Epiphysis Or Third Eye - Alternative View

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Epiphysis Or Third Eye - Alternative View
Epiphysis Or Third Eye - Alternative View

Video: Epiphysis Or Third Eye - Alternative View

Video: Epiphysis Or Third Eye - Alternative View
Video: 11 Strange Things You Will Experience When Your Third Eye Is Opening 2024, September

Perhaps not a single endocrine gland has undergone so many ups and downs in the study, ranging from complete denial of endocrine function to recognition as almost the main one among its own kind, as it was in the study of the pineal gland for many centuries.

For many years, the pineal gland "third eye" of humans and other mammals was considered a functionally useless phylogenetic relic. The pineal gland has been classified as a rudimentary complex of no vital scientific interest, but its multifunctionality in humans and other mammals has recently been demonstrated.

The pineal gland proved to be a gland that synchronizes the functions of the body with external conditions and therefore was called the "regulator of regulators". The new role reminded of the forgotten “place of the soul”. Meanwhile, the popularity of the pineal gland to this day is so great that one of the Western musical groups - "Pineal gland", has taken its name, along with other creative song samples, there are songs such as "Pineal gland 1" and "Pineal gland 2”, another band“Fila Brazilla”wrote the song“Extrakt of pineal gland”from the album“Main That Tune”.


The history of the development of ideas about the meaning and functions of the pineal gland is one of the striking examples of ups and downs on the difficult path of cognition. In ancient times, 2000 years BC, there was a flourishing of the doctrine of the pineal gland. He was assigned the role of "soul center". Ancient Indian philosophers considered it to be the organ of clairvoyance and the organ of reflection on the reincarnations of the soul. Ancient Greek natural philosophers assumed that the pineal gland is a valve that regulates the amount of soul needed to establish mental balance.

The first description of the anatomy of the pineal gland was made by Galen. Based on the observation that the pineal gland is located near the great intracerebral vein, Galen suggested that it is the regulator of the lymph glands. Indian yogis believed that this tiny organ is nothing more than an organ of clairvoyance, designed to reflect on the previous incarnations of the soul. Scientists of Ancient Greece and India also showed interest in this organ. It was believed that this is an organ of clairvoyance, an organ of mental balance, "the center of the human soul." The pineal gland also did not ignore Descartes, who believed that this organ distributes animal spirits between various organs of the body. He also made attempts to explain mental pain in connection with a violation of the structure of the pineal gland.

In the 17th century, the French scientist Descartes believed that the pineal gland is an organ through which the material interacts with the ideal in a person. Knowing that most of the brain structures are paired, that is, they are symmetrically located in the right and left hemispheres, he suggested that it is in this organ that the human soul is located. After all, this organ - the pineal gland - is located in the center of the cranium. He wrote: "The soul is located in a small gland located in the center of the brain." And yet, not many organs have received the attention of philosophers.

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The great Renaissance anatomist Vesalius also showed interest in the pineal gland. He gave the first images of this organ, which he compared with a pine cone; its comparison was further entrenched in the name of the pineal gland of the pineal gland. Vesalius supported Galen's view of the physiological significance of the pineal gland. On the basis of data on the peculiar topographic location of the "cerebral gland", he attributed to it the role of a valve regulating the distribution of cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricular system.

Leonardo da Vinci argued that in the human head there are special spherical zones associated with the eyes. He depicted them on an anatomical sketch. According to the scientist, one of the spheres ("common sense chamber") is the dwelling place of the soul. Later it was suggested that this is a kind of valve between the ventricle and the sylvian aqueduct of the brain.

Then, over the course of many decades, interest in the pineal gland faded away, only a few works on embryology and comparative anatomy of the gland appeared. But the detailed and versatile data on the structure of the pineal gland did not correspond at all to insufficient information on its function.

The pineal gland has undergone a new wave of recognition since the late 1950s, when in 1959 Lerner and his co-workers identified a factor that clears the pigment cells of tadpoles from extracts of bovine pineal glands, which he named melatonin. During these same years, another researcher, Farrell, proved that the pineal gland secretes a factor that stimulates the production of aldosterone in the adrenal glands and, thus, affects water-salt metabolism. Subsequently, this factor was named adrenoglomerulotropin.

