Grigory Raputin. Another Story - Alternative View

Grigory Raputin. Another Story - Alternative View
Grigory Raputin. Another Story - Alternative View

Video: Grigory Raputin. Another Story - Alternative View

Video: Grigory Raputin. Another Story - Alternative View
Video: Rasputin: Dark Prophet (FULL MOVIE) 2024, September

Any story can be presented from any number of points of view, but a curious person one way or another compares all the information received, looking for a logical chain in the form of facts that most often leave more and more questions.

Grigory Efimovich Rasputin, who is known as an outstanding person, possessing strength of character, will of reason and mystical abilities that frightened all honest people.

It is interesting that Rasputin, as a figure, was of little interest to anyone, exactly as long as he suddenly became a friend of the family, and of the emperor himself.


How could this have happened? A simple man, of which the sovereign is full. that's lucky!

Rasputin was the son of a driver from the Tobolsk province, the Tyumen district, the village of Pokrovskoye, where the commoners, like all over the country, could not read or write.

Rasputin did not marry a countess or a princess, but chose a girl of his circle … unfortunately their firstborn dies. The death of a child undermines Rasputin's faith in God - we know this from the official version of history. After this tragic event, Rasputin began to go to taverns and taverns and took up robbery. Because drunken Rasputin constantly robbed, fellow villagers decide to expel him from the village … And they expelled him to the Verkhatursky monastery, where he is a drunkard robber and a man who does not believe in God, learned to read and write, the law of God and other sciences from the hermit old man Macarius … all these the events took place within one year.

How plausible? In a short period of time, from an illiterate drunk to sane people. Miracles!

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Mentor Macarius advises the already educated Rasputin - to travel! It would seem why? You have a wife - return to her, but it was not there!

And Rasputin listens to the elder, takes his bosom friend Dmitry Pecherkin and goes to Greece, and from there to Macedonia, where he visits monasteries in the mountains … however, there is no evidence of where he was and which countries he visited, but these travels took a couple of years.

After his return, he visits monasteries and holy places in Russia, after which he decides to return to his wife … and she gives birth to more children for him!

Questions arise, how much money did Rasputin travel with his friend, who sponsored him? Or did they pay money for studying in monasteries before? Let's not forget that he was a commoner.

in 1895, Rasputin was about 25 years old, but this is not certain, since no one knew his true age, and he, in turn, liked to embellish him, and not only his age … judging by his deeds and actions.

Let's go further.

Educated and fairly well studied the politics of religions during his travels, Rasputin, under the leadership of certain forces, creates the long-forgotten religious movement "Khlysty" - a faith based on mysticism and supported by Freemasonry.



Often this faith used closed meetings to organize secret ideas. Again, where did he get this idea of creating such a strange structure? who suggested? or is it some kind of third party plan?

This movement in Russia was very disliked by the Orthodox Church. Like, who he is and what he allows himself, because by this time he already had a large number of followers, as it were, people chosen by God.

At the same time, which is not a little important in Russia, discontent of the workers is going on all the way and the organizer of these political attacks against the tsar was priest Gapon.

Pop Gapon
Pop Gapon

Pop Gapon.

It was he who began the revolutionary movement with his associates from the Orthodox Church. Gapon finds support for such people, whom the workers could follow, in the person of the Karelin spouses.

Alexey Karelin
Alexey Karelin

Alexey Karelin.

Vera Karelina
Vera Karelina

Vera Karelina.

They are the organizers of the movement, later named "Bloody Sunday". Why did they agree to help Gapon? And all because priest Gapon was the first to utter the phrase "there is no tsar in Russia." How not? people were indignant! After all, there is and everyone knows him! Gapon pointed out the opposite, saying that if there was a king, people would live better. "And so it can be seen that there is no tsar", which means that there is no one to expect protection from the tyranny of the landlords and bankers. It was these words that prompted the people and the Karelin spouses to organize a campaign to the king, in order to see the emperor and ask for personal protection. And suddenly it’s true - there is no tsar in Russia.

The Karelin gathered about 150 thousand people, headed by priest Gapon and shouted "Let the sovereign come out to the people and give protection"

Where the emperor was - no one knows, he never came out, but the army and the gendarmerie were ready for these events and in order to prevent the large crowd, which unconditionally demands the king, they armed themselves and put cardons. And from the crowd came the rumor: "maybe there is a king, but to see - no one saw him, maybe they lie to us, maybe we have no protection."


