Dome Technology - Alternative View

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Dome Technology - Alternative View
Dome Technology - Alternative View

Video: Dome Technology - Alternative View

Video: Dome Technology - Alternative View
Video: How to beat the Iron Dome technology? 2024, September

Part one

The purpose of this work is not to study the origins of faith, to insult the feelings of believers and try to dissuade them in anything. Any mention of religious content during the course of the article is completely random.

Hello dear friends. As you probably guessed, this article will be devoted to domed structures, many of which, despite the difficult years, have survived on the territory of our country. Actually, and not only on the territory of our country, all over the world there are a lot of such structures. They differ in shape, size, materials of execution, but in general they have an identity in structure - as a rule, this is a building on which one or several domes are located, on which superstructures in the form of various structures are located. We will not distribute attention to the whole world and consider the domed structures of our domestic middle zone from the Black Sea to the White Sea and from the Baltic Sea to Siberia. As you probably already noticed, initially I did not use the word "temple" to define domed structures,perhaps only in place names. Firstly, the majority immediately associates this word with religion, but in my deep conviction, initially, these structures had a very mediocre relationship to religion, at least in its modern form. This statement will have its evidence many times in the course of the further narration. Secondly, if you look at old photographic materials before the beginning of the 20th century, you can see that a lot of domed structures are used in buildings that are completely far from places of worship. This statement will have its evidence many times in the course of the further narration. Secondly, if you look at old photographic materials before the beginning of the 20th century, you can see that a lot of domed structures are used in buildings that are completely far from places of worship. This statement will have its evidence many times in the course of the further narration. Secondly, if you look at old photographic materials before the beginning of the 20th century, you can see that a lot of domed structures are used in buildings that are completely far from places of worship.

You don't have to go far for examples. Here is the Andreevskoe courtyard in Odessa (pay attention to the roof of the house, the dome is still standing, although there is the most beautiful Panteleimonovsky Cathedral just across the house):


Here is a gymnasium in Astrakhan:


Here is the building of the City Duma in Vladimir:

Promotional video:


Here is the guardhouse building in Omsk:


If you google old photos of other cities, then almost everywhere on old stone houses, regardless of their purpose, there are domed structures. Now these structures on the houses either do not remain at all, or they have been modified beyond recognition. Why were these structures erected on houses, and in droves? The question is very interesting. It is not entirely rational to erect such technically complex structures at every home only for spiritual needs.

But with all this, in almost every large settlement there was at least one domed structure, and in large cities their number was determined by dozens, and they were practically nearby. And these structures did not carry any social functions, except for religious (in our modern understanding). Why were there so many? The question is further complicated by the fact that, in terms of technical and aesthetic level, these structures often surpassed the residential and other houses that stood nearby. There is a feeling that the domed structures were built much earlier than anything else, moreover, by people with significant knowledge in the field of construction. However, the official chronicle asserts to us that the construction of these structures went on systematically until the beginning of the 20th century. It is not possible to refute this now. Over and over again comes the thoughtthat our history until the end of the 19th century was completely different from what was written in the history textbooks of the socialist period. But let's look at our domed structures in architectural style and try to classify them somehow.

First of all, dome structures made in the style of Russian classicism should be included in a special group. An example of this is the well-known St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg. We must pay tribute to the fact that the building is quite grandiose and in style is completely different from the domed structures located throughout the rest of Russia. Currently, there is a lot of controversy about who actually built it, there is no consensus. Enough has been written on this topic, I see no reason to repeat myself. A feature of this structure is a spherical dome. Since by its architecture this complex is completely out of the general range of all other domestic domed structures, we will assume that it was built at least by thosewho did not know and had nothing to do with the builders of the rest of the domed structures and did not use the same rules (or canons, if you like). But most likely, it was built with a large chronological shift relative to all the others, and in an earlier direction.

As a further classifying feature, let's take a helmet-shaped dome of a structure, without the presence of a bulbous dome above it. Actually, there are not so many such structures. For example, Veliky Novgorod:


It is immediately striking that the architectural style of the building differs from the refectory and the bell tower on the left. Accident?

Or Vladimir:


The same, the style of the bell tower and the building is different. Coincidence?

Or Rostov the Great (Spaso-Yakovlevsky Monastery):


Here, in general, the building on the left is very different in architecture from the building on the right, primarily in the presence of columns. The conclusion suggests itself - the buildings with helmet-shaped domes were built much earlier than everyone else. How much earlier, now it is no longer possible to determine, but at least for several centuries. It is worth mentioning this place separately - the Rostov Kremlin was built on the site of a fortress-star, which can be clearly seen in Google-map. And there is not a single structure with helmet-shaped domes. Obviously, the place of the fortress-stars was built up later, and the real Rostov Kremlin was right here. And the star fortress performed some other functions. But more about that some other time.

And another conclusion suggests itself that if the domed structure has helmet-shaped domes, as well as porticoes and columns, then even with signs of subsequent revision or reconstruction, it claims to be an ancient city-forming place and it is necessary to look more closely near it. For example, there is the city of Ocher in the Perm Territory (few people know that a person who cannot be written about comes from there, he has personally been there many times, there are about 20% of namesakes there). But we are not talking about this, but about the fact that there is a structure there that is very unusual for these places (old photo, in the new century there is no bell tower):


Where could a building with such a style come from in those parts? History is silent, but obviously the city originates clearly not from 1759, but much earlier. And the modern Perm Territory at that time was clearly not a provincial backwater.

Well, we still have the most common type of domed structure - with onion domes. As a rule, the buildings there are made in the Russian Baroque style, this type of structures is present in almost any large settlement. The architectural description of buildings is familiar to everyone, there is a lot of material on this topic. Let's give as an example a few photos of structures (I chose those structures that have survived from old times, do not scold too much if among these photos there is a remake).