Since then, hundreds of scientific papers have appeared on the study of the most diverse aspects of the action of the pineal gland in the body. The 1970s brought back interest in the pineal gland, its morphology and function. Dozens of laboratories in the USA, France, Romania, Yugoslavia. England and other countries joined in a kind of competition to study it. Dozens of papers and reports appear, symposia and conferences are gathered, at which attempts are made to generalize the materials received, to give at least an approximate diagram of the activity of the pineal gland in the body. There is a kind of race for new active substances from the pineal gland. It becomes clear that the pineal gland is an active neuroendocrine organ with its own morphological and functional features. Moreover, biologically active substances involved in the regulation of the activity of other endocrine organs began to be isolated from the pineal gland. Its influence on the function of the pituitary gland and gonads, the state of homeostasis is being studied.

At the same time, it is also obvious that the pineal gland is still the least studied endocrine organ. The modern stage in the study of the pineal gland with good reason can be called the stage of the first finds, the definition of phenomena and the construction of initial concepts. The exact same experimental analysis of the endocrine functions of the pineal gland is only at the beginning of its journey. In our country, the most intensive study of the functional significance of the pineal gland in the body is developed by prof. A. M. Khelimsky, a group of researchers led by Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences E. I. Chazov.


The pineal gland is rarely shaped like a pine cone. Greek, epiphysis - lump, growth,. More often it is round (oval) or polygonal, spherical. There are also indications of the conical shape of this relatively smooth appendage of the brain. In an adult, the mass of an organ is 100-180 mg. (about 0.2 g.). However, due to the fact that cysts and deposits of cerebral sand may appear in the pineal gland at various periods of adulthood and especially often in old age, its size and mass can be much larger than the indicated average figures.

The size of the gland also varies greatly: in newborns: 2.6 * 2.3 * 1.7, at the age of 10 years 6.6 * 3.3 * 4. After 20 years, the dimensions reach 7.3 * 5.8 * 4.4mm and stabilize. The relative size and mass of the pineal gland in children is greater than in adults. For adults: length 8-15mm, width 6-10mm, thickness 4-6mm. There are also such "relative" indications of size as - "the size of a grain of rice", "the size of a pea." The color of the iron, usually darker than the adjacent parts of the brain, is reddish-grayish. This "physical center of the brain" refers to the epithalamus of the diencephalon - a protrusion on the rostral dorsal surface, connected by a leg to the posterior wall of the third ventricle. Located in a shallow furrow,separating from each other the upper hillocks of the midbrain roof between the upper hillocks of the quadruple plate (above the third cerebral ventricle) and attached to both visual hillocks (between the hillocks of the anterior pair of the quadruple). From the anterior end of the pineal gland to the medial surface of the right and left thalamus (optic hillocks), leashes are stretched. It is also called the “perventricular organ”, which is part of the CVO (circumventricular) system, which includes: the pineal gland, the medial eminence, the subforinical organ, the subcommissural organ, the terminal plate, the neural part of the pituitary gland.included in the CVO (circumventricular) system, which includes: the pineal gland, medial eminence, subforinal organ, subcommissural organ, terminal plate, neural pituitary gland.included in the CVO (circumventricular) system, which includes: the pineal gland, medial eminence, subforinal organ, subcommissural organ, terminal plate, neural part of the pituitary gland.

The greatest dawn of the pineal gland occurs at 5-6 years (according to some sources, the involution of the pineal gland begins at 4 - 5 years of age; 7 years), then it involutions while there is a slight reduction in the number of pinealocytes that atrophy, and instead of them connective tissue is formed. After 8 years of age, areas of calcified stroma ("cerebral sand") are found in the pineal gland, but the function of the gland does not stop. With age, calcified calculi accumulate in the pineal gland, and a characteristic shadow appears on the roentgenogram of the skull in this place. A certain number of pinealocytes undergo atrophy, and the stroma grows and the deposition of phosphate and carbonate salts in it increases in the form of layered balls called brain sand.


Histologically, the parenchyma and the connective tissue stroma are distinguished. The histological structure of the epiphysis of newborns differs from its structure in an adult. Cell nuclei are usually oval in shape, sharply contoured. Chromatin grains are located mainly along the periphery of the nucleus. The stroma consists of collegian, elastic and argyrophilic fibers and cellular elements.

The pineal gland is surrounded by the pia mater, to which it directly adjoins. The pia mater forms a capsule. The capsule and trabeculae extending from it contain trabecular vessels and postganglionic synaptic fibers. The capsule and interlayers of connective tissue are built of loose fibrous connective tissue to form the gland stroma and divide its parenchyma into lobules. Researchers point to several types of stromal structure; cellulary, reticular, alveolar. Connective tissue becomes more developed in old age, forms layers along which blood vessels branch.

The parenchyma of the pineal gland consists of tightly adjacent cells. The parenchyma of the pineal gland looks rather homogenized at low magnification. A small number of vessels permeate the gland. Histologically, the pineal parenchyma has a sancitic structure and consists of pineal and glial cells. In addition, there are prevascular phagocytes.

Two types of cells are found in the pineal gland: pinealocytes (about 95% of cells, large, light cells) and astrocytes (glial cells, dark, oval nuclei). At high magnification, three types of nuclei are visible. The small dark nuclei belong to astrocytes. Pinealocytes have large, light nuclei surrounded by a small amount of light cytoplasm. Most of the nuclei are the nuclei of pinealocytes. Endothelial cells are associated with blood vessels. Pinealocytes and astrocytes have long processes.

Pineal gland cells - pinealocytes are found in all lobules, located mainly in the center, these are secreting cells. They have a large, oval, vesicular nucleus with large nucleoli. From the body of pinealocytes, there are long processes branching like dendrites, which are intertwined with the processes of glial cells. The processes, expanding clavate, go to the capillaries and come into contact with them. Numerous long processes of pinealocytes end with dilatations on capillaries and among ependyma cells. In the end sections of a part of the processes, there are structures of an incomprehensible purpose - dense tubular elements surrounded, i.e. synoptic spheroids. The cytoplasm of these clavate extensions contains osmiophilic granules, vacuoles and mitochondria. They contain large vesicles, lobular nuclei with invaginations of the cytoplasm. Pinealocytes are best demonstrated with silver impregnation. Among the pinealocytes, there are light pinealocytes (endochrinocytis lucidus), characterized by a light homogeneous cytoplasm, and dark pinealocytes of a smaller size with acidophilic (and sometimes basophilic) inclusions in the cytoplasm. Apparently, both of these forms are not independent varieties, but are cells in different functional states, or cells undergoing age-related changes. In the cytoplasm of pinealocytes, numerous mitochondria, a well-developed Golgi set, lysosomes, vesicles of the agranular endoplasmic stem, ribosomes, and polysomes are found. Pineal cells are large, light-colored with large nuclei, polygonal in shape. The size and shape of pineal cells changes with age and is partly sex-related. By the age of 10-15 years in life, a pigment (lipochrome) appears in them.

- pinealocytes are arranged in groups; distinguish between light (less active) and dark (more active) pinealocytes. Light and dark pinealocytes, apparently, represent different functional states of one cell.

- pinealocytes form axo-vasal synapses with vessels, so the hormone secreted by them enters the bloodstream

- pinealocytes synthesize serotonin and melatonin, possibly other protein hormones

- the pineal gland is outside the blood-brain barrier, as pinealocytes have direct connections with capillaries (axo-vasal synapses)

Morphological manifestations of the pineal gland secretion: nuclear pairs of pale basophilic formations inside the nuclei of pineal cells, vacuolization of their cytoplasm, basophilic or oxyphilic coloid drops in tissue colloid cells) and in the vessels of thiavenules (intravascular colloid). Secretory activity in the pineal gland is stimulated by light and darkness.

Glial cells are located between secretory cells and fenified capillaries. Glial cells predominate at the periphery of the lobules. Their processes are directed to the interlobular connective tissue partitions, forming a kind of marginal border of the lobule. Hial - small with a compact cytoplasm, hyperchronic nuclei, numerous processes Glial cells are astroglia. They - interstitial cells - resemble astrocytes (they do not differ from astrocytes of nervous tissue, contain clusters of glial filaments, are located perivascular), have numerous branching processes, a rounded dense nucleus, elements of the granular endoplasmic reticulum and cytoskeleton structures: microtubules, intermediate filaments and many microfilaments …


“… In the course of the search for the biochemical basis of the crystals of psychic energy, our attention was drawn to the brain sand of the pineal gland. In our opinion, pineal gland mineralization can play an important role in the regulation of biological rhythms, in the implementation of the magnetoreceptor function and control over the aging of the organism. Also, in our opinion, crystals of brain sand can be responsible for the transformation of cosmic energies of higher frequencies into lower ones, which can be perceived by the body without harm to the latter."

