible asteroid fell into the area where the Gulf of Mexico is currently located. This fall did not pass without a trace for the planet, and the climate on it has changed beyond recognition. Following the climate, the flora and fauna underwent changes. As for the dinosaurs, they are completely extinct!

But not everything is so simple. Some scientists believe that the process of extinction of dinosaurs was not short-lived, but stretched out in time for many millions of years. It was difficult to refute this theory, but it also failed to prove until a certain time. But once the American researchers were lucky - they found the bones of a dinosaur, which were younger than the remains of its relatives by about one million years.

Disaster survivors

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It turns out that not all the lizards died as one. The survival of some individuals was facilitated by their anatomical features. For example, platypuses, the name speaks for itself, had short front legs and powerful well-developed hind legs. They moved in giant leaps, easily fleeing from their enemies.

Platypus dinosaurs lived for a very long time. Judging by the fact that an incredible amount of foliage was found in their stomachs, these reptiles lived on land. Perhaps this saved them, since the main impact of the asteroid was taken over by the aquatic environment. The likelihood of the survival of giant individuals of other species should not be ruled out.

At the end of the 20th century, gigantic reptiles, which in their structure strongly resemble plesiosaurs, came across several times in the seine of Chinese commercial fishermen. Unfortunately, the researchers did not get anything from these finds, everything went for food or for sale. The Chinese have long considered the dragon to be a living pharmacy. Apparently, the successful fishermen have “healed well”.

Is it possible to fly a pterodactyl?

Dragon myths are found among many peoples. And how these reptiles look like dinosaurs! One gets the impression that the ancient people still found living giants. Some researchers believe that primitive people periodically only dug up the bones of monsters, and then composed their legends. It is possible that this is how the image of the formidable dragon appeared. But now it's time to remember the amazing Ica stones.

For your reference: the Ica stones are ancient boulders, on the surface of which the inhabitants of the Andes and Peru are depicted. It is not possible to determine the real age of these minerals.

The renowned collector Javier Cabrera has collected over 12 thousand stones of this kind. He suggests that in the distant past, these unique specimens played the role of a library. Almost all the achievements of that time were depicted on the stones of Ica. The age of the drawings was never determined, but this did not at all affect their historical value.

What is the most common in the drawings? Anything you want - unexplored continents, operations performed on vital organs, the study of planets, etc. There are also drawings depicting huge reptiles and hunting them, as well as turning them into "livestock." But most impressive is the drawing in which a middle-aged man hovers in the clouds riding a pterodactyl!

Thanks to the dinosaurs, the quite ordinary Mexican city of Acambaro received its portion of fame. In this settlement, several thousand statuettes were found, made of clay in ancient times. Among them, prehistoric reptiles and other animals accounted for about 2590 pieces. In the general composition, next to the figures of dinosaurs, there were figures of people. This once again suggests that at some historical moment, the paths of reptiles and our ancestors crossed.

Dinosaurs of Russia

There is evidence to support the presence of giant lizards in the territory of modern Russia. If you look at the plaques made by the inhabitants of the Chud tribe, you can see images of not only wolves, foxes, wild boars and other animals common in our country, but also long-extinct reptiles. Obviously, tribal members met with living lizards.

The notes of the Austrian ambassador S. Herberstein also contain confirmation of the existence of mysterious giants on Russian land. He wrote that this land is full of forest thickets where something unimaginable is happening. According to the ambassador, the Slavs worshiping idols fed snake-like creatures. They moved on four legs and had a thick dark body.

Chronicles of the 10th century indicate that huge snakes crawled out of the rivers, which ate people and all living things around. And the prince's squad was aimed at fighting the monsters. The warriors fought with the monsters for a long time, until they retreated.

It turns out that both our warriors and European soldiers were fighting not with some fictional dragons, but with very real giant lizards, which we call dinosaurs. The result of this struggle was the complete extermination of reptiles, which at one time survived the fall of the asteroid.