Rostov on Don:


Kasli (Chelyabinsk region):


Now compare the first three photos and the last three. As you probably already guessed, in the first three photos of structures from the northern latitudes, and in the lower ones - from the southern ones. Nothing seemed to anyone? Let's set aside the bell tower, the domes on them or they themselves were completely restored anew already in the recent past. But with the domes above the buildings, a pattern begins to be traced, namely, with a decrease in latitude, the dome turns more and more from bulbous to helmet-shaped. More mathematically, from north to south the ratio of the diameters of the lower section of the dome to the diameter of its thickest part approaches the number 1, and the height of the dome from the lower section to the thickest part decreases significantly. Google more photos from other places and compare, see for yourself. If the structures are not a remake, then the pattern is obvious. Why would? Let's see thenwhat we have even further south. Please, Tashkent:


The trend, however. We will not judge by the size yet, there are large domes relatively everywhere, but such quirks of the dome profile are clearly not without reason. So why was it necessary to bend the domes on the buildings to the north?

Well, it's time to move on to the materiel. It seems to be nothing, but there are the heads of engineers and old photographic materials that they did not think to destroy during the Cultural Revolution. Let's make a technical reconstruction based on these initial data.

Part two

Another example of a domed structure is clearly not for cult needs from the beginning of the 20th century (Taganskaya Square, Moscow), but clearly not functioning as intended:


It is clearly too early for a 10 / 0.4 kV transformer substation, there are too few windows and no chimney for a police station, and too difficult for a public toilet. If you hang special cones under the roof on the projections of the brackets (see previous articles), well, it very much begins to resemble a generator, the signal from which is transmitted to the poles without wires. In height it clearly matches the poles and pantograph of the tram. Dear friends, if someone has an idea what this structure is and what it was intended for, write plz in the comments.

Well, let's move on to physics and mathematics. To make it easier to digest, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the material located here and here. In the same way we define for ourselves that the particles of the ether and electrons move exclusively according to the laws of mechanics. We will also discard all dogmas about positive charges and bring this question to the negative charge of an electron. We will assume that a positively charged elementary volume is a volume with a content of electrons, the concentration of which is less than in a volume, the concentration in which is taken as a zero point. Well, and accordingly, the negatively charged elementary volume is a volume where the concentration of electrons is higher than in the volume of the zero point at normal electric pressure. For the zero point, you can take any convenient place, for example, a place near the surface of the earth. The difference in the concentration of electrons causes their overflow from a volume with an increased concentration to a volume with a reduced one, but not due to the charge force, but due to the forces of mechanical pressure. A perfectly understandable rule. Particles of ether behave similarly. The difference between electrons and ether particles is only that the latter, due to their smaller size, have superfluidity and can penetrate to any point in space equally, and electrons have such properties only in individual chemical elements or their compounds. Electrons and ether interact with each other similarly to the interaction of mechanical bodies, and under certain conditions this can cause periodic oscillations. And at the same time, there are no transverse vibrations that are poorly understood by everyone, but there are only longitudinal vibrations of the electronic and ether fields, which are simplistically analogous to sound in the atmosphere.

So, we have domed structures and vague ideas that some kind of electricity is obtained there, but the laws of its production and the main application are completely incomprehensible to us. In previous articles, a version was considered about how it is possible, using a primitive dome structure, to obtain electrical energy to power installations of medium power. But there were clearly coils with conductors that were visible in the photo and the fact of their presence is undeniable. Without them, the transformation of a high voltage extracted from the atmosphere into a low one is not possible in principle. And if we look at the photos of other domed structures, then there is not even a hint of the presence of any objects, even if they simply look like coils with conductors. In addition, there are no similar artifacts in museums or collections, and there is no information about these artifacts in folklore,architectural reference books, religious vaults and other sources of information. Obviously everything worked differently.

Well, if you think logically, then during the Cultural Revolution, the Bolsheviks, if they did not demolish the entire dome structure, then demolished its upper part and stopped there. This fact suggests that the secret of the installation was precisely at the top. The rest of the structure could be adapted for household needs or simply abandoned, but without the upper part, it was a simple ordinary building. But what if the domes were partially or completely left untouched, and even the structures above the domes also remained, but the structure no longer performed any function of extracting electricity from the atmosphere? Apparently, not everything is so simple. Let's try to restore the picture from the available photographic materials. Fortunately, there are a lot of photos of the process of demolishing such structures by the Bolsheviks on the Internet,but for us they will now be of interest in a slightly different plane. More precisely, let's try to consider what was inside and in the process of scrapping it came out so to speak for everyone to see.

For example, here is a photo of the demolition of an unidentifiable structure:


Nothing unusual is present. The lower part of the dome frame in a hexagonal pyramidal design is obviously made of iron struts, tightened by ties of the same material to the central trunk. The central barrel is also made of iron. What assortment of this iron, it is no longer possible to make out from the photo. The central trunk itself most likely enters the building and serves to secure the chandelier; this is a common technical solution for structures of this kind. On the frame, there are still horizontal beams that served to fix the roofing material. The roofing material itself is gone. Judging by the fact that the frame was not touched and the sheet metal on the roof was not touched on the building itself, the roofing material of the frame was clearly of non-ferrous metal and it was removed in the first place. Nothing unusual either,sheet copper or bronze was also often used for roofing in such structures. Also in this place you can still see the preserved frame of the dome drum. It is made from the same materials. But the upper bulbous dome is no longer there, although the central trunk clearly reached its top. What for? Let's postpone this moment in memory for now.

