The History Of Stone Discs Bayan-Khara-Ula - Alternative View

The History Of Stone Discs Bayan-Khara-Ula - Alternative View
The History Of Stone Discs Bayan-Khara-Ula - Alternative View

Video: The History Of Stone Discs Bayan-Khara-Ula - Alternative View

Video: The History Of Stone Discs Bayan-Khara-Ula - Alternative View
Video: The Mystery of the Jade Discs | National Geographic 2024, October

The history of the Bayan-Khara-Ula stone discs began in the summer of 1962. In the German magazine "Das Vegetarisсhe Universum" ("Vegetarian Universe") there was an anonymous note that in 1937 in the mountains on the border of Tibet with China 716 strange stone discs with inscriptions were found … People about whom Chinese scientists have the most vague idea, several thousand years ago, with the help of some completely unknown tools, discs in the form of gramophone records were cut out of extremely hard granite.

716 stone discs found to date in the Bayan-Khara-Ula caves, like gramophone discs, have a hole in the center. A double groove extends from it in a spiral to the outer edge. Of course, this is not a soundtrack, but a letter - the most unusual of those that have ever been found in China, and, perhaps, in the whole world. In the caves of Bayan-Khara-Ula, skeletons were also found, which are 12 thousand years old.

These remains, attributed to the races of the drop and ham, in fact, are distinguished by a frail physique and powerful skulls. Archaeologists have not yet managed to ethnically classify these miniature people, whose height did not exceed 1 meter 30 centimeters. They have no resemblance to the Chinese, Mongols or Tibetans.

No one can say what lies behind the 12,000-year-old disks, but as for people, an ancient Chinese legend about small yellow people who came "from the clouds" comes to mind. Due to their ugly appearance - an unusually large head on a slender body - they were avoided by everyone, and in the end they were killed by "people on fast horses."

The first comments by Chinese archaeologists even talked about the "extinct species of mountain monkeys." But have you ever heard of the "graves" of monkeys? No wonder the archaeologist Zhi Putei, who put forward this hypothesis in 1940, was ridiculed throughout Asia. But in his defense, he explained that, in his opinion, only skeletons are monkeys, and discs with inscriptions were folded in caves by representatives of some later cultures.

Spreading the story from "Das Vegetarische Universum", journalists found out that during the Cultural Revolution in China, unusual skeletons disappeared, and almost all of the 716 discs were destroyed or lost. However, in the storerooms of several museums, by a miracle, isolated copies of artifacts from Bayan-Khara-Ula have been preserved.

In 1962, Tsum Um Nui, a professor at the Beijing Academy of Sciences, made a partial translation of hieroglyphs from stone discs. The professor's publication was immediately banned, and no wonder: according to the deciphered hieroglyphs, an alien spaceship crashed in the Bayan-Khara-Ula mountains 12 thousand years ago!

However, in 1963, Tsum Um Nui, despite the ban, decided to publish the results of his research. The full report is kept at the Beijing Academy and the Taipei Historical Archives in Taiwan. Soon Tsum Um Nui emigrated to Japan, where he wrote the final version of the study of stone discs and in 1965 he died …

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Inquiries from various publications about the fate of the disks were poured into China. And the official denial of this story soon followed. “The message about the discovery of“granite discs”in China is groundless.

We also do not know anything about any professor Tsum Um Nue,”read the answer from the Institute of Archeology of the Academy of Sciences of the PRC to the request of one researcher who tried to verify the truth of journal history. Moreover, connoisseurs of the Chinese language claim that the name Tsum Um Nui itself is unthinkable for a Chinese. In scientific circles, they did not hear anything about Zhi Pute, allegedly disgraced "all over Asia."

Specialists do not know the “Dropa” and “Ham” tribes. And so on all counts … It would seem that there is nothing more to talk about, but … Once, at a conference dedicated to "aliens", a stranger of middle age approached the author of books on ufology Peter Crassus.

He introduced himself as Ernst Wegerer, an Austrian engineer. According to him, in 1974 he and his wife visited China and saw something like the notorious "Bayan-Khara-Ula discs." The route of the Wegerer couple's trip ran through Xi'an, one of the most ancient cities in China.

Here, among other attractions, tourists visited the Banpo Museum, built on the site of the village of the same name, where archaeologists excavated a Stone Age settlement. Looking at the exposition of the museum, the guests from Austria suddenly froze in disbelief: in the glass window were displayed two discs with holes in the middle.

On their surface, in addition to concentric circles, spiral grooves were visible extending from the center, but the spiral inscription was crumbled. Are Bayan-Khara-Ula disks? Spouses Vegerer for such luck, really, did not hope …


"Is it possible to photograph these exhibits?" The pretty woman, the director of the museum, did not mind. However, when asked to tell about the origin of the disks, she reacted with a hesitation. “Obviously,” she said, “the items are of cult significance and are made of clay.” Strange: the disks did not resemble ceramics. Engineer Wegerer asked permission to hold them in his hands. The disks turned out to be weighty.

“Although I am not a geologist,” he later said, “it seemed to me that their material was similar to marble. In any case, it was undoubtedly a stone, greenish-gray and hard as granite. From where these items came to the museum, the headmistress also did not know. In March 1994, Peter Crassa also visited China and the Banpo Museum, but he did not see anything similar to the discs filmed twenty years ago by the engineer Wegerer.

And the headmistress (soon after the visit to the museum of the European couple) was recalled from here, and her current fate is unknown. The director of the museum, Professor Wang Zhijun, explained that the discs were removed from the exhibition and no one else saw them. When asked where the disks are now, the professor replied: "The exhibits you are interested in do not exist, and, being recognized as foreign components of the exposition, they were moved." How can you "move" a non-existent thing? Crassa was discouraged, but pressed with questions about the "Bayan-Khara-Ula disks." Finally, the Chinese ushered the guests into the museum's back room and showed them a Chinese textbook on archeology.

Thumbing through the pages covered with hieroglyphs, one of the owners of the study pointed at the drawing. It depicts a disc with holes in the center, from which arcuate grooves extend along the edges. Close to what was captured by Vegerer's camera and fully corresponds to the descriptions of the Bayan-Khara-Ula disks! It turns out that they are still known to Chinese archaeologists? Well, the journalists found scientific confirmation of the existence of "Chinese dwarfs" in Europe.

So, the English archives contain a mention of Dr. Caryl Robin-Evans, who visited the Bayan-Khara-Ula mountains in 1947. Robin-Evans found a tribe there, whose representatives called themselves Dzopa - this is how the scientist transcribed this name. The people of this tribe were no taller than 120 centimeters and lived in a lost valley, with practically no contact with the outside world.

Robin-Evans lived with mountain recluse for six months. During this time, he learned their language, learned history and studied traditions. The most interesting discovery of the scientist was the legend about the origin of dzop.

According to the stunted inhabitants of the mountains, their ancestors flew to Earth from the star Sirius. The ancestors of Dzop could not fly back and remained forever in the Bayan-Khara-Ula mountains.

At the end of 1995, the Associated Press reported that a hitherto unknown tribe, numbering about 120 people, was discovered in the Chinese province of Sichuan (bordering Tibet). The most notable feature of the tribe members is their extremely small stature. It does not exceed 1 meter 15 centimeters. Are the descendants of those very "dzopa" or "boor"?

However, in 1997, Chinese ethnologists declared the effect of increased concentration of mercury in local sources as the reason for the unusual appearance of the “descendants”.