The Laws Of The Universe - Simple Metaphysical Rules Of Life - Alternative View

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The Laws Of The Universe - Simple Metaphysical Rules Of Life - Alternative View
The Laws Of The Universe - Simple Metaphysical Rules Of Life - Alternative View

Video: The Laws Of The Universe - Simple Metaphysical Rules Of Life - Alternative View

Video: The Laws Of The Universe - Simple Metaphysical Rules Of Life - Alternative View
Video: The 10 Spiritual Laws of the Universe (WHAT are the LAWS of the UNIVERSE?) Explained 2024, September

Neither science nor religion has any answers to how the universe ultimately works. But there are several universal metaphysical laws that can clarify the laws of the universe from a spiritual perspective.

Many people are familiar with The Law of Attraction due to the popularity of a number of books and films. Unfortunately, the laws of the universe are a little more complicated. Although films about the mysteries of the universe are an excellent textbook for introducing people to universal laws, they are a little behind in their ability to teach people everything that does not hurt to know about the "outside world" (here we are talking about the spiritual world).

Many people get frustrated trying to build their own ideal reality. They try various things, from fortune telling to clairvoyance and good luck spells. As a result, they find themselves still far from the goal.

You can focus your energy on things like money or cars, but really want the security of freedom and happiness, thinking that the former automatically gives the latter. Does the Law of Attraction Really Work? Yes, but it requires a deeper understanding and application of all universal laws for the rule to really work in your life.

The Law of Attraction is just one of several universal laws. Accepting and understanding the full range of laws will make it easier to work with the Law of Attraction.


The Law of How the Universe Works is a thought that explains our unity. There is only one source of energy in the universe, and each of us is part of the ocean of universal energy. This is why hatred or the desire to harm someone is such a dangerous feeling. When we plan to do this, we actually hate and wish to harm ourselves.

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All life, all energy comes from one source. We are all connected and come from the same source, as living manifestations of the divine. We must learn to recognize the divinity that is in all things and respect it.

You are not tiny and insignificant interspersed in the vast ocean. Your goal is to learn to see the ocean in a drop. Those who consider themselves eternally “small” send vibrational energies that are also “small”.

We are part of a source of energy that is so vast, so immeasurably rich, and immense that the mind cannot understand it. This is at the core of every being.

The good news is that we don't need to ask for energy or divine help. We are the universal energy and divine essence. When we respect divinity in all things, including ourselves, we join the universal energy and tune in to everything around us.


All things are made of energy, this is a scientific fact. The Law of Vibration indicates that we need to align our energy with what we want to attract into our life. And you don't need to avoid human emotions to do this.

In fact, by blocking emotions, you can close communication with the divine nature. However, we can express our emotions in positive ways and focus on emotions like love and gratitude. This will help to harmonize at the level of the universe and attract higher things into our life.

Simply put; the law of vibration tells us to correlate our energy with what we want to attract. This can be done through the power of our emotions and thoughts, which we are free to choose at any time. Combined feelings and thoughts are very powerful things.


Yes, we are divine creatures, but still people. We have to comprehend our experience being here on Earth in physical form, to act in the material world in order to grow and learn the lessons of our current incarnation.

However, taking action to achieve a goal does not mean going through pain, hard work and struggle. When actions are aligned with universal energy, the right decisions become clear and obvious. And we can really simplify the path by working towards our goals with a sense of "energy flow."

Challenges help us learn and grow. However, if you are constantly tense with all your might, straining, then perhaps you need to restore the lost connection, and "reset" the goal to action. Have you thought about it? - and this will help to discover new horizons, a new way of life and goals, the ability to move without a struggle.


We are used to the statement: the outer world reflects the inner world of a person like a mirror. What does this mean? For example, two people may interpret the same events and circumstances in completely different ways.

Some will go to the forest and enjoy the natural beauty around them, wondering about the creatures large and small with whom they share their world. Others will enter the forest and begin to moan about heat or cold, swear at biting insects, and fear spiders.

The world outside reflects your inner self. What the thought focuses on will become reality - good or bad, you choose embodiment. Yes, you are destined to experience what you think about, and this is projected into life. If you want to change the outer circumstances of your life, first take the trouble to change your own inner world.