Here is a better photo taken during the demolition of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow:


As you can see, the same system of rods and lanyards of different types, which sets the rigidity of the dome and maintains its spatial structure unchanged. The system is complex, but the dome is large. Obviously, the stone drum goes inside the dome to a considerable height. There is a similar photo from the outside, probably taken from the highest dome:


It can be seen that the workers are tearing off the last sheets of the dome skin and using a “high-speed lift” they lower it down. There is information in various sources that the NKVD set the task to remove all the sheets for processing, because according to official data of that time, the whole world collected 20 pounds of gold for gilding domes - this was a serious replenishment of the budget at that time. It is not difficult to recycle such sheets to remove the gilding (in the 90s he himself reworked the boards from the decommissioned Nairi computers, they did not spare gold, for recycling it was simply necessary to throw them into acid). The photo shows that at the top of the dome, the sheets were firmly soldered in its shape, and they are obviously torn at the seams. Below the top, the dome was made of the same sheets, but already connected by edges in the places of the vertical connections of the dome. Not surprising, there is even a photo (the fragment is lightened for clarity):


These ribs protrude above the sheets to a considerable height, visible even from a long distance. And here again a small rebus arises if you look closely at the two previous photographs. If one of the readers has ever covered a roof with a roofing iron, then he should imagine that the iron in the seams is bent together with a thin strip of the same iron nailed to the batten, and this fold sticks out perpendicular to the roof. For obvious reason, the roof is not nailed to the crate with nails. Thin strip nails can be replaced with bolts if the batten is metal. But if you look at the photo of the stripped dome from above, you can see neither these stripes, which should remain with such an area of the roof, even in single copies, nor the holes for them. I do not think that the workers did the stripping so carefully, even under threat of the NKVD,at such an altitude it is simply not possible to do this, since you constantly have to hold on to "the air". Let's see other photos of the same series:


As you can see, the workers do not stand on ceremony and cut off all the details with a gas cutter. And nowhere on the vertical braces are there any holes for attaching the dome material. If you take a closer look at the photo, you can see that above the vertical ties, in the place where the dome material should touch them, the heads of the bolts sticking out, fastening the horizontal ties made of angle steel. And the vertical ties themselves are made of two mirror-symmetrical halves, fastened together by bolts with square heads. Where was the dome mounted? If the bolt heads stick out on this side, then the dome material was clearly raised above the ties. For what? Provide dielectric gap? But he still could not hang in the air. Judging by the fact that the bolts twisting the two halves of the vertical ties are not cut or twisted, it is obvious thatthat between the vertical ties and the metal of the dome there were some easily removable dielectric parts, which formed the ribs on the dome. If they were metal, the design loses its meaning; in this case, the dome would be attached directly to the ties and the traces of these mounts would be noticeable. In fact, if you look closely at the panoramic photo, you can see that the sheets in the dome are not rounded, but more straight, and their joint was just on the edges. What kind of material it was can no longer be established without archival research, if there is something to look for.that the sheets in the dome are not rounded, but more straight, and their joint was just on the edges. What kind of material it was can no longer be established without archival research, if there is something to look for.that the sheets in the dome are not rounded, but more straight, and their joint was just on the edges. What kind of material it was can no longer be established without archival research, if there is something to look for.

It is also worth adding that after dismantling the frames of the domes, it is clearly seen that metal connections approached the bottom of the dome and, obviously, electrically joined there:


The metal ties clearly approached the bottom of the dome along the entire length of the drum with a certain step in the amount of at least two at each point. For what? Two conductors from different ends of the dome would be enough for a lightning rod. Again a riddle.

Looking at all this, I remembered a case when in the fifth grade of a simple Soviet school I was forced to learn a verse for a reading competition. For some reason, a fragment of this verse engraved itself in my memory.

The masters weaved

Stone lace patterns, They took out the pillars

And, proud of my work, The dome was burned with gold, The roofs were covered with azure outside

And in lead frames

Flakes of mica were inserted.

Oops … start googling. Obviously, we are talking about the Cathedral of St. Basil the Blessed in Moscow.

Well, lead frames are of no use to us right now, it will come to them later, when we will disassemble the structure of the domed structures. Immediately after the word "lead" there is an association with Chernobyl and radiation, but who knew about it at that time? Maybe this is just a metaphor.

Glaze clearly means blue enamel on a glass base. This is clearly an oriental style (see the photo with Tashkent in part 1), and it is not visible on our building. And even now, on the primary source from the verse, the azure is also not visible:


The metal surfaces are painted with enamels, but in different colors, and as far as I can remember, the colors on it have not changed dramatically. Apparently also a metaphor. But the domes were burned with gold, you cannot erase a word from the song. And what does “burned” mean?

As always, everything turned out to be simple again and lay in a conspicuous place. According to Wikipedia:

Actually, it was immediately clear that since the sheets of the dome undergo deformation during installation, they must be gilded in place. And again, we get out mercury, the properties of which have already been written in previous articles. This is where the dog fumbled. Obviously, there is no need to accumulate mercury in separate vessels near the dome in order to improve its electrical characteristics, it is enough to apply a coating on the top layer. The fact that mercury from the surface of copper sheets evaporates completely without a residue when the amalgam is applied when heated is far from questionable. Some part of it probably remains in the gilding layer and this part is enough to achieve some characteristics. Which ones? Let's go further.

Part three

Well, we sort of figured out the dome and understood how it is roughly arranged. And what was above the dome? Let's immediately reject modern remakes under the fundamental canons and turn our attention to those designs that raise questions from the point of view of the engineer. For example here:


Such constructions are in the overwhelming majority of 19th century photos, and many have survived to this day. There is a lot of discussion on the net that this is a kind of fractal antenna for communication, but as a radio engineer, I can say that this is just an external resemblance. In order to power a fractal antenna or remove etheric disturbances from it, it is necessary to bring the feeding two-wire feeder at least to the place of the central branching of the structure. No two-wire feeder was connected there, and without it, this design is a conventional whip antenna (correct, if not right), if the definition of a communication antenna is generally appropriate here.

The first intent look of an engineer at these structures gives rise to an association with a purely Russian invention - a chimney.


