Snakemen: Are They "gods" - Or An Extinct Race? - Alternative View

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Snakemen: Are They "gods" - Or An Extinct Race? - Alternative View
Snakemen: Are They "gods" - Or An Extinct Race? - Alternative View

Video: Snakemen: Are They "gods" - Or An Extinct Race? - Alternative View

Video: Snakemen: Are They
Video: Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago Battle Report - Ep 04 - 'Blood Totems' 2024, September

Where did people get such veneration of snakes from ancient times?

In human culture, myths and legends, snake-like creatures-deities have always been assigned a significant place. One can even say that it is so significant that it is difficult to simply write off it as a “fairy tale” or a flight of fantasy … Why would a person suddenly endow a snake with such qualities? As a rule, mythology is always based on some real-life events, which can only be covered with a "touch of exaggeration" (due to the number of retellings). And this is confirmed by modern scientific research - myths really in their own way convey to us the truth of the past, from the legends of Mesoamerica to Australia … But then what about the "snake deities"?..

Involuntarily the question is, mythological lizards (to which so many ancient statues were built), snakes, and dragons - were they really present on the planet or were they simply used in legends as frightening symbols?.. If they were, then WHAT were they in reality? The answer to this question will be, neither more nor less, key to understanding ancient history …

More than three thousand years ago, the ancient Sumerians depicted their gods as half-reptilian-half-human. On excavations of ancient settlements, archaeologists have found unusual clay figurines of such gods. Scientists were amazed at their disproportion. The figurines had oversized shoulders, very narrow hips and incredibly long whip-like legs. But the most amazing part was the heads of these gods, which were the heads of the lizards.


Each nation has its own legends, in which an intelligent reptile or flying lizard is necessarily present. Moreover, the abundance of these legends is amazing! For example, in Russian fairy tales it is the Serpent Gorynych, in Asian countries it is sacred Dragons, in Burma it is natami, in Tibet it is lu, in Laos it is praya nak, in India it is huge multi-headed serpent-people Nagi, supposedly living in the palaces of the underworld.

According to ancient Indian legends, a powerful naga civilization existed at the dawn of mankind. The nagas were so poisonous that even their breath or hypnotic gaze were considered deadly (reminiscent of the ancient Greek Medusa Gorgon, isn't it?.. It is possible that we are talking about the same creatures). Divine snakes were able to revive the dead (like the ancient Egyptian god Anubis), and change their appearance, turning into a human. Under the ground, the Reptilians have created magnificent palaces of gold and jewelry. Sacred serpent gods were able to suddenly appear and disappear, penetrating through the stronghold …

Some of the details about them may be "fantasy", since the nagas were considered "an endangered people" and probably disappeared and became extinct during the "Bronze Age". Amazingly, even their alphabet remained from the nagas - the "Devanagari language", which was preserved by people as "divine" …

Promotional video:

A short video about the naga:

Dragons are a symbol of great wisdom and knowledge

Not spared the veneration of "serpent people" and the Celestial Empire. In China, sacred Dragons belong to the earthly deities and are considered the guardians of the five spheres and all cardinal points. Chinese dragons, called moons, are divided into the following types: jiao is classified as scaly, yin is referred to as winged, qiu is referred to as horned, and chi is hornless. In the Chinese tradition of the Middle Ages, Lun was considered the progenitor of all living things; various living creatures originated from him - birds, animals, armor and scaly.

In Mesoamerica, symbols of the veneration of snakes are present almost everywhere (including on artifacts of the deep pre-Incan era), and the same legendary Quetzalcoatl is the "Feathered Serpent". He even leaves this land "on a raft of snakes …"


On the islands of the Atlantic Ocean (which, not without reason, suspect that they are a fragment of Atlantis), the legend about the "Last Dragon", conducting a dialogue with people, has been preserved.

It is worth pondering how and from where in completely different cultures of peoples, separated by thousands of kilometers and thick oceans, living on absolutely opposite continents of the planet, images of sacred reptiles (snakes, lizards, dragons) appeared almost simultaneously. They can be seen in ancient Egyptian frescoes, on stone steles in Guatemala, in the oldest drawings of China, India, Japan, Africa and even in Northern Europe, and sacrifices are made to them everywhere.

7 thousand years ago on the territory of the Crimea lived an ancient people called Taurus, he worshiped the serpentine goddess Virgo, and captured sailors and beautiful girls were sacrificed to her. In the Crimean temples, deep in the mountains in the Yeni-Sala cave, an ancient altar with the remains of human sacrifices was found. There is also a network of interconnected underground tunnels. Similar tunnels, deep underground, are found in other parts of the world.

