Who Are The Beregini? - Alternative View

Who Are The Beregini? - Alternative View
Who Are The Beregini? - Alternative View

Video: Who Are The Beregini? - Alternative View

Video: Who Are The Beregini? - Alternative View
Video: Славянская мифология - Берегини 2024, September

One of the most controversial and unexplored characters in Slavic mythology. Specialists studying the culture and beliefs of our pagan ancestors have not yet come to a consensus on the origin and functions of these creatures. The Christian Church should be grateful for this, with a tenacity worthy of a better application, rooting out any evidence of that time and declaring any action other than its dogma heresy.

Nevertheless, it is safe to say that beregini are one of the most benevolent creatures for humans. Usually they appear in the form of beautiful young girls. An indispensable attribute of bereginia is a white shirt to the ground, completely hiding the figure, only the shoulders can remain open.


According to one version, Bereginya is the guardian of the clan, protecting family members or tribe members from illness and misfortune. She was worshiped as a symbol of fertility, the keeper of the hearth, an image that absorbed the creative maternal principle. It is believed that Bereginya is the Mother of everything, including the gods, who gave life to the entire material and spiritual world and protects it from troubles and suffering.


Another version, less common, but, in my opinion, more correct, is that the bereginas are creatures living on the banks of rivers, lakes and other bodies of water. They also look like young beautiful maidens, dressed in white robes and their main occupation is protecting the life and health of people in the water or near it. Just as in the case of the watercreepers, the bereginas, most likely, do not belong to the undead and do not carry any evil intentions in relation to the living. Meeting a Bereginya is considered a very good omen; such a meeting promises health, longevity and success in all endeavors.