You can decorate it with any tracery, but the main task of the chimney is to adapt the wind blowing chaotically from different directions, to suck air from the chimney to create its orderly movement along the channel from bottom to top. In other words, use wind energy to create a pressure difference at the beginning and end of the chimney. A stupid thought - what if there is the same wind, but electric, and the task of our structures on the dome was to coordinate the flow of particles traveling along the central rod of the dome and the dome itself from bottom to top, or vice versa, with this wind, to give them the required current density? In other words, to adapt the electric wind so that it transmits all or part of its current and thus polarizes the movement of particles in the dome. Oops … the picture is starting to clear up again. And what was there with the fork and other designs,about which many hypotheses are put forward in our time? Unfortunately, they can only be judged by human engravings. And a person, as you know, can introduce subjectivity. But we will be based on the fact that different authors cannot lie about the same details. So:


Witsen's famous engraving of a stone tower in Pskov. It is difficult to identify whether it really was in Pskov and whether it is now even in a reconstructed form. The dome looks more like a vertically placed rugby ball, the top of the dome is clearly different from those discussed earlier, but judging by the drawing, it is made in the same plane, like the ones discussed earlier. But what is the toroidal body near the drum of the dome? Again a riddle. Suppose this is not the author's fantasy, but we will simulate the situation a little later. Let's go further.


Obviously, the Ivan the Great bell tower in the Moscow Kremlin is depicted. But what are the pommels on its domes? More like inverted bird paws. The design differs from those discussed earlier, but since the view is very simplified, we will not comment on it due to the lack of detailed details.


Judging by the style, it is an engraving by the same author. But what's on the dome? I don't know about you, but I see a semblance of a two-tiered crown, in the rays of which round shades are fixed, obviously lamps. The dome top design is clearly different from all the others and is not executed in the same plane.


An unidentified structure, the tops of the domes are similar to those considered earlier and are in the same plane. But what are the hydrohead structures on the roof (circled)? Reminds one of this:


This bas-relief is officially referred to as the plundering of the temple in Jerusalem by the Romans. Obviously, this is another design of the dome top (* - earlier in Runet I repeatedly met a photo of how the Bolsheviks took out a similar structure with confiscated property from churches, please, if you know where to find it, send a link to such a photo or tell us what this thing is called in modern church canons).

So, based on the results of viewing the photo, we can conclude that the tops on the domes previously served to concentrate the flows of atmospheric electrical particles. They had a very varied form, in which aesthetics were in perfect harmony with technical functionality. Until our time, only such tops have survived, which at least remotely resembled the main canonical image of the cross. Obviously, at the beginning of the 19th century, some kind of spiritual reform was carried out, obliging to replace all the various types of dome tops with a single type that has survived to this day and more or less fit the new canons. It is possible that during that period there were man-made or military events that destroyed the tops of the domes in their variety, and they were brought centrally under a single type. As everyone knows, the time was vague, what happened there in reality,not known for certain. But if the domed structures continued to work as intended until the end of the 19th century, there is every reason to believe that the surviving tops of the domes are quite efficient in our time, but the efficiency of the entire system clearly depended not only on them. So what's the secret?

One more question - why were the finials, in the most preserved form, made in the same plane, and always oriented from north to south? Following our logic, did the electric wind blow then (and maybe it still blows) in one direction too? Let's practice with AutoCAD and GIF-maker and try to understand how our process should go.


We have some kind of cloud with electrons (as agreed, there are slightly more electrons in it than in the surrounding space). This cloud has a front and a decline, where the density of electrons goes from normal to high and vice versa. When in contact with the metal top of the dome, provided the free and unhindered movement of electrons in the metal, the latter will be selected from the cloud by metal surfaces and move towards a decrease in potential, i.e. in this case, to the dome (we will leave the central conductor for now, about it later). Naturally, if the section of the conductor at the top of the dome is geometrically directed at least half a degree in the direction of increasing the potential (i.e. into a cloud), there will be no runoff of electrons. Pure mechanics with fractal geometry, nothing superfluous. As seen,The greatest effect of extracting electrons from the space will be if the front of the cloud is directed at an angle of 45 ° to the axis of the top and perpendicular to the plane of the top. Well, if you increase the number of "antennae" on the pommel, taking into account the fractal geometry, you can increase the efficiency of the device, but in this case, most likely, the design was unnecessarily complicated and heavier with a slight improvement in the output parameters, and the craftsmen rejected this option. If the cloud were directed from bottom to top at the same angle, the process would be identical, but in the opposite direction. But this is the simplest particular case of the motion of a cloud of electrons, which, of course, does not exist in nature. Moreover, taking into account the fractal geometry, it is possible to increase the efficiency of the device, but in this case, most likely, the design became unreasonably complicated and heavier with a slight improvement in the output parameters, and the craftsmen rejected this option. If the cloud were directed from bottom to top at the same angle, the process would be identical, but in the opposite direction. But this is the simplest particular case of the motion of a cloud of electrons, which, of course, does not exist in nature. Moreover, taking into account the fractal geometry, it is possible to increase the efficiency of the device, but in this case, most likely, the design became unreasonably complicated and heavier with a slight improvement in the output parameters, and the craftsmen rejected this option. If the cloud were directed from bottom to top at the same angle, the process would be identical, but in the opposite direction. But this is the simplest particular case of the motion of a cloud of electrons, which, of course, does not exist in nature. But this is the simplest particular case of the motion of a cloud of electrons, which, of course, does not exist in nature. But this is the simplest particular case of the motion of a cloud of electrons, which, of course, does not exist in nature.

