So Was There A Flood On Earth? - Alternative View

So Was There A Flood On Earth? - Alternative View
So Was There A Flood On Earth? - Alternative View

I didn’t make up this tale - it’s true. It took several years to work hard to understand the following …

Planet Earth (together with Mars) formed, like planets, near the flared star Phaethon (now the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter). The sun is the fourth star of these planets. Two stars burned above them when they were satellites of the planet Phaeton. When the planet Phaethon exploded (ripe for a star), it threw its first-borns Earth and Mars into orbits … Then there were no planets Venus and Mercury. They were satellites of the planet Sun. The stars Phaethon and the Sun are those stars at which the planets Earth and Mars were formed, and at the Sun - Venus and Mercury. How long did the star Phaethon burn? I don't know, but when it flared up and the formation of cosmic clouds (dust) began between Phaeton and Earth (future Moon) and between Mars and Phaethon (future Deimos) at Lagrange points. The phaeton was rotten. The Earth goes through the first biological phase (like Venus is with the Sun today). Civilizations arose and flourished on it. A lot of heat, a lot of water … The star goes out. Turns black and explodes. Of course, biological life on the planet is disappearing. Disappears first from the hodod, and then from the temperature from the exploded former star. With the explosion of an extinct star, molten balls of matter were formed - the future Moon and Deimos. For many millions of years (I find it difficult to calculate, there is no exact initial data), the star system plunges into darkness and terrible cold. What happened to the planets? That's right, they are frozen, covered with ice. The Sun flashed about 59,500,000 years ago. From the primary Sun (temperature in the photosphere 18 260 degrees) on the surface of the Earth - more than 300 degrees. Celsius. The earth was enveloped in a dense atmosphere of water vapor and acids. The sun goes out. The temperature on the Earth's surface is also falling. Water is formed. The ground is covered with a thick layer of water. It (water) is absorbed by the earth, penetrating deep into it. It cools down further. The first signs of biological life appear. Sand is formed, etc. Water continues to be absorbed. Land is formed (primarily at the poles). Physics - oblique rays (a thick layer of penetration of these rays to the surface of the Earth). Therefore, biological life began to spread across the planet Earth from the poles. There was indeed a lot of water on the surface of the planet. But where is the flood?Physics - oblique rays (a thick layer of penetration of these rays to the surface of the Earth). Therefore, biological life began to spread across the planet Earth from the poles. There was indeed a lot of water on the surface of the planet. But where is the flood?Physics - oblique rays (a thick layer of penetration of these rays to the surface of the Earth). Therefore, biological life began to spread across the planet Earth from the poles. There was indeed a lot of water on the surface of the planet. But where is the flood?


Vladimir Vetyugov