But what does all this mean? Probably, it is worth recognizing that some "serpent people", intelligent and developed beings, really existed on our planet in its distant past. However, who were they and where did they come from here?

On this score, there are several hypotheses that need to be considered:

A short video will take a look at the problem of "serpent-men-serpent gods" from its own angle:

And here god is literally entwined with snakes

It is curious that in the first trimester of its life, the embryo in the mother's womb resembles a lizard. The earliest drawings show the origin of all life in the form of two intertwined snakes. So modern scientists represent the DNA molecules of all life on Earth - in the form of snake-like intertwined chains. In addition, geneticists have come to the conclusion that there are two hundred and twenty-one foreign genes in human genes. No other living creature on the planet has anything like it. And the traces of "fusion" in the second chromosome of a person directly speak of directed genetic intervention performed about 70-80 thousand years ago …


The fact that the "serpent people" really were is almost beyond doubt. Considering the layer of myths (they are also memories of a significant event) and a number of material artifacts, including the same serpent tongue - "the Devanagari alphabet." But how and where did they come from here?

A purely "earthly" hypothesis links them with a developed, and, most importantly, an intelligent species of dinosaurs - presumably the Stenonychosaurus - that survived to the times of mankind. At the same time, geneticists confirm that his brain (and, accordingly, intellectual capabilities) could be no less than that of a primitive person. Perhaps intelligent representatives of Stenonychosaurs could have survived the catastrophe 65 million years ago, hiding in underground shelters … Unfortunately, there are no facts confirming this (except for computer reconstructions) in the hands of supporters of the version. Potentially possible, yes … but how to prove it?

Another version, already cosmic, confirmed by individual myths, links the appearance of "serpent people" with … Venus. Let's recall the inherited South American "Venusian" calendar of 260 days (as opposed to 360 or 365-day cycle)! Approximately 300 million years ago, a global catastrophe occurred on Venus that destroyed life on the planet. However, perhaps some of the Venusian intelligent beings managed to migrate to the Earth?.. And we can talk just about the "serpent people".

Finally, the third hypothesis links the appearance of "serpent-people" directly with the "gods", aliens from Sirius … Allegedly, the gods created "serpent-people" as an experiment, one of their many experiments of "crossing" various terrestrial beings.

But, perhaps, the "gods" did not need genetic experiments to create "snakemen", because they themselves were them?!.. More precisely, the sought-after "snake-gods" …

A small curious video on the topic:

Many-armed naga - like the great god Shiva?

If we assume that the version about "dinosaurs" is correct (either an advanced form of stenonychosaurs, "intelligent dinosaurs", or reptilians from Venus, who migrated 300 million years ago), this automatically means that there was a real "passage yard" on Earth - whoever wanted to, he flew here. And not one mysterious race visited, but several. "Is the earth here?.. Turn it over here!" This, to put it mildly, hardly fits in the head …

However, it is possible that it was so. Why not? "This cannot be, because it can never be !!" is an excuse, not an argument.


But we can also assume that the "gods" were the "serpent people"! This version has no internal contradictions. “Gods” were rarely shown to people in their guise, and their appearance differed from the usual, human.

If we collect all the ancient images of gods, from different cultures and chronologically different in time by

many centuries or millennia, then all or most of them have pupilless eyes. Curious, isn't it? Sculptors - meticulous carvers paid such attention to other details (ears, hair, teeth and everything else), and the eyes are the "windows of the soul"! - empty. Perhaps the eyes of the "gods" (pupil) were different, and people simply did not know how to portray them. Therefore, they were left empty, convex.

Along with this, there are a large number of statues and figurines of "gods" in the guise of "lizardmen". And the "snake" badge was generally a kind of trademark. Ubiquitous. Like, "made by the gods"! Almost a publicity stunt of the ancient past.

We know that the "gods" came from an ancient, old planet, rich in copper, with blood based on hemocyanin (instead of hemoglobin we have). Computer analysis, which contains all these nuances and differences, just gives out that the optimal (from the point of view of a computer) carriers of such a race could be … "lizardmen"! Or the same "serpent people". Who would have to adapt on Earth to such difficult conditions for them …

We also know that the "gods" finally disappear and cease to appear on Earth at the end of the "bronze" (from 2200 BC). But from about the same time, mentions of a meeting with the "snakemen" cease to occur! And they become myths and legends, something that once was, but for some reason disappeared forever from the face of the Earth …

However, we do not insist that the "gods" were necessarily "serpent people." However, at the moment, given the available facts, it is this version that seems to us the least contradictory …

However, some are inclined to believe that the "serpent people" did not die out and did not disappear, but today they live among us, influencing earthly processes. Let's watch a video convincing this:
