About Prophetic Dreams - Alternative View

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About Prophetic Dreams - Alternative View
About Prophetic Dreams - Alternative View

Video: About Prophetic Dreams - Alternative View

Video: About Prophetic Dreams - Alternative View
Video: Afraid of Prophetic Dreams 2024, September

Parapsychologists believe that each of us has dreams from time to time, which are prophetic. But the vast majority of people, waking up, forget them or do not attach importance to them

Meanwhile, many esoteric experts believe that such dreams are often dreamed by a person, because with their help our deceased close relatives are trying to warn us about something important.

According to the esoteric teaching, the global information field contains information about everything that happened in the past and will happen in the future.

People with the gift of foresight gain access to this field and can predict leading events. But the information field and the subtle world form a single whole, a kind of virtual reality. Therefore, the future of our material world is open to the souls of the dead who are there. Moreover, this future is multidimensional, or, in other words, differently planned: the course of events can develop according to different scenarios that already exist in the subtle world, depending on how the person himself will act at this or that critical moment.

As a rule, souls in the subtle world do not interfere in earthly affairs, leaving people to make this choice themselves. However, there is one exception. These are the souls of close people who are in the subtle world. They feel a sense of love for us and would like to protect us from such actions that can cause unpleasant and even fatal consequences for us, or, conversely, suggest what will bring us happiness. But how is this to be understood?

There are times when the souls of the departed at all costs want to tell us something very important. And then they resort to a "roundabout maneuver." When a person is asleep, his energy protection is much weaker, since the brain is “turned off” and does not need to be protected. This is what the souls are in a hurry to take advantage of. They send a "dispatch" to our subconscious. And it, in turn, brings to us its content in the form of dreams.

For all the seeming fantasy of such a "postal connection" with the subtle world, there are plenty of examples that indicate that it really exists. Moreover, it has characteristic features that depend on what it is about. For example, most often in prophetic dreams, mothers and grandmothers give> advice on love affairs, which for women is perhaps the most important thing in life.

Here are two such stories

When 25-year-old Olga Kletsko, the mother of two daughters, was in her fifth month of pregnancy, her husband Arkada, with whom, as it seemed to her, they lived in perfect harmony, suddenly announced that he had met his first love and was leaving for her. In Olga's family, no one has ever divorced. All ancestors and relatives started families and lived together until death separated the spouses. And she herself sincerely believed that if people get married, then forever. Therefore, the departure of her husband was a tragedy for her. His betrayal caused Olga to despair and hatred for the entire male family.

She was scared to give birth to her third child, which, as the ultrasound showed, should be a son. The closer the time of his birth was, the more Olga worried, fearing that she would not love her son. Just before giving birth, the doctor Nina Petrovna, who did not know about the cause of her fears, told her: “Do not be afraid. A young but very experienced obstetrician will help me. His name is the good old name Timofey."

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“No, no, no men,” Olga pleaded, but the doctor did not pay attention to it.

And at night she dreamed that she was sitting with the baby at home by the window and saw how the deceased mother was leading some unfamiliar young man by the hand to their entrance. Early in the morning, when Olga's contractions began and she was taken to the maternity ward, Nina Petrovna was not yet there. She was told that her assistant Timofey, who was on duty that night, would take delivery. Despair seized Olga, but she could do nothing. When she heard a man's voice nearby and opened her eyes, she was stunned - the obstetrician Timofey turned out to be the same man whom his mother led to their house in a dream! And Olga suddenly believed that everything would be fine … When Dr. Timofey showed her the newborn, she suddenly thought that she could not live without these two men, and cried with happiness.

A week later Timofey came to Olga's home as a “patronage brother” to visit the baby. Then the second visit followed, the third … And a month later he proposed to her, and after the wedding, together with the children, took her to him. Three years have passed since then. The marriage turned out to be a happy one for both. This is evidenced by at least the fact that they had a common child, but, according to the loving spouses, they are not going to stop there.

In the second case, a mother from another world found the daughter of a groom. Nina Khlopova was one of those women who achieved success in life on their own. General manager with a decent salary in a large foreign firm. Not bad looking. Just bought a one-room, but spacious apartment in an elite new building.

But she did not have a loved one, and neither did she have a chance to find him. The work did not leave time for attending parties, and in foreign resorts, where she went a couple of times a year for a week, there were no suitable candidates. Therefore, the old saying more and more often came to Nina's mind: "You will not marry until thirty - you will spend your whole life in girls." And each time she was attacked by melancholy - very little remained until the critical age.

