Skeptics Are Often Creatively Sterile People - Alternative View

Skeptics Are Often Creatively Sterile People - Alternative View
Skeptics Are Often Creatively Sterile People - Alternative View

Video: Skeptics Are Often Creatively Sterile People - Alternative View

Video: Skeptics Are Often Creatively Sterile People - Alternative View
Video: The Creative Skeptic 2024, July

At least some of the people who call themselves "scientists" have nothing to do with real science and are not engaged in scientific research and experiments, the ability for which, apparently, does not have, but imitation of violent activity in various PR campaigns on the media and in pseudoscientific commission of the RAS. It is the lack of creativity, innovative discoveries and technologies that turns such "scientists" into narrow-minded dogmatists-pseudoskeptics, denying everything new, but blindly believing in the already generally accepted paradigm.


It is about such pseudoscientists who, as a rule, join the ranks of fanatical "fighters against pseudoscience" Professor K. Korotkov in his book "The Energy of Our Thoughts" writes the following:

Practical research and experimentation instead of unfounded chatter based on subjective belief - this is the very criterion that distinguishes real scientists from mediocrity who simply received scientific knowledge. The latter need to somehow justify this knowledge. But if there is no ability for science itself, then how? Of course, in the field of the so-called. "Fight against pseudoscience." And it would be half the trouble if only pseudoscientific mediocrities were engaged in this activity. The trouble is that part of the so-called. "Scientists", fed through the appropriate grant system, deliberately serves the interests of the parasitic satanic system, representing a typical version of its corrupt servants.

It is these venal souls, defending the interests of transnational corporations, actively promoting the alleged “harmlessness of GMOs” and fighting with competitors of the pharmacological transnational mafia in the face of traditional medicine, homeopathy, etc. directions that, unlike modern pharmacology, lead to healing from the diseases themselves, and not to a temporary "muffling" of their symptoms. And this is not surprising, because pharmaceutical corporations need to have regular customers in the person of chronic patients in order to confidently continue to sell their products. The interests of fuel and energy TNCs and other segments of the so-called "World government".

Thus, all these "fighters against pseudoscience" are either complete mediocrities who envy talented scientists, and therefore organize campaigns of outright persecution against them, or the most real traitors to their peoples and states, working off the stinking loot of their parasitic masters to protect their antihuman interests.

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