In the pineal gland in adults and especially in old age, bizarre forms of deposition are often found - sand bodies, brain sand. Synonyms: cerebral granules, cerebral sand, sandy bodies, calcified granules, acervuli cerebri. These deposits often give the pineal body a certain resemblance to a mulberry or spruce cone, which explains the name. These layered can be represented by calcium phosphates or carbonates, magnesium or ammonium phosphates. Calcifinates have a radiopacity, stain basophilically and can serve as a histological characteristic of the pineal gland.


There are no reliable morphological signs indicating secretory function. However, lobulation and close contacts of parenchymal cells with connective tissue and neuroglial elements make it possible to judge the glandular structure of the pineal gland. The study of the ultrastructure of cells also shows the ability of pinealocytes to secrete a secretory product. In addition, dense vesicles (dens core vesicles) with a diameter of 30-50 nm were found in the cytoplasm of pinealocytes, indicating a secretory process. Burrows with a diameter of 25 - 4 nm were found in the endothelium of the capillaries of the pineal gland. Capillaries with such an ultrastructure are found in the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, parathyroid and pancreas, i.e., in typical organs of internal secretion. According to Wolfe and A. M. Khelimsky, pores in the capillary endothelium are another sign ofindicating its secretory function. Recent studies have established that the pineal gland is a metabolically active organ. Biogenic amines and enzymes are found in its tissue, catalyzing the processes of synthesis and inactivation of these compounds. It has been established that an intensive exchange of lipids, proteins, phosphorus and nucleic acids occurs in the pineal gland. Studied three physiologically active substances found in the pineal gland: serotonin, melatonin, norepinephrine. There is a lot of data on the aptihypothalamic factor, which links the epithalamic-epiphyseal complex with the hypothalamic - pituitary system. So, for example, it produces arginine-vasotocin (stimulates the secretion of prolactin); pineal gland-hormone, or factor "Milku"; epithalamin-total peptide complex, etc. Peptide hormones and biogenic amines were found in the pineal gland,which allows us to classify its cells (pinealocytes) as cells of the APUD system. It is possible that other hormonal compounds can also be synthesized and accumulated in the pineal gland. The pineal gland is involved in the regulation of processes occurring in the body cyclically (for example, the ovarian-menstrual cycle), the activity of the pineal gland is associated with the function of maintaining the biorhythm (change of sleep and wakefulness). The epiphysis is a link in the implementation of biological rhythms of rhythms, incl. circadian. Rhythmic fluctuations of other periodic functions, the intensity of which regularly changes throughout the day, are called circadian (from l a. Circa diem - about a day). Circadian rhythms are clearly associated with the change of day and night (light and dark periods) and their dependence on the pineal gland indicatesthat the hormone-forming activity of the latter is determined by its ability to distinguish between the alternation of light stimuli received by the body. Chronobiology is engaged in the study of rhythms - the science of changes in the body associated with the rhythms of nature, having emerged in ancient times, it is rapidly developing today.

Pinealocytes produce melatonin, a serotonin derivative, which suppresses gonadotropic secretion and prevents early puberty. The destruction of this gland, its underdevelopment or removal of the pineal gland in infantile animals in the experiment result in the onset of premature puberty. The inhibitory effect of the pineal gland on sexual function is due to several factors. First, pinealocytes produce serotonin, which is converted into melatonin in them. This neuroamine appears to attenuate or inhibit the secretion of gonadoliberin by the hypothalamus and gonadotropins of the anterior pituitary gland. At the same time, pinealocytes produce a number of protein hormones, including antigonadotropin, which weakens the secretion of lutropin of the anterior pituitary gland. Along with the antigonadotropin, pinealocytes form another protein hormone,increasing the level of potassium in the blood, therefore, participating in the regulation of mineral metabolism. The number of regulatory peptides. produced by pinealocytes, is approaching 40. Of these, the most important are arginine - vasotocin, thyroliberin, luliberin and even thyrotropin.

The pineal gland simulates the activity of the pituitary gland, pancreatic islets, parathyroid glands, adrenal glands, gonads and thyroid gland. The effect of the pineal gland on the endocrine system is mainly inhibitory in nature. The effect of its hormones on the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad system has been proven. Melatonin inhibits the secretion of gonadotropins both at the level of secretion of hypothalamic liberins and at the level of the adenohypophysis. Melatonin determines the rhythm of gonadotropic effects, including the duration of the menstrual cycle in women.