One Friday, June 30 - Nina remembered this date for the rest of her life - she returned from work very late. The mood was so disgusting that she didn't even bother to eat. She just drank two glasses of wine and went to bed. That night she had an amazing dream, and not silent, as usual, but with sound. As if she enters her apartment and in the hallway hears the melody, fashionable before the war, coming from the room: “Roses are blooming in the Chair park…”, which the deceased mother loved very much and often started this disc. Surprised, Nina hurries into the room and sees that her mother and some still not old man are sitting on the couch, but already with a head smooth as a billiard ball. And between them is an old gramophone, on which a record is spinning, exuding a sweet, enchanting voice. Nina did not have time to get a good look at the stranger, because the dream was interrupted.

On Saturday, Nina was busy cleaning all day, and in the evening, when the heat subsided, she went out onto the balcony to get some fresh air. And suddenly, from the open door of the neighboring balcony, the painfully familiar was heard: "In the Chair park …". Nina was amazed. But she was even more amazed when the very man whom she had seen in a dream with her mother last night came out onto the balcony. Nina herself did not know why, but she immediately felt a friendly trust in him. When the man smiled and asked: “Do you miss me too?” She willingly kept up the conversation.

Just two months later, the successful businesswoman and her equally successful neighbor got married. Their family union is already expecting a child.

Of course, one can only be grateful to our close deceased people for the fact that they are trying to make us happy. But it is much more important that sometimes they even save from death.

Petr Petrovich Vershkov claims that his late father, just like him, an avid motorist, saved him from inevitable death. And it was like this. Until late autumn, our hero goes to his village house, which he bought in the early 90s. The roads in the rural outback are not so hot, but a once asphalted highway leads to the village, along which it is still quite possible to drive in any weather.

One day at the end of September, Pyotr Petrovich had a strange dream. As if at a sharp turn not far from the village, on the wet asphalt by the right side of the road, the late father sits in a red clown outfit with silver stars and shakes his head sorrowfully, holding a loose glitter in his hands. The surprised son pulled up abruptly to ask what had happened. But the father at that moment disappeared.

“Wow, what nonsense is dreaming,” thought the awakened Pyotr Petrovich, turned on the other side and fell asleep again.

And in the morning I forgot about the ridiculous dream.

Early on Saturday morning he drove to the village to close the house for the winter. The rain, which had been falling all week, made a break, the highway dried up, there were practically no oncoming cars, so Petr Petrovich kept his speed at least 80 kilometers all the way. Ahead appeared the last turn not far from the village. And suddenly before the driver's eyes there was a father seen in a dream, sitting on the highway. Although in reality there was no one there, Pyotr Petrovich involuntarily turned to the left shoulder and slowed down. This saved him. Immediately around the bend, he saw a deep ravine, to the bottom of which a whole piece of highway had slid.

Here is another similar case.

Natalya Evgenievna Pokrovskaya, from a small town, suddenly died of her husband. Both she and her two weather sons were very sad, because he was a wonderful person. The orphaned family often went to the cemetery to sit at his grave. Once before such a trip, the eldest son, 17-year-old Andrei, told his mother that at night he saw his father in a dream: “We are all going somewhere in my father’s old Moskvich. Suddenly dad says that the steering is flawed. We stopped, adjusted it and drove on."

Natalya Evgenievna considered this dream a warning given to them by the late head of the family, and insisted that her sons check the car. The steering was fine. But the ball joint on the front left wheel was kept on one bolt. So, if not for a dream, they probably ended up in a ditch and could be seriously injured.

However, even in ordinary everyday situations, souls give valuable advice, although they are not asked about it. All his life pensioner Grigory Ivanovich Soloviev has been building railways. He was awarded with labor medals and a badge of honor of the BAM builder. And he chose his profession on the advice of Uncle Kolya, as was the name of a lonely old pensioner who lived with them in a communal apartment. More precisely, his soul, since he died in 1951, and a memorable incident for Solovyov happened two years later.

This man loved little Grisha very much and tried to replace his deceased father. Therefore, the boy used to consult with him when he found himself in a difficult situation and did not know how to get out of it. After leaving school, Grigory entered the Polytechnic College, but did not pass the competition. He passed the exams at the Electromechanical College, but he was suddenly transferred to another city. The young man was very upset, because he did not think of anything suitable for continuing his studies, and he could not afford five years of the institute. Recent years, to help the mother take her! ends meet, Grisha moonlighted as a loader, fortunately, the guy was strong.

In general, the situation seemed hopeless to the young man. And then he suddenly dreamed of Uncle Kolya, although he had never seen him in a dream before. He stood near the door of some three-story gray building and gestured to Grisha to enter there. Near the entrance there was a sign with the name written in large letters: "Evening Railway College".