The Old New Year Is Coming To Us! - Alternative View

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The Old New Year Is Coming To Us! - Alternative View
The Old New Year Is Coming To Us! - Alternative View

Video: The Old New Year Is Coming To Us! - Alternative View

Video: The Old New Year Is Coming To Us! - Alternative View
Video: Sing 2 - Official Trailer [HD] 2024, September

In every country in the world there are many amazing, funny, unlike anything else and incomprehensible to foreigners holidays. One of them originated in Russia - this is the old New Year. A strange name, isn't it?

Everybody lies calendars

In fact, the Russians could not decide on the date of the new year for many centuries. Our distant ancestors celebrated the new year on March 22 - the day of the vernal equinox, when nature finally woke up and a new cycle of agricultural work began. Later, from about the 10th century, the beginning of the new year gradually shifted to September 1, when the Slavs were harvesting and could celebrate the change of years with an abundant cheerful feast.

The date of the holiday did not change until the very beginning of the 18th century, when Peter I, an adherent of all kinds of updates, again decided to move the dates for the arrival of new years. At the end of 7208 (1699), the sovereign signed a decree, which announced: "The future General, from the 1st, a new year 1700 comes, and a new century will come." According to this decree, the Russians were supposed to celebrate the celebration as magnificently as possible: decorate houses and gates of estates with spruce, pine and juniper branches, arrange fireworks, burn bonfires and shoot from guns. Children were supposed to sled from the mountains, and adults were to give gifts to children. In the process of festive feasts, it was considered good form to say toasts to a happy new year and wish each other family happiness and prosperity. But drinking too much, brawling and fighting on New Year's Eve was strictly forbidden, since "there are enough other days for that."

From then until now, the onset of the New Year in Russia is celebrated on January 1. But for the appearance of a curious old New Year, one should thank the Russian Orthodox Church. In mid-February 1918, the young Soviet government issued a decree establishing in the Land of Soviets "the same reckoning of years with all cultural peoples." The fact is that before the revolution, the Julian calendar was in effect in the Russian Empire, and in most countries of the world - the Gregorian calendar, which differed from the Russian one by 13 days. But the top church leadership showed extreme conservatism, and the church still continues to live according to the "old style." Thus, the Russians acquired two Christmas holidays and two New Years, with the main one falling on the Christmas fast.

Vasiliev's day signs

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However, by the beginning of the old New Year, the fast ends, and with it any restrictions in the holiday scenario: everyone can celebrate it the way he likes. Adherents of ancient traditions remember that on January 14, our ancestors celebrated the commemoration of St. Basil of Caesarea - a celebration traditionally associated with the future harvest. The main ritual for Vasilyev's day was "sowing" - a symbolic attraction to every home of abundance and prosperity. The children went on a journey to the peasant households and everywhere they "sowed" oats, wheat, rye, barley, buckwheat from mittens or sacks. When "sowing" the children wished the owners: "Ugly, God, everyone lives in the bins, that in the bins and for the great!" At this time, the "bolshaya" (the eldest woman in the family) was diligently catching "sowings" in the hem. All harvested grain was stored until the first sowing and was certainly added to the seeder "for a good harvest."

In addition to "sowing" for Vasilyev's day and the night preceding him, many beliefs and rituals have survived. Their performance can not only amuse the company gathered for the holiday, but also attract many good things to the participants of the celebration. In any case, our ancestors firmly believed that it would be so.

On the night of January 14, you need to burn all the clothes that have become unusable, and in the morning of the next day, you will certainly put on everything new in order to start a new life, without old sorrows and grievances. In the morning of Vasilyev's day, every self-respecting housewife should walk around the house clockwise, carrying three lighted candles in her hand. Then even the most terrible troubles will definitely bypass the dwelling and its inhabitants. On the day of the holiday, it is good to settle conflicts and ask for forgiveness - it is not accepted to refuse at this time, and therefore there is a chance to get rid of ill-wishers and restore friendship.