Fluctuations in melatonin levels affect the formation of a number of hormones by the pituitary gland that regulate sexual activity: luteinizing hormone, which is necessary for ovulation of estrogen secretion; follicle-stimulating hormone that regulates sperm production in men and ovarian maturation in women; prolactin and oxytocin, which stimulate milk production and the manifestation of maternal affection. Several studies have shown that melatonin levels in women change with the phase of the menstrual cycle. For example, Californian researchers measured nighttime melatonin levels in forty women over two menstrual cycles. All showed a significant decrease in its concentration on the days corresponding to ovulation. And before the onset of menstruation, the level of melatonin was almost twice higher than in the first part of the cycle. Consistent with these observations are the results of a 1991 study in female athletes in San Diego. The fact is that in women who expose themselves to excessive training, the menstrual cycle is often disrupted, and sometimes menstruation stops altogether. It turned out that their melatonin levels were twice as high as those who had no cycle changes. Pineal hormones inhibit the bioelectrical activity of the brain and neuropsychic activity, providing a hypnotic, analgesic and sedative effect. In the experiment, pineal gland extracts cause insulin-like (hypoglycemic), parathyroid-like (hypercalcemic) and diuretic effects. There is evidence of participation in immune defense. Participation in the fine regulation of almost all types of metabolism. The fact is that in women who expose themselves to excessive training, the menstrual cycle is often disrupted, and sometimes menstruation stops altogether. It turned out that their melatonin levels were twice as high as those who had no cycle changes. Pineal hormones inhibit the bioelectrical activity of the brain and neuropsychic activity, providing a hypnotic, analgesic and sedative effect. In the experiment, pineal gland extracts cause insulin-like (hypoglycemic), parathyroid-like (hypercalcemic) and diuretic effects. There is evidence of participation in immune defense. Participation in the fine regulation of almost all types of metabolism. The fact is that in women who expose themselves to excessive training, the menstrual cycle is often disrupted, and sometimes menstruation stops altogether. It turned out that their melatonin levels were twice as high as those who had no cycle changes. Pineal hormones inhibit the bioelectrical activity of the brain and neuropsychic activity, providing a hypnotic, analgesic and sedative effect. In the experiment, pineal gland extracts cause insulin-like (hypoglycemic), parathyroid-like (hypercalcemic) and diuretic effects. There is evidence of participation in immune defense. Participation in the fine regulation of almost all types of metabolism.than those for whom no cycle changes occur. Pineal hormones inhibit the bioelectrical activity of the brain and neuropsychic activity, providing a hypnotic, analgesic and sedative effect. In the experiment, pineal gland extracts cause insulin-like (hypoglycemic), parathyroid-like (hypercalcemic) and diuretic effects. There is evidence of participation in immune defense. Participation in the fine regulation of almost all types of metabolism.than those for whom no cycle changes occur. Pineal hormones inhibit the bioelectrical activity of the brain and neuropsychic activity, providing a hypnotic, analgesic and sedative effect. In the experiment, pineal gland extracts cause insulin-like (hypoglycemic), parathyroid-like (hypercalcemic) and diuretic effects. There is evidence of participation in immune defense. Participation in the fine regulation of almost all types of metabolism. Participation in the fine regulation of almost all types of metabolism. Participation in the fine regulation of almost all types of metabolism.

Could it be that the third eye is like that?

They call it differently:

Third eye, ajna chakra, "eye of eternity" (OssenF), Eye of Shiva, Eye of wisdom (jnana chakshu), "Dwelling of the soul" (Descartes), "Dreaming eye" (Schopenhauer), pineal gland

It is assumed that it is located as follows:

- the physical organ of vision, which was once located in some animals between the eyebrows - in the place of the ajna chakra.

- is located in the center of the brain and is only projected into the glabellar space.

You can also train him:

- Alternative vision does not appear on its own, it must be “turned on” by an effort of will.

- Press on the crown of the head at the point of the ajan chakra with a sharp object. Concentration occurs at the site of pain and one feels one's "third eye".

- An interesting pattern is known: in some people who have devoted themselves to spiritual practices and the acquisition of special informational-psychic qualities, as a result of hormonal changes in the body, the bone at the crown of the head becomes so thin that only skin remains in this place, like a snake's eye.

