Avebury Henge Contains The Largest Stone Circle - Alternative View

Avebury Henge Contains The Largest Stone Circle - Alternative View
Avebury Henge Contains The Largest Stone Circle - Alternative View

Video: Avebury Henge Contains The Largest Stone Circle - Alternative View

Video: Avebury Henge Contains The Largest Stone Circle - Alternative View
Video: Avebury Henge | The Worlds Largest Megalithic Stone Circle in 4K 2024, September

Avebury henge contains the largest stone circle in the world, which few people know about. Researchers have discovered burial structures, which gives reason to think that the oldest complex served as a dwelling. Stonehenge is not the same, because Avebury henge consists of a 332-meter stone circle, which includes 2 more stone circles and an unusual alley of identical stones. The entire territory of the monument is surrounded by a round moat and hills of earth. But the origin of this piece of land is still unknown, because it has not been thoroughly researched like Stonehenge.

The last excavations were carried out in 1930. Even now, archaeologists cannot determine how the ancient city-dolmen was built - either it was built over the years, or as a whole. Mark Gillings with an experienced team was sent to conduct a second, more thorough study. Radar was used to search for historical structures and records. The main point of study was the southern side of the inner circle, which is 100 meters wide.


Thanks to the radars, a large accumulation of standing stones was discovered, buried in the very center of the circle, with sides 27 meters long. “We were shocked when we found the metal structures, which is very unusual,” Gillins said. This square was built around another structure, just a residential complex, which is located in the south of the inner circle.

Judging by the flint tools, the place and age of the dwellings, archaeologists are confident that the structures were built in the early Neolithic era, that is, around 3700 BC. Years later, the place was converted into a monument with the construction of a stone square, which was surrounded by an embankment. “This is a monument that has been looked after and developed in stages,” says Joshua Pollard, one of the archaeologists.

Archaeologists and scientists still cannot understand why the ancient people erected a monument on the site of an ordinary house. The house may have been valuable to the younger generation of those who built it, but this idea has yet to be proven. Archaeologists hope that in 6-7 years they will find out the truth. The team will also explore the northern inner circle.

Vladimir Bely

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