And by the way, it is beginning to become clear that the inverted crescent is fixed at the bottom of the pommel. I've heard many versions, which are mostly symbolic, but it turns out that everything is corny and simple. The function of this crescent (or rather, even one half of it) is to select electrons from the cloud when the cloud is approaching, when the current decreases and under the influence of the ether funnel, a sharp increase in the potential difference arises. Apparently, the size of this crescent was not chosen by chance. But there are no ideally steep fronts and recessions in nature; therefore, there will be no sharp transients in our modeled circuit.

But this is all good, but what about the clouds of electrons? Ideal cases in physics only happen on paper. In the conditions of a spherical globe and the same spherical ionosphere, there can be no ideal unidirectional cases by definition. But if our tops of the domes are directed in one direction, it means that there are still some waves that have the same fronts and drops in the electron density and periodically appear between the earth and the ionosphere. Of course, these are Schumann waves. Much has been written about them so far, so we will not discuss their nature, but we will perceive them as an objective reality. From what may be of interest, it is known that Schumann waves affect human consciousness, revealing hidden superpowers. Oops … isn't this the ultimate function of the domed structure,namely, the reproduction of Schumann waves inside a single building under a dome? The picture is starting to clear up. The frequency of the Schumann waves is measured and known, for the first harmonic it is 7.83 Hz. The second harmonic frequency is twice that, or 14.1 Hz. Those interested can see the change in these frequencies in real time, the information is here. More clearly, the trajectory of Schumann waves for the first three harmonics is simplified as follows:the trajectory of Schumann waves for the first three harmonics is simplified as follows:the trajectory of Schumann waves for the first three harmonics is simplified as follows:


To put it more clearly, Schumann waves are standing waves perpendicular to the surface of the Earth and fitting with a period of oscillations in the length of the Earth's surface from pole to pole an integer number of times. If you look at the Earth in frontal projection, then the peak of the value of the first harmonic will be above the equator, the peak of the second - about 30-45 ° north and south latitude. When viewed from the North Pole, the second harmonic of the Schumann wave looks something like this:


The picture shows that the wave rises from the surface of the Earth, and, reflecting from the ionosphere, again approaches the Earth, where the process repeats at a frequency of 14.1 Hz. In the Southern Hemisphere, the same process occurs, but with a phase shift of 180 °. According to the picture, the wave rotates with its front around the earth's axis. At the north and south poles, fluctuations are minimal. The front of the wave does not have a steep characteristic, as a result of which the increase in amplitude occurs smoothly.

As you know, Moscow is located at 55 ° north latitude. How to determine at what angle the wave front approaches the earth's surface? Let's try to reconstruct the process on a different plane.


To make it clear, it is probably worth explaining. As stated in all sources, Schumann waves are a product of the oscillation of the medium between two spheres - the Earth's surface and the ionosphere. With a diameter of the Earth about 13 thousand km, the distance to the ionosphere (layer F, where reliable reflection is possible) is 150-200 thousand km. This is why the wave height is so large on an eye scale. The picture shows exactly the increase in the amplitude of the wave in time. If we look at the angle at which the lateral wave front enters the dome top, then we see an angle close to 45-50 °. There are many videos on the network with versions that the second harmonic is perpendicular to the earth's axis, but in our reconstruction this rule is fundamentally inappropriate. Firstly,at such an angle of the direction of the wave, the rule of incidence-reflection from the ionosphere in the desired direction completely ceases to work and the wave ceases to be standing. Secondly, it is not at all clear how the electron wave behaves inside the earth, but it obviously cannot vibrate as well as in the air. In our figure, the amplitude of the electron wave goes to the ionosphere at an angle of 45 °, only in this case, the wave can be re-reflected. But the sphericity (more precisely, ellipticity) of the earth and the ionosphere can also make adjustments, so if this angle is actually 30-35 °, then our dome top will have ideal characteristics in terms of receiving an electron stream. And besides all this, it is absolutely provable that the dome top will work on the leading front of the wave, i.e.being turned from east to west or having a complex structure in two planes.

If all of the above is not a major delusion, then here it is, the secret. Although no, that's not all, we still have the dome and the building. We still need to understand where and how the final product went. The situation there will be a little more complicated.

Part four

Well, friends, we are slowly beginning to understand how domed structures worked in the recent past. But since we are considering everything in a highly simplified form, it is impossible to judge unambiguously the correctness of the conclusions. We begin to move on to modeling the process of generating atmospheric electricity throughout the structure.


Obviously, the building in the photo after the canonical reform - the domes are clearly not gilded and the tops of the previously not considered form. But why is the lattice on the post directed towards the building in the background (skeptics who think that they simply did not hang wires there, tell me how they can be hung here)?

We have already understood how the processes occur at the top of the dome, but what happens in the dome itself? From the analysis of the construction part, we realized that, according to the old rules, the dome cladding is made of sheet copper covered with gold-mercury amalgam on top. The conductivity of gold is five times higher than that of iron, so it can be assumed that the path of an electron along the lining of the dome between any two of its points will always be easier than the same path along the frame of the dome. In reality, the dome frame may have additional resistance due to the mechanical joint of the parts, but the dome skin is always soldered and any transition resistance between its sheets is minimized. So how does this all work?

As we have considered in previous articles, the density of electrons increases in height from the earth's surface, and there is always a potential difference between the lowest and highest points. This value in specific form is known to everyone and measured, the value is about 200 V / m. In fact, this is a constant, but as we found out, there are also Schumann waves that change the density of electrons in space according to wave laws. If we present this in aggregate, then we find that the constant atmospheric potential difference in the superposition of Schumann waves is simply modulated by them according to the rules of vector algebra. When the dome skin gets into such a superposition law, we get a process that we will try to simulate now.