- Today it is reliably established: the pineal gland is directly related to sexual functions, and sexual abstinence activates the pineal gland.

- as a last resort: craniotomy was also recorded in the Stone Age. This operation was carried out by the priests-healers of the ancient Egyptians and Mayans, Sumerians and Incas.

- In order to open the "third eye", it is necessary (absolutely necessary) to be able to feel the place of the pineal gland. In this case, they act as follows: it concentrates in the middle of the eyebrow, as a result of which there is a feeling not of this place, but (which is remarkable) just the “feeling of the third eye” (center of the head). Therefore, everywhere in yoga they prescribe: concentrate on the place between the eyebrows, which is often misunderstood and as a result, the eyes begin to squint.

Quite a few people devote their entire lives to regain the once-lost "divine" abilities. They set the opening of the third eye as one of their primary tasks. It takes years and years of intense spiritual asceticism. And the most amazing thing is that these people really achieve paranormal psychic abilities.

It is also known that due to the special lifestyle of the initiate and due to hormonal changes in the body on the parietal part, a small area becomes thinner to such an extent that in fact only the skin remains. On the crown of the head (not in the forehead!), A real snake's eye is formed. That is why, probably, among all ancient peoples, the snake was considered the personification and symbol of wisdom. (Erem P.)

“Here is one technique to help open the third eye. It is necessary to sit comfortably so that nothing distracts, look at yourself from the outside, concentrate, look inside yourself and without any sense repeat the phrase of self-hypnosis: "Open the third eye." Repeat, repeat and repeat. Focus on the image of the one who is needed, on the face, figure, clothes. Reset intuition and get in touch with the information field. Select the desired panformation from it. A moment will come - and an unknown nerve flashes in the brain, as on a screen, what you need to see. At the same time, one should not express any emotions, observing dispassionately, without interference, shouting, without boasting, without calculations and mathematical calculations (“sit and watch”), watch everything QUIETLY. Often an event seen by the third eye has already happened. It cannot be undonethat is, when communicating with the paninformation of the system, which gives absolutely reliable information, you must remember: what you saw has already happened to you and to other people whose fates intersected with yours. If one hopes to avoid the inevitable, then others will not. 3rd stage. Lie on your back and roll clockwise with your eyes open. Make a full turn, as if you were looking at a huge watch, but do it as quickly as possible. Your mouth should be open and relaxed. Thus, the concentrated energy is directed to the “third eye”. Lie on your back and roll clockwise with your eyes open. Make a full turn, as if you were looking at a huge watch, but do it as quickly as possible. Your mouth should be open and relaxed. Thus, the concentrated energy is directed to the “third eye”. Lie on your back and roll clockwise with your eyes open. Make a full turn, as if you were looking at a huge watch, but do it as quickly as possible. Your mouth should be open and relaxed. Thus, the concentrated energy is directed to the “third eye”.


- In Ancient Egypt, the All-Seeing Eye was a symbol of the god Ra.

“According to exact beliefs, the third eye is a must-have for the gods.

- He allowed them to contemplate the entire prehistory of the Universe, see the future, freely look into any corners of the universe.

- Hindu, and then Buddhist deities (paintings and sculptures of Buddhist temples) are usually depicted with a third eye, located vertically above the level of the eyebrows.

- “The third eye” also glows in the forehead of Kumari - the living goddess of virginity (in the capital of Nepal Kathmandu) - a drawn eye, placed in rank.

- with the help of the third eye, the God of creation Vishnu, dreaming on the waters, penetrates the veils of time.

- The god of destruction Shiva is also capable of incinerating worlds.

- The symbol of the all-seeing eye always accompanies mythology.

- The all-seeing eye gave the unearthly ancestors of mankind (gods) remarkable abilities - hypnosis and clairvoyance, telepathy and telekinesis, the ability to draw knowledge directly from the cosmic mind, to know the past and the future.

- The symbol came to us from ancient mythological stories and can be found on the American dollar bill.


- Sensitivity to the millimeter wavelength range as well as to the magnetic field.

- Captures not only variations of the geomagnetic field, but also ultra and infrasound.

- The “third eye” is the “eye of eternity”, thanks to which the initiate not only remembers his previous incarnations, but can also look into the future. (Steph Y.)

- "Alternative vision": with closed physical eyes, freely read any text, distinguish all signs, navigate in an unfamiliar room.

