An Unexpected Cause Of Unexplained Death Has Been Named - Alternative View

An Unexpected Cause Of Unexplained Death Has Been Named - Alternative View
An Unexpected Cause Of Unexplained Death Has Been Named - Alternative View

Video: An Unexpected Cause Of Unexplained Death Has Been Named - Alternative View

Video: An Unexpected Cause Of Unexplained Death Has Been Named - Alternative View
Video: Convicted By A Splinter | Exhibit A: Secrets of Forensic Science | Real Crime 2024, September

Scientists at the University of Portsmouth (UK) have found that psychological trauma can cause changes in the brain that ultimately lead to death for no apparent reason. The state, contributing to the death, the researchers called give-up-itis, which can be roughly translated as "the state of giving up." This was announced in a press release on MedicalXpress.

According to scientists, the “surrendered state” occurs when a person is sure that the situation in which he finds himself is hopeless. At the same time, he is not prone to suicide, however, functional changes occur in his brain, presumably in the subcortical structures of the frontal lobe (anterior cingulate cortex), leading to progressive psychological exhaustion.

Experts have identified several stages of the “surrendered state”. At first, a person avoids social contacts, then he develops deep apathy and abulia - a pathological lack of free will and desire to engage in any activity. The patient refuses to eat, ceases to take care of himself, however, he is able to obey others and with their help get out of this state. Abulia turns into mental akinesia when a person stops responding to pain and does not avoid the traumatic action of external factors. There is a known case when a woman with akinesia, left on the beach, suffered from second degree burns. Finally, psychogenic death occurs after three or four days.

Researchers believe that the process can be reversed through physical activity and at least partial control over the situation from the other person. This leads to the release of dopamine, which improves the patient's condition.
