Pope Francis Sent A Warning To Trump - Messenger Of The Apocalypse - Alternative View

Pope Francis Sent A Warning To Trump - Messenger Of The Apocalypse - Alternative View
Pope Francis Sent A Warning To Trump - Messenger Of The Apocalypse - Alternative View

Video: Pope Francis Sent A Warning To Trump - Messenger Of The Apocalypse - Alternative View

Video: Pope Francis Sent A Warning To Trump - Messenger Of The Apocalypse - Alternative View
Video: Trump Responds To Pope Saying He's 'Not Christian' [FULL RESPONSE] 2024, July

Ann-Marie Alcántara, Assistant Editor-in-Chief of Specialty Edition POPSUGAR, said yesterday that she had learned that Pope Francis had sent a very disturbing warning letter to US President Donald Trump.

In this letter, the Pope asks Trump not to attack Syria, as it will lead to a terrible war, and warns that it will all end in a terrible tragedy for all of humanity. Dad knows IT, because IT was revealed to him last year.

Trump will trigger an Apocalypse on Earth that will wipe out most of humanity.

“Five countries will be completely destroyed. Many millions will burn up in a nuclear flame. And then darkness and cold will descend on Earth, and the living will envy the dead,”the Pope wrote in his terrible letter.

According to Ann-Marie Alcántara, it was because of this that the Pope was so unhappy and upset at his meeting with Trump on May 24, 2017.


Here is what POPSUGAR wrote about this meeting then:

“Their meeting was short, only 30 minutes long, and it looks like for Pope Francis it was the worst moment of his life - and it was evident from the expression on his face. Everyone noticed it."

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Back then, no one could even imagine that the Pope already knew EVERYTHING. He knows WHO he is dating. Who stands in front of him. And what a threat to all mankind this messenger of the Apocalypse brings.

Will President Trump heed the Pope's warning? Will he step over his pride and will not follow the lead of those who want to plunge humanity into a nuclear nightmare? We do not know.

But the Apocalypse is already on the doorstep. And the Pope knew about it last year.