Those who strive for the purity of the inner world find that their daily life and routines are easy and harmonious. They are good at coping with shocks and moving happily through life. Those who are stuck in anger and resentment, mired in negative emotions, as a rule, bring more chaos into their own lives - and probably do not even realize that they are doing it themselves.


A well-known postulate says: you reap what you sow. Many spiritual traditions have taught remarkable wisdom for thousands of years. The most famous way is the law of "Karma". By the way, the rule also makes sense from the point of view of the law of unity.

“By hurting others, we end up hurting ourselves. However, if we work for the highest good of ourselves and other people, starting from the motives of love and compassion, then the reflected good will certainly come into our lives.

If you are passionate and moving positively, carry powerful energy and action, then they will return to you in the form of rewards. On the other hand, if you are negative, hurtful and mean, it also comes back to you in the form of unpleasant consequences.


Gandhi once said, we must "… be the change that we want to see in the world …". Regardless of feelings and desires, what you lack, be it money, time, recognition or love, the law of compensation is universal. What does this mean?

- To us is returned what was given to others. There is an interesting saying: suffering loves company. For example, when we are unhappy, we tend to attract other people who are also unhappy, and this becomes a vicious circle that feeds on itself.

Fortunately, the return mechanism works well not only in compassion. Wanting to get more of something in your life, give freely to others what you hope to get. Does this mean that if you need more money, you have to give away all the money you have?

Of course not, but you can be generous and share according to your current ability to help someone in need.

Provide good to those who need it. Be generous and share abundance in any of its many forms with others - then abundance and prosperity will return to you. Don't hesitate, just try … give yourself the opportunity to be happy.


Another amazing law about the metaphysical processes of the Universe is our reaction to the world around us. The world energy is in constant motion, it flows and transforms, but all energy ultimately manifests itself. The law of energy transformation also says: you have the right to change your life (and the Lord gave a person the freedom of choice).

Higher vibrational energies consume lower energies, so if you don't like the path you are on, change it, or more importantly, “let” change it. Instead of trying to force the environment to your will, or circumstances, it is better to rearrange your own thoughts.

When we resist change or try to maintain a false sense of control over the outside world, it always leads to struggle. We must learn to accept change, work with energies and “allow” circumstances, opportunities, etc. manifest in accordance with divine providence.

Our ego's need for a false sense of control can block the flow of positive energy that will actually build the ideal circumstances we seek.


That is, that is - the law of relativity is absolutely universal. Nothing is good, bad, big, small, etc. until it has been tried and compared to something else. The law of relativity assures that every soul will face some problems.

You can "break" under the pressure of problems, or you can rise higher and let the trials you fail to strengthen you. Learn to use life's tasks as stepping stones, not stumbling blocks.

One strategy that works when you feel "on the brink" of breaking is to know that no matter what you're suffering at the moment, someone's situation is much more dire. A broken arm is very bad, but somewhere another person can break both arms and a leg, and you are in trouble because of one arm. In times of trouble or other adversity, learn to gather wisdom and blessings, and keep a course for a positive perspective.


Everything has its opposite: day and night, joy and sorrow, wealth and poverty. Without one, the other does not exist. When working with universal laws, we use polarity as a way to determine the focus of yin and yang.

Thoughts and ideas that don't work for your good can be eliminated by consciously focusing attention on their opposite. Are you sad? Well, watch a funny movie. Are you angry? - and do not dwell on this disgusting emotion.

Focus on what you can do to bring out the opposite. In this way, you find solutions that inspire and expand life opportunities and space.


All energy vibrates and moves in accordance with its own rhythm. These rhythms establish cycles and patterns. Think of the weather seasons that make up a full year. Each season has its own purpose and function, being an integral part of the full circle.

Learn to harmonize with the higher vibrational energies that you are trying to attract into your life. Raise your vibration through understanding and practicing other universal laws and harmonize them with higher energies.

Meditation is one of the tools that many people use to connect to a common source of energy. As a result, they maintain "higher frequencies" and this sense of connection with the source helps them throughout their entire life cycle.

In conclusion about the universe

Understanding metaphysical laws helps us understand how powerful forces are included in the universe. When we understand how our own emotions, energies and thoughts affect reality, we can begin to move forward and change life and the world for the better.