A current flows down from the dome top along the dome skin, the origin of which we examined in the previous chapter. Its value is the sum of the current from the Schumann wave and the current from the constant component of the potential difference of atmospheric electricity. Since the frequency of the Schumann wave (we believe that this is the second harmonic) is measured in units of hertz, there can be no talk of any high-frequency oscillations. Accordingly, we are not yet considering the effect of ether waves on the process. Somewhere from the side, the lateral front of the Schumann wave approaches the surface of the dome. As you know, any vector can be decomposed into a set of vectors, the geometric sum of which gives us the initial vector. This is exactly what we will do and will decompose the lateral front into two vectors. The first vector E1 is taken in the direction opposite to the movement of the current in the first direction. Since both oppositely directed vectors have different values and cannot fully compensate for each other, there remains the resulting vector, which tends upward in our case (the current from the top of the dome, going downward, is dispersed, therefore it will be less in magnitude). The second vector will be directed somewhere inside the dome. Since the gilded surface of the dome will go along the path of this vector, the result of this vector will be the movement of electrons along the surface of the dome, which will take the shortest path. Due to the shape of the dome and the progress of the process in time, this current is transformed into an annular vortex located in the horizontal plane and filling the surface of the dome in the vertical plane according to the direction of the wave front. Anticipating the questions of skeptics, I immediately answer:

- In a situation like in our picture, the dome top, due to its spatial spread, throws electrons into the atmosphere, in the same way as in the opposite direction it selects them from the atmosphere and makes them flow down.

- Yes, there can be no ring current if the Schumann wave hits the dome surface perpendicular to the lateral wave growth vector. But as you know, nothing is perfect and the shape of the dome will have eccentricity in any case, but it is probably no coincidence that the surface of the dome was made ribbed with stars, waves, or just like on the Cathedral of Christ the Savior (see part 2);

- Since mercury is present in the gilding of the dome, the ether field around our eddy current was large enough and maintained its value under any disturbances or decrease in the value of the side front strength. In addition, if the primary touch of the lateral front vector generated such an annular current, due to the ether field it would only increase over time, regardless of further changes in the value of the lateral front force (in one direction);

- The impact of the lateral front of the Schumann wave from the bottom of the dome on its opposite side would really weaken the formation of an annular eddy current or even reduce it to nothing, but the masters did the following thing in this case:


This grating, together with the metal bonds of the dome drum, greatly weakened the side wave front in an unnecessary direction. In different temples, the design of this kind of mesh is very different, obviously, with its help they made some kind of adjustment of the parameters of the dome. But we will return to this grid later.

And one more thing - if there was no lower bend of the dome, then at the northern latitudes the efficiency of its work in terms of the formation of the eddy current would decrease significantly. This was due to the change in the angle of incidence of the Schumann wave due to the latitude difference. Obviously, when approaching domed structures to the south, the need for a bend disappears and the dome turns more and more into a helmet-shaped one. Accordingly, you can increase its size and receive waves not from the side, but from below. This completely explains the strange pattern outlined in the first part of the article. And immediately another conclusion - the structures with helmet-shaped domes in northern latitudes were built for a different configuration of Schumann waves, i.e. most likely with a different location of the geographic poles (of course, if these helmet-shaped domes are not a modern simplified remake, which cannot be ruled out either). And in that placewhere the amplitude of the Schumann waves increases perpendicular to the earth's surface, our dome can be simplified and turned into a pyramid, but this is a topic for a separate story.

Well, let's now reconstruct what happened in more detail, taking into account the fact that the wave increases and decreases with a certain period.


As you can see, at the bottom of the dome we will have an annular quasi-alternating current with a frequency equal to the frequency of Schumann waves. If there is a sufficient amount of mercury in the dome material, this current will have good energy characteristics with the consistency of the entire system. The gap between currents of different directions can be quite small, with good electronic-ether coordination of the flows. You can make a mannered dome like this:


And we will get very bizarre current fluctuations in the surface of the dome when the vortex moves up and down. Stop. Surely such a dome was made not only for aesthetics. Taking into account that the Schumann wavelength is much larger than the linear dimensions of the dome, no whole periods or even half periods of waves in the height of the dome will not fit. And how does the magnetic ether field of our annular vortex behave in such a dome? Obviously, it is concentrated in the axis of the dome, in the place where the central trunk is. What if the dome shell changes its diameter along its entire length, and there are very sharp changes in diameter? Suppose that the unidirectional current when the vortex moves up and down does not change sharply at such drops. But what about the placewhere the current changes direction to the opposite at a very small distance of this gap? With jumps at the places of rounding, the current will begin to change the ether field in the central trunk very strongly, thereby causing its cavitation.

Many have probably come across such a situation when, when buying a new washing machine, you rip off the plastic film from its plastic case, and then you take up the water tap. The effect of this is familiar to most of the male half of the readers of this article. None of the scientific world seriously thinks about this, and this is a manifestation of ether cavitation. In places where one material separates from another, places with a reduced density of the ether appear, but due to superfluidity, the ether instantly rushes to this place, raking up all the electrons in its path and concentrating them, among other things, in the human body. Well, when in contact with any grounded metal surface, these electrons flow together in the direction of decreasing their pressure, i.e. into the ground, causing an indescribable sensation.

This is because the effect of ether cavitation begins to accumulate electrons in the central trunk of the dome, if its lower end is not connected to the metal bonds of the building (connection of the upper end in the area of the dome is allowed, but this does not affect the overall picture). In the final, at the lower end of the central trunk, if it descends into the hall to a considerable height, we have a huge excess of the electron density, which changes simultaneously with the change in the Schumann wave. This excess of density creates an electric field around itself of such a force that the hair on the heads of the parishioners becomes like a dandelion, and the particles of ether captured by such a strong changing electric field begin to flow into the surrounding space from the entire area of the central trunk. As a result, if a chandelier is hung at the end of the trunk (old, without lamps),from its pointed ends, a cold discharge begins to go and illuminate everything around. The same discharges begin to go in the drum of the dome and even on the top of the dome from the outside, if the quality factor of the electrical system is the required value. It immediately becomes clear why the numerous windows on the drums were made, from which the internal lighting is clearly not enough:


Apparently, the purpose of these windows was not ventilation or interior lighting. They served as a street light guide for parishioners in the dark. And in the presence of light in these windows, one could conclude that the structure was working. If you come up with a technical idea of how to make a glowing drum, as in Witsen's engraving, then it is easy and simple to do it. To do this, it is enough to bring the isolated metal connection from the central barrel of the dome to the outer wall of the drum, insulating it properly. If you draw it in a circle, encircling the drum, then the spreading of the cold discharge will just resemble the toroidal body from the engraving. Well, it also becomes clear that if you include a glass sphere with inner walls covered with a mercury compound (as in modern DRL lamps) in the dome top, you get excellent lamps.

