How Did South (Middle Eastern) Russia Die? - Alternative View

How Did South (Middle Eastern) Russia Die? - Alternative View
How Did South (Middle Eastern) Russia Die? - Alternative View

Video: How Did South (Middle Eastern) Russia Die? - Alternative View

Video: How Did South (Middle Eastern) Russia Die? - Alternative View
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Earlier, it has already been repeatedly told about Middle Eastern Russia, which existed before the arrival of Semitic tribes from the Arabian desert to these places. In particular, the Russian researcher Y. Petukhov wrote about this ancient civilization in detail in his books, who in 1999 visited the excavations of the city of Jericho-Yaricho, built by the Protorus thousands of years before the first Protosemites appeared on these lands.

However, information about this civilization completely independently of Yu. Petukhov was received by the Russian traveler, biologist, anthropologist G. Sidorov from one of the Siberian hermit elders. And this is how he describes his dialogue with this elders in his book "The Legacy of the White Gods", talking about how the genetic displacement of the white race began thousands of years ago:

As you can see, the genetic war against the white race has been going on for many millennia and it was organized by the lizard-headed creators of the "chosen people" and the "biblical project" itself, who created ideal servants for the spread of parasitic "values" on Earth, with the help of which the world financial system was created loan interest, enslaved humanity. And the degradation of modern Western civilization is directly related to the substitution of the original divine wisdom of the times of the Vedic civilization of the "golden age" for parasitic and satanic "values" brought to our planet by the masters of the "chosen people" and a hybrid non-human from the world "elite". The degradation of the Russian “elite”, many of whose representatives openly serve the interests of parasitic globacracy, is also connected with these “values”.

The situation is similar with many representatives of the so-called. "Opposition", the main goal of which is not to improve people's lives and strengthen the state, but to push the competing clans away from the "power trough" so that they themselves can rip off the people and lead a comfortable existence at the expense of handouts from their masters. In terms of their inner essence, many of them are even much worse than those parasites that have already crept into the government and power structures of Russia and other countries of the Earth. The thirst for power, wealth, hoarding, and at the cost of deceiving and exploiting other people (including with the help of loan interest) - these are the main distinguishing features of degraded non-people who serve a parasitic non-human, no matter what outer clothes they dress up in. And they all do not understand that by destroying the peoples-creators, they thereby bring their own destruction closer.

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