About How Voltaire Wrote The History Of The Russian State - Alternative View

About How Voltaire Wrote The History Of The Russian State - Alternative View
About How Voltaire Wrote The History Of The Russian State - Alternative View

Video: About How Voltaire Wrote The History Of The Russian State - Alternative View

Video: About How Voltaire Wrote The History Of The Russian State - Alternative View
Video: History of Russia (PARTS 1-5) - Rurik to Revolution 2024, June

When all the contemporaries of the events of Peter the Great had gone to another world, Elizabeth decided to re-publish History. For this they called himself … Voltaire!

He was informed of the materials extracted from the archives, partly in the originals, partly in the translations of Taubert, Miller, Shtelin. They sent an "advance" in the form of a valuable collection of Russian medals, expensive furs, and exactly a year later (in 1761), instead of the expected complete and detailed History of Peter, they received from him in one small book:

The astonished Count Shuvalov asked the author why he did not use the materials provided to him, did not include many details, and why did he distort almost all proper names?

Why did Voltaire speak angrily about certain "Germans"? Because, first of all, it was from 1761 that the intensive compilation of Russian history by the German "Russian" historians Bayer, Taubert and Miller began. And secondly … Well, let's not get ahead of the events. By this time (1761) almost all eyewitnesses of Peter's events went to the forefathers, together with Tatishchev, a lover of historical truth.

Now it was possible to compose whatever your heart desires about Peter. The main thing is to be beautiful and safe. For this, the French pen virtuoso Voltaire was invited. But Romanov's "novelists" miscalculated. One of the pillars of the Enlightenment, despite a large fee and the "correct" documents kindly provided by Miller, refused to write on them. He had his own sources that fundamentally contradict the German forgeries. Moreover, the views on history themselves were seriously different from those ordered …

And who knows, maybe it was Voltaire who correctly indicated the proper names of the closest circle of the Russian tsar? Voltaire's book was not published in Russian and was immediately banned. It was decided not to force the compilation of the complete History of Peter the Great and was postponed to a later date. At least beyond the borders of the 18th century. In addition to the absence of a complete History of Peter's time, ALL chronicles related to this period were subjected to the most severe censorship. Almost all Russian documents were destroyed. The Romanov "cleaners" had more problems with foreign sources. It was impossible to liquidate all works published in Europe. We limited ourselves to a complete ban on them in Russia.

At times, it all seems like a feverish cover-up of the crime. What is the story of Patrick Gordon's Notes, which were almost completely lost. And they were lost not in hoary antiquity, but in the 19th century!

This is how Academician N. G. described the Notes of Patrick Gordon. Ustryalov. It is tempting to share with the reader the version of the coming to power of the gentleman who signed Piter, but this is a topic for another study. It is important for us to find traces of enlightenment roots and innovations, and there are also many unexpected things along the way.

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N. G. Ustryalov
N. G. Ustryalov

N. G. Ustryalov.

This is where the "tradition" comes from, dictating to the rulers of Russia who have reached royal heights, by all means make a "pilgrimage" to Malta. Like the faithful - Hajj to Mecca.