By the way, has no one ever thought that the words "light" and "holy" stand side by side like twin brothers and most likely mean the same thing? And then there is the "light of God." So maybe this is all there is for the meanings of these words?

The picture has generally cleared up. For what a separate dome with a pommel is intended, we have more or less worked out. But something after all of the above again attracts attention to the water tower, described in the article "Atmospheric Electricity of the Past". Let's take another look.


Or rather, on the bowl on the left side of the near corner. What is sticking out of it and why is it screw-shaped? Some kind of fishing ice screw model. Stop. And why is this bowl not the same dome, only modified into a compact form? Instead of mercury, smeared on the outer walls, it is poured inside, the dome is assembled in the form of a bowl and a lid, and instead of a pommel above it, a kind of screw is made. Oops … we take a photo of the water-folding unit and after photo reconstruction we look at it again, but taking into account all of the above:


Hmmm) It turns out the same dome structure, only obviously working not for the first two harmonics of Schumann waves. And small domes are amplifying devices clearly connected in series in one circuit, which provide the required current characteristics in a thick power element fixed at the bottom of the dome to the material of its outer covering. And the mesh grids down from the load-bearing element are an obvious metal connection, which on large structures is performed with separate forged elements with a certain pitch. What other harmonics are there? We start to google. And suddenly … the 8th harmonic is obtained according to Schumann's formula 50.91 Hz. Coincidence? This harmonic, if you look at the globe, has its peak value at our mid-latitude. And to extract it, bulbous domes are not needed, it is quite possible to do with what is in the photo. And since the given installation is purely for industrial purposes, it has no effect on a person by its frequency. Well, how to get an alternating voltage to power the pump inside the installation using a transformer (skewed in the photo) is already a matter of technology. Everything turned out to be simple as always.

Let's then see where the analogy is on large dome devices.


Well, of course, by analogy, in the masonry of the central building there should be such a thick metal connection. The upper large dome forms the required current in its base, which also has a thick metal bond in a circle.


The photo shows that there was a thick steel hoop at the base of the dome. And in the scrap you can see how thick the busbars were in the vaults. In small domes that act as amplifiers, it is necessary to look for mercury or secret places for its possible storage. There is a lot of information that it is there that mercury is found, but it is attributed to the masters who gilded the domes and left it there (or shed it). As you know, mercury tends to evaporate, and for many centuries it would not remain there at all if it were spilled through negligence.

Thus, everything falls into place quite logically. But there are still a lot of questions - what processes took place inside the building, what is a bell tower, an altar for, and how, in the end, to make routine shutdowns of the system. But here, as it turned out, there are surprises.

Part five

Well, let's start finalizing the details. For these purposes, the already mentioned Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin in the city of Murom, built according to official data in 1552 (not sure, but this is official data), and destroyed - the building in 1940, the bell tower in 1948, is best suited for us. It is suitable precisely because there is a lot of archival photographic material from different angles. So, here it is (photo from 1900):


Let's start with the bell tower. Immediately the question is - why does it stand separately from the building? Probably built later, because the style is not similar and is clearly done by a different architect. Immediately there is a question on the word "cathedral". And what does this complex of structures actually collect, except for the parishioners, of course? There is only one conclusion - it collects various properties that this complex should have, that is, in some way a multifunctional center. This means that the properties of the bell tower were clearly different from those of the building. Or the functions were different, if you like. Due to the fact that very often the primary purely technical functions of structures were later passed off as symbolic without any serious alteration, the answer to this question is clearly hidden in the details. And what details can the bell tower have? That's right, bells. What's so complicated about it,there are big and small bells, quite understandable devices. They are usually made of bronze, with thick walls … stop. Why are there thick walls? To protect you from too strong sextons who beat from the heart? Hardly. For acoustics? Maybe, but then thinner walls would be enough. And what a word … colo-count, as if a double circle. Why is it so doubled? We apply all of our rules deduced above. If suddenly a strong aetheric field is concentrated inside the bell tower from its dome in its center, which, for example, with the frequency of the second Schumann harmonic changes direction to the opposite and walks up and down, then it is obvious that it will induce eddy currents in the bell, preventing its change. And the sharper this change, the higher the current value will be. And apparently, since the walls are thick, this current was quite large. Well, in those placeswhere the current was changing, Ampere's force would push the two parts of the bell in different directions, and this pushing would walk up and down. If simplified to simulate, it turns out:


So this is what this colo-colo is … two circles that run up and down the bell and left and right. Well, as you might guess, they create a raspberry ringing around. But since the geometric dimensions of the bells are different, then their tonality was also probably different. And if there was a tongue in the bells, it was probably in case of a backup possibility of signaling. Although he only creates losses in this system, and there is a lot of information that bells without tongues come across. Everyone thinks that this is for sticks, although this is far from the case.