The army and the gendarmerie had little choice - either to die the death of the brave from the stones of the workers, or to shoot.

The choice was made taking into account the fact that if the workers go through the cardons, they will seize weapons, and this could not be allowed. After all, this could destroy the entire political system of Russia already in 1905, and not in 1917.

The workers' movement was shot, according to various estimates from independent sources about 40 thousand people died.

Gapon fled to Gorky's apartment and there he changed his robe for ordinary clothes and cut his beard and said “THERE IS NO KING IN RUSSIA” - this is how history captured his words. After these events, the Orthodox Church renounced Gapon, stripping all ranks and titles. Later, Gapon was found hanged in a country house … they said that he hanged himself. Although he himself shouted that now, after the execution of the workers, it is impossible to stop … And he hanged himself. - a strange thing comes out.

And at this time, Rasputin returns from another trip to the holy land (present-day Izravil). And he was there often and what he did there again is not clear.


And the royal family, after the execution and all the pogroms, wants to flee to relatives in Great Britain … let me remind you that it was 1905 … and so at this time Grigory Rasputin appears at the court, as a miracle worker, as the leader of the movement of God's people, as the defender of the sovereign and his family … Just like that - and came. Allegedly on the recommendation of one of the Empress's friends. Official history says that Rasputin constantly rescued Tsarevich Alexei, who inherited from Queen Victoria of Great Britain, a terrible disease, when at the slightest push, blow or cut it was almost impossible to stop the blood, it coagulates very badly. - that is why Gregory has a place at court. If the tsarist doctors could not treat Alexei's illness, why was he not taken to Europe for treatment, they could at least try … but decided to trust Rasputin,which miraculously could stop bleeding! And now Gregory is presented to the court and dissuades the emperor's family from fleeing from Russia … what could Rasputin say to the emperor, what would he agree ???

He persuaded him, and moreover, in these troubled times, when the shooting did not stop - the family of the emperor appeared for the people to see! And she began to defile, as it were, in front of the amazed audience!

“So here he is, he is sovereign! Here is his family! So Gapon was deceiving us! There is a tsar in Russia! - repeated the people.

Tsarevich Alexei
Tsarevich Alexei

Tsarevich Alexei.

Alexei was so cured thanks to Rasputin that he even plays without fear of jolts or blows, and carries a dagger with him, as well as learning to reap the grass while holding a sharp sickle in his hands. Here it is a miracle, the tsar is on the spot, the family is on the spot and the Tsarevich is healthy!

Further, Rasputin was not only a friend of the family, but began to participate in the political affairs of Russia.

"If I say, then Nikolai's will" - said Grigory, talking about politics, not only domestic, but also foreign policy! And Nikolai himself never objected to Rasputin's words. As if Nikolai had retired and transferred all powers to Rasputin, it was like that for a long time, but until then, when someone from the crowd said: “But the tsar is not real!”, they say Rasputin, he only pretends that this royal family.”Even the officers began to notice that orders were not received from the emperor, and from Gregory … but what could they do, Nicholas did not mind.


Time passed, and newspapers more and more often showed the people the mysticism and miracles of Rasputin, as well as devotion to the family of the emperor, who is always away and busy with military affairs, that power was entrusted to Rasputin and he needed to be indulged in everything.

Rasputin tasted power to such an extent that he again began to drink and profligate every day, which lowered his authority in the eyes of noble entourage. The upper class began to notice that Rasputin began to be "brought in", he allowed expressions that literally insulted the royal couple … mocked them and said that the power of the emperor of Russia was alive as long as Rasputin was alive, and it depended on him what would happen to the sovereign.

Yusupov Palace
Yusupov Palace

Yusupov Palace.

In 1916, in the Yusupov Palace, Rasputin was drunk, tied up and tortured to tell the truth. What the princes of Russia heard shocked them: they realized that there had been a substitution of the royal family, they realized that the conspiracy of the Khlystov movement set the task of smoothly changing the levers of government to Rasputin … What they learned put them to a standstill, Russia was doomed, it had already been captured!

All they could do was eliminate the man who faked ruling the country. And so they did!

Then the revolution … and the family of the emperor was sent to Tobolsk (where Rasputin himself was from, a coincidence? I don’t think) and where he brought them from.

However, these are just guesses!