Thunderous Sounds In The Sky Around The World - Alternative View

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Thunderous Sounds In The Sky Around The World - Alternative View
Thunderous Sounds In The Sky Around The World - Alternative View

Video: Thunderous Sounds In The Sky Around The World - Alternative View

Video: Thunderous Sounds In The Sky Around The World - Alternative View
Video: CBS This Morning - Wisc. town disturbed by strange "booming" sounds 2024, September

The planet explodes, an uncontrolled nuclear reaction has begun in the atmosphere

For the past 2 weeks, small news outlets around the world have been continuously reporting frightening thunderous sounds coming from somewhere in the sky. To date, evidence has been collected from 64 places from all over the Earth:


The map is very incomplete as it covers mainly the English-speaking countries that were reviewed by the local press.

However, just like the United States, in Britain and Australia some “unidentified military aircraft” have been “intensively breaking the sound barrier” over the megacities in Russia, Asia and the Middle East for the last 2 weeks.

The ABC 3340 TV channel, whose phones were warming up from the continuous calls of inquiring viewers, was not too lazy to invite experts from the USGS and NASA to the program, asking them to explain to the public - where does this frightening noise, similar to atmospheric explosions, come from?

However, renowned experts only shrug their shoulders and shrug their shoulders. The people at the USGS and NASA themselves do not know or understand anything. Or they pretend they don't know and don't understand.


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Meanwhile, Japanese physicists and climatologists put forward their version of the events taking place.

In their opinion, micro-clouds of antimatter accumulate in the upper layers of the planet's atmosphere, appearing as a result of more frequent lightning for some reason. When these energetic antiparticles interact with matter, an explosion occurs, which we perceive as thunder.

And at the moment, since there are a lot of such "thunders", perhaps we are talking about the beginning of an uncontrollable thermonuclear reaction, which, if it continues one day, will cause the Earth to turn into a small star.

Pessimists scream in fear and horror: we are all going to die! But the optimists answer them: but we will be seen far in space!


Lightning strong enough has the energy to trigger nuclear reactions in the atmosphere, according to a new study by Japanese scientists published in the journal ZME Science. As a result of these reactions, we see “afterglow” and hear “thunder”.

In fact, the theory of thermonuclear explosions in the atmosphere is not new, similar theories were expressed back in the middle of the last century, but there was no physically confirmed evidence for them.

Lightning is a giant discharge of electricity accompanied by a bright flash of light and loud thunder. A spark that creeps between clouds can be more than five miles (eight kilometers) in length, raise air temperatures up to 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit (27,700 degrees Celsius), and produce a voltage of one hundred million electrical volts. Theoretically, this energy is enough to trigger a thermonuclear reaction, however, in order to register this reaction, it is necessary to experimentally record a burst of gamma radiation that accompanies such reactions.


In 2015, a team of physicists and climatologists from Kyoto University, headed by Teruaki Enoto, desperate to ask for help from “wealthy sponsors” and the state, turned to the Internet for support, where they jointly raised money for modern gamma detectors. radiation. The detectors were installed on the west coast of Japan, which is often hit by lightning and thunderstorms.

At the beginning of 2017, detectors were also installed in the vicinity of the city of Kashiwazaki. These detectors were the most fortunate - one of the lightning struck the ground a hundred meters away, allowing a gamma-ray burst to be registered with absolute certainty.

Throughout the history of modern physics, about 4,000,000 lightning strikes are formed in the planet's atmosphere every day; nevertheless, physicists still do not have a clear explanation of how lightning is formed, or an explanation of "why do we hear thunder?"

Electric discharges of power comparable to lightning can be obtained experimentally. In this case, the charge emits characteristic vibrating sounds and crackling, but there is no thunder.

According to Japanese researchers, a monstrous electric charge formed when air masses move in the atmosphere, when air vapor and ice microparticles rub against each other, when heated by solar and cosmic radiation (there are many theories of the origin of lightning), an electric discharge is formed. Its strength is sufficient to strip neutrons from nitrogen atoms present in the air nearby.

Further, the neutron seems to be reabsorbed, interacting with other atoms in the atmosphere, which we observe as "lightning, flash and afterglow."


But at this moment, the nitrogen atom that has lost a neutron becomes unstable, ejecting positrons from itself - like “electrons” with a positive charge, that is, particles of antimatter. The positrons instantly react with the atoms of the substance, generating a monstrous rumble and causing a burst of gamma radiation, which was detected by the team of Mr. Teruaki Enoto.

Ten gamma-ray detectors are currently in operation on the Japanese coast and continue to collect data. Meanwhile, conspiracy theorists around the world familiar with physics are already interpreting this new knowledge.

In May this year, over 120,000 lightning strikes were recorded over southeastern England and northern France in 12 hours - the so-called "light storm", which put scientists at a standstill.

In September 2017, the same thing happened over California, forcing seismologists to think about an imminent earthquake. However, there was no earthquake in either Britain or California, and a similar phenomenon continues, lightning flashes around the world in packets of 50-100 thousand.

With what this is connected - no one clearly knows. Perhaps the Earth is slowing down its rotation and is preparing to roll over, which many people are now talking and writing about intensively. Perhaps the activity of the Sun has somehow changed or we have a certain repeating cycle of geological processes. But whatever it is - an increase in the amount of antimatter in the atmosphere will not lead to anything good.

According to Mr. Teruaki Enoto, a thermonuclear reaction in the atmosphere, upon reaching the critical threshold, will instantly become uncontrollable, we will get, as it were, an explosion of a hydrogen bomb the size of the Earth's atmosphere.

Naturally, such an assumption is only a theory, but what is surprising: in ancient Hebrew and other texts it is repeatedly said that “many lightning bolts will appear immediately before the End of the World”.