- Helps to perceive and radiate "subtle energy", "see" not only what is happening outside the body, but also inside it.

- By the way, sexual abstinence activates the pineal gland, and if it lasts for a long time, it also affects the psyche - it can contribute to ecstatic experiences so familiar to monks.

- Responsible for human intelligence and obtaining information about the past and future, is capable, like the eyes, to emit mental images.

- The state of the Epiphysis is directly related to the level of our spiritual development, the Evolution of Consciousness, to the extent to which we are connected with God by our thoughts. If this is not the case, then the Epiphysis does not receive the pure energies of God, changes its function and atrophies, and the level of melatonin in the body decreases. The pituitary gland, thyroid and thymus glands are immediately disconnected from the hormonal metabolic processes of the body. Pathological processes develop like an avalanche - the body turns on the self-destruction mechanism!

- The pineal gland in the body is considered the main regulator. It produces the hormone melatonin, which protects the body from free radicals, and therefore protects it from cancer, AIDS, and other misfortunes. This hormone calms the nervous system and helps to keep Consciousness at the Alpha level, and also slows down aging.

- An organ capable of studying in the subtle energy range.

- He is endowed not only with the gift of the third eye, but also the Spiritual eye, the All-Seeing Eye, is called the receptacle of the soul, the astral body.

- The ancient Greeks believed that the pineal gland is the seat of the soul, the center of thought. The latter consider the pineal gland to be the physical center of the brain, a link between the physical and the figurative world. They endow this organ with the gift of higher vision.


For example, in snakes, lizards, and lampreys, the pineal gland gradually moved away from the roof of the cerebral ventricle and rose to an opening in the bony septum of the skull. Located in the middle of the forehead, just under the skin, which in these creatures is almost transparent, it exactly repeats the structure of the eye: it is a small bubble filled with a glassy liquid. Moreover, the upper septum under the skin resembles the cornea, and the lower one is similar in structure to the retina. It even emanates a nerve similar to the optic one, which forms the corresponding apparatus in the brain. However, everything is arranged and debugged in such a way as to look inside - to see what is happening inside the body, and not outside it. Of course, there is a long way from a snake to a man. Those. snakes,In lizards and lampreys, the pineal gland was gradually removed from the roof of the cerebral ventricle and rose to the opening in the bony septum of the skull. The third eye in reptiles is covered with translucent skin, and this led scientists to assume that it works not only in the light range. Sensitivity to infrasounds and future images, this makes reptiles excellent predictors of various cataclysms: earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and even magnetic storms. However, it is believed that these creatures can foresee due to the special properties of the third eye - to perceive subtle information about the future from the information field of the planet. Sensitivity to infrasounds and future images, this makes reptiles excellent predictors of various cataclysms: earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and even magnetic storms. However, it is believed that these creatures can foresee due to the special properties of the third eye - to perceive subtle information about the future from the information field of the planet. Sensitivity to infrasounds and future images, this makes reptiles excellent predictors of various cataclysms: earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and even magnetic storms. However, it is believed that these creatures can foresee due to the special properties of the third eye - to perceive subtle information about the future from the information field of the planet.


- The pineal gland has amazing mobility. The pineal gland … is able to rotate … Almost like an eyeball in the socket.

- the activity of this gland is largely stimulated by light (and possibly in other ranges) signals coming from the eyes.

“Moreover, they talk about a direct similarity between the pineal gland and the eyeball, since it also has a lens and receptors for color perception.

- The epiphysis is associated with special information capabilities of a person.

- The version "pineal gland - third eye" explains well another riddle - why magicians and soothsayers have resorted to the help of children and virgins in their divination sessions since ancient times.

- The pineal gland, as it turned out, receives impulses from … the pupil, and possibly from the eyeball. Simply put, the activity of the pineal gland is stimulated by light signals coming from the eyes!

- In the pineal gland, it is possible to find the lens, the vitreous body, a semblance of a retina with light-sensitive cells, the remainder of the choroid and the optic nerve. In addition, the third eye contains glandular cells, and in higher animals it has been reborn into a real full-fledged gland.

- Located in the geometric center of the brain. Doesn't this correspond to the location of the great pyramids in the physical center of the planet?

- The pineal gland has a conical head start = 2 concentric spiral rays from the center of the pyramid.


It is believed that over millennia of inactivity, the pineal gland has significantly decreased in size, and that once it was (in the future will again become) the size of a large cherry.