Old Town Orloj: The Most Mysterious Clock In Europe - Alternative View

Old Town Orloj: The Most Mysterious Clock In Europe - Alternative View
Old Town Orloj: The Most Mysterious Clock In Europe - Alternative View

Video: Old Town Orloj: The Most Mysterious Clock In Europe - Alternative View

Video: Old Town Orloj: The Most Mysterious Clock In Europe - Alternative View

In the center of Prague, on the southern wall of the municipality building at the Old Town, there is one of the most mysterious objects in Europe - the Astronomical Clock, or Old Town Orloj. Many incredible legends and mystical secrets are associated with this amazing piece of medieval art.

Locals consider Oryol not only the best attraction in the country, but also a kind of magic talisman. Numerous ancient legends say that the life of the Czech people depends on the condition of these watches. Any, even the slightest stop of them can lead to tragic consequences.

No one can say for sure when the Astronomical Clock was created, which consists of three components: astronomical discs, representing the position of the Sun and Moon in the sky and showing various astronomical details; "The Apostles' Run" with mechanical figures of the apostles and other characters set in motion every hour; and a calendar dial with medallions representing the months.


It is impossible even to establish with certainty the author of such a mysterious object. Although the official version, confirmed by the Book of Records found in 1962, states that the watchmaker Mikulas from Kadani was made Orloi according to the calculations of the famous mathematician Jan Schindler, most are sure that this is far from the case. For a long time, the authorship was attributed to the master Ganush. Although scientists are sure: the master performed only the functions of an administrator. Meanwhile, back in 1912, a plaque was attached to the Old Town Tower, the text of which directly indicated the leading role of Ganush in the role of the creator of the mysterious Orloi.

It is rumored that specialists in the field of occult sciences also worked on the creation of the clock: alchemists, prophets and astrologers, initiated into the deepest branches of magic.


Whether this is really so is unknown. However, many today are trying to bypass the mysterious Oryol side. And the old legend even tells that the watch is the real eye of the devil, directed to the souls and hearts of the curious! In the Middle Ages, this legend made such a strong impression on local residents that some clergymen were even afraid to raise their eyes to what they believed to be an occult structure. There were those among the clergy who covered themselves with the cross and sprinkled the Eagle with holy water.

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Why, then, such a secular work as the Astronomical Clock was perceived by many residents and guests of medieval Prague as something almost anti-religious, carrying some kind of spiritual danger to people? Apparently, the mystery of Orloi, the mystery of his mechanism played a role. Indeed, despite the fact that it is already the 21st century, not everyone will be able to understand the essence of the mysterious symbolism inherent in this watch. It is not difficult to imagine the fear and doubt of the medieval people, in whose minds a complete denial of everything incomprehensible reigned.

“Whoever does not understand astronomical art, without explanation, especially in areas in which he does not understand, cannot understand anything except the time indicated by the hand,” noted Czech scientist Jan Taborski from Klokotska Gora, speaking about the essence of the Astronomical Clock back in the distant 16th century.


Undoubtedly, Orloi was not intended for idle ordinary people. Then for whom and for what purpose was it done? Indeed, in medieval Europe, there would hardly be a large number of people who could understand all the functions of a watch without exception. Some believe that the then city leadership was simply driven by a desire to create something unique, no matter what, but capable of shaking people's imaginations. In that case, they succeeded.


Despite the fact that it would seem that these amazing watches were created with a purely rational purpose: to show not only the time, but also various astronomical details, however, most ancient legends attribute only magical functions to them. Urban legends say that Orloj is closely connected not only with the city itself, but with the whole Czech Republic as a whole. The stopping of the glorious clock has always been a sign for Czechs that the country will face difficult times. Whether it was a coincidence, but this has already happened many times.

Tradition says that if the mysterious clock stops for a long time, then with the first launch of Orloi, the skeleton placed on it will call evil on the Czech people with its nod. Only an innocent boy born on the New Year can prevent misfortune. When the clock starts striking midnight, the kid will have to run across the Old Town Square from Tyn Hill to the Town Hall. If he has time, the trouble of the Czech Republic will not touch. Many, by the way, remember that in 2001 one of the tower clocks stopped briefly. And some time later, in August 2002, a catastrophic flood happened in the Czech Republic.


Some argue that one should expect trouble if someone harms the Eagle, or even just wants to correct his appearance. Such a person will be overtaken by either an early death or a serious illness. History remembers the case when in 1865 the Czech artist Josef Manes created another "highlight" of Orloj - a magnificent calendar dial for the lower part of the tower. However, less than a year later, friends and relatives began to notice the first signs of the artist's mental breakdown. They say that when the disease reached its climax, Manes strolled at night in the Old Town Square in front of the Astronomical Clock with a lit candle in his hands.