At midnight, from January 13 to January 14, any rejected gentleman can again try his luck and propose to the girl he likes. The sign says that if she gives her consent to marriage, then the new family will be strong and loving. In addition, on the eve of the holiday, you cannot take out the garbage from the yard, so as not to take out your own happiness with it. And on January 14, you should not count a trifle in your wallet - otherwise the year will be full of small troubles. To believe in old beliefs or not is everyone's personal business. But it will not be worse from their execution.

Treat on Generous Evening

Those who honor the customs of their ancestors will not have to think about the menu for the festive table. The evening before Vasiliev's day (that is, before the old New Year) is not in vain called Generous - the list of obligatory dishes for this feast is very extensive. Its main dish is considered to be kutya - a ceremonial porridge made of wheat, seasoned with lard and meat. They cook it in the morning and watch how the kutia itself and the dishes in which it cooks behave. A cracked pot or porridge that has crawled out promises trouble to the hostess, and therefore it is better to drown such a "substandard" in the nearest ice hole and start cooking again. If kutia was a success, it was eaten to the bottom, so as not to "jinx fate."

Since Saint Basil is revered as the patron saint of pig breeding, pork has always been the second most important product for the Generous Evening. In the richest houses in the old days, a whole baked pig stuffed with apples or cabbage was served on Generous Evening. Pork cutlets, baked ham or sausages stuffed with minced pork are no less popular both in the past and today. There is a special offer for vegetarians: you can bake pig-shaped cookies - they will also decorate the festive table with dignity.

It is interesting that with all the meat "lawlessness" on the table on Vasilyev's evening there should be no fish or birds, otherwise all happiness and luck may "float away" or "fly away" from home forever.

Another traditional dish for the Generous Evening is dumplings with different fillings. In some of them, various small objects are added for a kind of fortune-telling. What the guest takes out of the dumpling should tell him about the future. So, a thread means a journey to distant lands, a ring means a quick marriage, a button means buying new clothes, a coin means wealth, and a bean means the birth of a child.

So that the holiday does not end

Of course, there are some differences between the two New Years. On the night of January 13-14, the president does not make a solemn speech, the symbolic chiming clock on the Spasskaya Tower of the Moscow Kremlin does not begin the countdown of the new year, and Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden will visit only those who want it. By this time, corporate parties have time to make noise, the pre-holiday fuss stops. Yes, and no rest is expected, endless weekends are coming to an end, and the day of January 13 is an ordinary, working day.

But despite all these reasons, the popularity of the holiday among Russians is growing. According to opinion polls, the number of those wishing to check in at the "Old New Year" table already exceeds 60 percent.

Since this holiday is essentially free of stereotypes, it is in your hands to make the “repeated New Year” unforgettable for friends and family. Any games, practical jokes, making wishes are welcome (you can once again make up what you asked fate for the chimes, or you can come up with something new, because there are never many wishes).

Or you can just gather around the set table, give each other small gifts in addition to New Year's and again wish yourself and your loved ones a successful, good New Year. In many houses, elegantly decorated Christmas trees, multi-colored bulbs and rain are not removed until January 14. If there is a desire to enjoy New Year's television programs once again, then it is easy to do this, since on the night of the old New Year they are usually repeated.

Time for fortune telling

Among other things, Vasiliev's evening is considered "especially prophetic" for fortune telling. Many of them are well known to us, but on the old New Year's Eve, you can try out those ways to find out the future that you have never met before.

For example, one of the fortune-telling will help to find out the character of the future spouse (although it is more expedient to carry out it in rural areas). You need to go outside and look around - the animal that you meet first will indicate the character of the betrothed: a ram promises a stubborn husband, a cat - a sly one, a rooster - an arrogant prone to luxury. But the dog, even the cutest, promises, unfortunately, a “doggy” family life.

Another type of divination will help you find out what awaits you next year. For it, you need to put on the table four glasses, half filled with water. In the first, salt is stirred, in the second - sugar, the ring is lowered into the third, and the fourth remains only with water. The fortuneteller is blindfolded, and he randomly chooses one of the glasses - in it is his prediction. Sugar water promises happiness and joy, salty water promises trouble, a ring promises a wedding, and fresh water promises a year without visible changes.

As we can see, the old New Year has plenty of traditions. No matter how many of them you perform, the main thing is to have a lot of fun with your loved ones. Then the next year will definitely be happy.