A Powerful Source Of Radiation Was Discovered Under Antarctica - Alternative View

A Powerful Source Of Radiation Was Discovered Under Antarctica - Alternative View
A Powerful Source Of Radiation Was Discovered Under Antarctica - Alternative View

Video: A Powerful Source Of Radiation Was Discovered Under Antarctica - Alternative View

Video: A Powerful Source Of Radiation Was Discovered Under Antarctica - Alternative View
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In the past few years, scientists have begun to explore more actively areas that previously were of little or no interest to experts in the world of science. Antarctica has become one of the points of the planet that is increasingly of interest to researchers from all over the world, but why is this happening?

In the pictures of Antarctica, finding various structures that can be evidence of the existence of a highly developed civilization in the past. It is also believed that extraterrestrial structures are also hiding under a layer of ice and snow, so rumors about Antarctica are growing like a snowball.

Recently, scientists from the United States and Australia discovered an unknown source of radiation in Antarctica, and its area extends over tens of kilometers. What can cause such high radiation? The power of the radioactive radiation is so great that experts are surprised by the fact that for some reason it was not possible to detect it earlier. Some scientists have stated that the radiation power can be compared with the explosion of a nuclear reactor, so experts need to establish the true cause of such high radiation.

Scientists plan to conduct more detailed studies in 3 months and deliver the necessary equipment to make deep measurements of radiation, and possibly find the source itself. One of the members of the research team named Eric Stoltz said that the source is very similar in power to Fukushima, in which radiation leaked several years ago. So maybe there is an ancient nuclear reactor on the territory of Antarctica?

The scientists also noted that the source was discovered last year thanks to the PolarGAP project, but then it was decided not to tell the public about this anomaly. Why did they hide the information and decided to tell about the source of radiation just now? What can be hidden in the depths? It is possible that the answers to these questions will only become available in the future.