The Strange Death Of Academician Pavlov - Alternative View

The Strange Death Of Academician Pavlov - Alternative View
The Strange Death Of Academician Pavlov - Alternative View

Video: The Strange Death Of Academician Pavlov - Alternative View

Video: The Strange Death Of Academician Pavlov - Alternative View
Video: Thinking, Fast and Slow | Daniel Kahneman | Talks at Google 2024, September

Perhaps any Russian person is well aware of the surname Pavlov. The great academician is known for both his life and death.

Many are familiar with the story of his death - in the last hours of his life, he summoned his best students and, using the example of his body, explained the processes taking place in a dying body. However, there is such a version that he was poisoned in 1936 for his political views.

Many experts believe that Ivan Petrovich Pavlov was the greatest scientist of St. Petersburg, second only to Lomonosov. He was a graduate of St. Petersburg University. In 1904 he received the Nobel Prize for his work on the physiology of digestion and circulation. It was he who was the first Russian to become a laureate of this award.

His works on the physiology of the nervous system and the theory of "conditioned reflexes" became known throughout the world. Outwardly, he was stern - a thick white beard, a hard face and rather bold statements, both in politics and in science. For many decades, it was in his appearance that many imagined a true Russian scientist. During his life, he received many invitations to the most prestigious world universities, but he did not want to leave his native country.

Even after the Revolution died down, when life was rather difficult for him, like many members of the intelligentsia, he did not agree to leave Russia. His home was searched several times, six gold medals were taken away, as was the Nobel Prize, which was kept in a Russian bank. But it was not this that offended the scientist most of all, but Bukharin's insolent statement, in which he called the professors robbers. Pavlov was indignant: "Am I a robber?"

There were also moments when Pavlov almost died of hunger. It was at this time that the great academician was visited by his acquaintance, a science fiction writer from England, Herbert Wells. And seeing the life of an academician, he was simply horrified. The corner of the Nobel Prize-winning genius's study was littered with turnips and potatoes, which he and his students grew to keep from starving to death.

However, over time, the situation has changed. Lenin personally gave instructions, according to which Pavlov began to receive an enhanced academic ration. In addition, normal communal conditions were created for him.

But even after all the hardships, Pavlov did not want to leave his country! Although he had such an opportunity - he was allowed to go abroad. So he visited England, France, Finland, USA.

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Pavlov regularly attended church, although the official party policy quite transparently hinted that this was unsafe. The academician was not afraid to be baptized on the street, which caused considerable panic among his acquaintances. He himself regularly attended the Church of the Sign. For this he was even subject to ridicule. Small-minded people composed jokes about the genius.

An equally well-known fact that his religiosity was, were his assertions that the average person does not live even half of his term.

Pavlov was generally distinguished by excellent health, illnesses seemed to bypass him. He himself only laughed and said that it was enough to stay away from stress and quit smoking to live at least a century. In addition, he argued that a person can easily live for a century and a half! Alas, he himself died when he was 87 years old. Moreover, his death was rather mysterious.

There are no fewer rumors about the death of Academician Pavlov than about his life. But reliable information is enough to recreate the last hours of a genius's life.

He conducted them in the same way as Socrates. However, if he took poison, after which he simply talked with his comrades, then Pavlov, and by his death, decided to benefit society and science. Feeling constantly unwell, he decided to invite his students. After that, he quietly but clearly explained to them what processes were going on in his body. He told them to touch his already cold hands and told in detail that this begins rigor mortis. And so his life ended, surrounded by attentively listening students.

Just at the moment of this "lecture", a visitor, whose name is unknown, knocked on the door. But they didn’t let him in, motivating it with the words: “The academician is busy. He is dying".

To say that the death of an elderly, but very strong academician surprised many is to say nothing. There was a wave of rumors that it was murder. By the way, many associate this with the activities of Yagoda, who even then had the famous "laboratory of poisons" that were used to eliminate political opponents.

The main reason for this is believed to be the academician's public statements, which he did not want to hide - directed against the power of the Soviets. It was he who was one of the very few citizens in the country, one of those who were not afraid to openly speak out in defense of people who were subjected to unjust repression. There are also rumors that supporters of Zinoviev, ruling in Petrograd, have openly threatened the scientist more than once.

But the academician did not leave his beloved city even after his death. Many old-timers said that they had to meet the ghost of the academician after his death. He wandered near the Church of the Sign until its destruction. In the book "Ghosts of the Northern Capital" by the writer Sindalovsky, there is a case when the ghost of Pavlov was noticed in the church itself. The witness saw the exact double of the academician descending from the kliros, holding a large church book in his hands. He remarkably resembled Pavlov - the same physique, face and even beard looked exactly the same. There was only one difference - Pavlov limped after breaking his leg. The double walked smoothly and without limp.

It was after this incident that many other precedents were noticed when the ghost of Academician Pavlov was seen in these places.