Atlanteans Destroyed Themselves? - Alternative View

Atlanteans Destroyed Themselves? - Alternative View
Atlanteans Destroyed Themselves? - Alternative View

Video: Atlanteans Destroyed Themselves? - Alternative View

Video: Atlanteans Destroyed Themselves? - Alternative View
Video: The Sea Peoples & The Late Bronze Age Collapse // Ancient History Documentary (1200-1150 BC) 2024, September

Casey's "Messages" are filled with the most stunning information about the prehistory of humanity. It turns out that the human race has existed on Earth for at least ten million years. Cayce's associates considered this to be another successful prediction, since the fossilized remains of our distant ancestor, Australopithecus, are at least five million years old, while earlier hominids are fifteen million years old. However, this comparison spoils the conviction of Cayce himself that the earliest people existed only in the form of ethereal bisexual "thought-forms", which would be rather difficult to trace in the fossils.

According to the reports, starting from some indefinite date, these spirit entities began to become more tangible and divided into five races: white, black, yellow, brown and red. The red race founded a thriving civilization in Atlantis, but as a result its members became more materialistic and attached to the "lower substance" of their bodies. Humanity fully acquired a physical appearance, and in Atlantis, the first division of people into two sexes took place.

However, the peace of Atlantis was disturbed by monstrous animals, "monsters that have invaded the Earth in many places." Cayce was thought to be referring to dinosaurs, although it is believed that they died about 63,000,000 years ago. Explosives were developed to combat the monsters, but intoxicated by the power of new destructive weapons, the Atlanteans themselves became monsters. They turned to evil and even began to practice sacrifices. Simultaneously with spiritual degradation, technological development took place, which, perhaps, achieved even greater successes than our current society. According to Casey, the Atlanteans used balloons, airplanes, submarines, elevators, X-ray machines, "remote photography", tape recorders, anti-gravity devices and … of course, television! Subsequently, Casey's son called him a hint thatthat television was "commonplace in Atlantis," an ingenious insight: "This message was received even before television proved to be commercially viable in the United States."

Cayce revealed that the most perverse Atlanteans, known as the "sons of Belial", invented machines made of crystals that accumulate the power of the sun's rays. As a result of an explosion caused by an overload of the main device, about 50,000 BC, Atlantis split into five islands. The continued abuse of such powers led to the further destruction of Atlantis between 28,000 and 10,000 BC. The last cataclysm was fatal (it is described by the Greek philosopher Plato - see "Atlantis - Lost and Regained?" In the "Lost Lands and Disasters" section), although many Atlanteans managed to escape and found colonies in other parts of the world.

Regarding the last days of Atlantis, Casey appears to have had personal knowledge of this period, as he believed that he was once a priest named Ra Ta who ruled the Caucasus Mountains (present-day southern Russia and Georgia) around 10,500 BC. Anticipating the collapse of Atlantis, Ra Ta sent some of his subjects to Egypt, where they built the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid. Near the Sphinx, they built an underground "Hall of Memory", where there was a library containing the forgotten wisdom of Atlantis. A secret passage leads from one of the Sphinx's paws to this hidden treasure.

Exactly where refugees from Atlantis lived - in Egypt, Morocco, the Pyrenees, British Honduras, Yucatan and the whole territory of the Americas - Cayce predicted the findings of "direct evidence of the existence of this dead (Atlantic) civilization." This statement was made in 1932 (Message 364-3), when he also noted that the Bahamas was part of a lost continent "which can be seen today." The following year, Cayce stated that instructions for the construction of the deadly "firestone" from Atlantis are still preserved in three places: in Egypt, in the Yucatan and in the "submerged part of Atlantis, or Poseidonia, where part of the temple can still be found under the sediments of the ages and thick sea water - not far from a place called Bimini, off the coast of Florida”(Communication 440-5). It is unclear when, according to Casey,people will have the opportunity to discover these inscriptions, but in 1940 he specified the date when the fragment of Atlantis, submerged in the Bimini region, will rise to the surface again: “Poseidonia will be one of the first parts of Atlantis to rise from the sea - expect this in 1968 and 1969 year "(Communication 958-3, 1940).

As eccentric as Cayce's prophecies may seem, many believed there was a startling confirmation of his case in 1967 when pilots Robert Brush and Trigg Adame spotted and photographed from the air a rectangular structure off the coast of Andros Island, the largest in the Bahamas. In the published photographs, it was indeed possible to see something like a sunken building. The development of events followed in 1968 and 1969, as Casey had predicted. Brush and Adama showed their photographs to Dmitry Rebikov, a renowned expert in underwater photography. Together with the zoologist Dr. Manson Valentine, who for many years has conducted research in the Bahamas in search of disappeared civilizations,Rebikov examined the structure off the coast of Andros Island in 1968 and discovered a building about 100 feet by 75 feet, overgrown with algae. Valentine, who had previously participated in archaeological work in Yucatan, compared his plan with the plan for the temple of the classical Mayan civilization at Uxmal. Using a rather unusual method of determining the age from the depth under water (about six feet), he concluded that the structure belongs to the pre-Columbian period.

That same year, a local fishing guide drew Valentine's attention to an unusual J-shaped rock configuration located about 20 feet underwater off the north coast of Bimini. In a newsletter from the Miami Museum of Science (of which he was curator emeritus) Valentine said:

Promotional video:

“This is a long pavement of multifaceted flat stones, clearly worked and neatly laid in a simple repeating pattern. These stones have obviously been submerged for a long time, as the edges of the largest blocks have become rounded, giving them the domed appearance of round loaves of bread or stone cushions.

In an interview published in 1974, Valentine made it clear that he viewed the findings as confirmation of Edgar Cayce's predictions of the rise of Atlantis. These words have been picked up in dozens of books and magazine articles. Meanwhile, scuba diving in search of new traces of Atlantis continued and was accompanied by a stream of the most incredible claims. Some divers “saw”, but never were able to successfully photograph temples, columns filled with unknown energy, and even pyramids crowned with glowing crystals (these observations would be most logically explained by an acute attack of decompression sickness).

At the same time, many other psychics raised Cayce's banner and continued his work. After Valentine, the leading seeker of the link between Bimini and Atlantis was Dr. David Zink, professor of English literature and experienced diver, who regularly invited psychics on his expeditions to take "readings" on the spot. Its chief clairvoyant, Carol Huffstickler, revealed that the Bimini Road was actually part of a labyrinth built by highly evolved beings from the Pleiades star cluster who visited Earth on duty of "galactic missionary service." They built a labyrinth in Bimini as a sacred place "that will use the earth's magnetic field to raise human consciousness and spiritual healing." Zinc published these revelations in all seriousness in his book The Stones of Atlantis (1978).

On a more mundane level, the "Bimini Road" and the original structure found near Andros Island are indeed tangible objects that have been examined and photographed many times. Can they serve as proof of Edgar Cayce's method of psychic archeology?

James Peter