The Level Of Carbon Dioxide In The Atmosphere Has Reached Record Levels In The Entire History Of Mankind - Alternative View

The Level Of Carbon Dioxide In The Atmosphere Has Reached Record Levels In The Entire History Of Mankind - Alternative View
The Level Of Carbon Dioxide In The Atmosphere Has Reached Record Levels In The Entire History Of Mankind - Alternative View

Video: The Level Of Carbon Dioxide In The Atmosphere Has Reached Record Levels In The Entire History Of Mankind - Alternative View

Video: The Level Of Carbon Dioxide In The Atmosphere Has Reached Record Levels In The Entire History Of Mankind - Alternative View
Video: The History of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide 2024, July

According to the United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Observatory, located at the summit of the Mauna Loa volcano on the island of Hawaii, the level of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the Earth's atmosphere has exceeded 415 parts per million (ppm) for the first time in human history. and reached a value of 415.26 ppm. This means that every cubic meter of air contains at least 415 milliliters of carbon dioxide. Bravo, humanity! You have learned to destroy your own planet very effectively.

Scientists reported on very sad indicators last Saturday. The researchers were quoted by CNN.

The report indicates that before that, the largest concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere of our planet, as scientists say, was present about 3 million years ago, that is, in the Pliocene epoch.

Various computer climate models and expert assessments indicate that the concentration of carbon dioxide ranged from 310 to 400 ppm. According to the Scripps Institute of Oceanography at the University of California, San Diego, during the 800,000 years before the industrial revolution, atmospheric CO2 never exceeded 300 ppm. Scientists for the first time in history recorded the level of CO2 in the atmosphere at around 400 ppm in 2013.

One of the main factors leading to the appearance of the greenhouse effect in the atmosphere is precisely the increase in the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere. At the same time, the majority agree that it is the activities of humans who burn fossil fuels that are a consequence of an increase in the level of global temperature on Earth. Earlier it was reported that in the case of a threefold increase in the level of CO2 in the atmosphere (up to 1300 parts per million), it can lead to the complete disappearance of stratocumulus clouds. At the current rate of growth in the concentration of carbon dioxide, this event may occur as early as the XXII century, and will lead to an increase in global temperature by 8 degrees Celsius, which will certainly be catastrophic not only for people, but also for the animal and plant world.

In 2015, in Paris, in order to combat global warming, 197 countries participating in the Forum of the Framework Convention on Climate Change signed agreements to prevent the average temperature on the planet by 2100 by more than 2 degrees Celsius compared to the pre-industrial era.

Nikolay Khizhnyak

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