All this is certainly good, but how to provide an energy field of the required characteristics around the bells? If the bell was brought close to the dome, then due to the losses in it, the generation of current in the dome would probably immediately come to naught. This means that there must have been some kind of amplifying stage between the dome and the bell system. Even if not amplifying, then at least working as a follower, to reduce the influence of losses in the bells on the dome generator itself. This could only be ensured by a horizontal metal connection between the dome and the bells, near which there were containers with mercury, such a design was considered in the last part. If displayed in more detail, it probably would look like this:


The red indicates the metal connections in the building, and the blue indicates the places where the mercury should have been laid. Obviously, the central trunk did not go down from the dome, there was no need to create a strong electric field inside the building. The dormers on the top were intended to let out the light, which was already written about in the last chapter. Thus, the functionality of the structure is clear - it served to provide light and acoustic signals. It is possible that acoustic signals did not just give a sign at a certain period of time, but somehow influenced a person. They called this sound "oil", the expression "oil voice" still remains from it:

I was pouring unexpected tears

And the wounds of my conscience

Your fragrant speeches

The pure oil was delighted.

- A. S. Pushkin

There are many versions that some information signals were transmitted through the bells in those old times to all end consumers, so to speak, which allowed such a huge state as Tartary to function. There is nothing unusual in this, if there was some kind of installation that could introduce an informative parameter into the Schumann waves, simply modulate them. Theoretically, this is possible, but only traces of such installations, if any, are gone. History knows only the case with the Tunguska meteorite, which was the result of a not entirely successful Tesla experiment, or maybe an accidental by-product of this experience.

But let's not get into the jungle. The bells could not ring forever and the system somehow had to be brought into the schedule. But more on that later, let's now move our attention to the main building of the Cathedral. Well, we immediately mark in the photo those places that draw attention to their strangeness.


The fact that the windows of the first floor are near ground level says that the building is old and, like everything else, it is covered with 1.5-3 m of earth. Much has been written on this topic, but we will not go into the reasons for this now. It is possible that the entrance was made immediately to the second floor, so as not to clear the first, this often happened with similar buildings. It turns out that the building was originally with the first floor? May be. But let's pay attention to the item circled in the lower right corner. Oops … this is our bowl with a kind of screw on top. And in the bowl, probably mercury. Obviously, the left should be the same, but there is a lantern obscuring the view. What are they there for? This means that a very thick metal connection must pass along the perimeter of the first floor, which induces an electric field in the first half-filled floor. We will not paint this building, so everything is clear on the example of the bell tower,what were the metal connections. They are absolutely identical. It turns out that there was a mini-dome amplifier stage below. And what do we have circled above? It looks like a chimney. An oven in such buildings? I have never seen it, there is little sense from it, especially since no one puts stoves in the corners, and no one makes chimneys in the column. What is this? let's see another photo, but ten years younger.


There is nothing on the corners of the first floor, and the "chimney" has moved to another corner of the second floor. So this is not a pipe, but another design of a container with mercury. Judging by the transfer of this container, the structure worked on atmospheric electricity, and this is (for a minute) 1910. I am attaching a number of photos from 1890 to 1920, where our strange "chimney" wanders from corner to corner.


There is only one conclusion - the attendants adjusted the middle dome cascade to interface with the upper path by rearranging the bowl with mercury. For what purpose? It can only be explained by the fact that the "electric" weather was changing. To bring the middle cascade into the regulations, it was enough just to remove these bowls. But after 1920 they all mysteriously disappeared altogether. And from the lower tier, too, in not a single photo until the demolition they did not appear.

But how do you put the biggest dome in the regulations? And the dome on the bell tower? The answer to this question will be given by a photo of what else could survive (the photo no longer applies to the above Cathedral).


Obviously, this bar managed to survive thanks to the forged curved edges that went around the embedded grating. They simply could not take her away for the house, for the family. Perhaps there were several such bars. Most likely they were moved from the roof through the holes in the wall. The central trunk of the dome, entering the building through the vault of the ceiling, has already been removed and the ceiling in this place is plastered over and plastered. By moving and touching such a bar to the central trunk of the dome, they made direct contact with the grounded metal connection of the building and lowered the Q-factor of the system, due to which the currents stopped flowing through the dome and the oscillations stopped. And in larger buildings, systems of wells in the walls were provided, where chains were laid to move such planks through the block system. There are many amateur videos on this topic on the net. And all the controls for this movement were in the altar. All the necessary spare parts and mercury were also stored there. Well, there were also vestments (more like protective suits made of gold threads) and other property that was not desirable to be shown to strangers. You can write a lot more about this property in relation to our topic, but probably there is already enough information for thought.

In the bell towers, everything happened in the same way:


As an engineer, I can say that reinforcement in that place is not needed at all. It is needed where the cracked niche is indicated on the right. By the way, what is this niche for? Is it not for mercury? They didn’t make any unnecessary interior details in such places. Judging by the photo, the bells were hanging in the place where the photographer was standing. And up there was a staircase that has not survived. Another surviving beam is visible. On an eye scale, from this beam to the iron lattice, it is human growth.

Well, the main question is - what was the final product of the processing of this atmospheric electricity expressed in, so to speak? In quasi-cult structures, the final product was an electric field that affected the human brain and probably really opened some kind of superpowers. No wonder all this is still classified. Perhaps communication with the afterlife or the world of the gods was opened. Healing of diseases may have been carried out. Perhaps there was some other effect that we do not know now. Perhaps, indeed, during the funeral service for the dead and the baptism of children, some kind of felt and tangible positive process took place. People made such constructions on their houses so that such influence of the holy spirit was constant in their dwellings. And it is not without reason that in the houses where the deceased was, they covered the mirrors, which were then mercury. For those,who could not afford to build a structure on their home, there were places of collective use, so to speak. All this would be very similar to a fairy tale, if not the ruins of the remaining structures and old photographs.

Electricity for household needs was generated in technical structures. There were such complex structures as public transport and water supply, and they all worked, drawing energy literally from the air. And it was used everywhere. Throughout the vast country. And someone did not like it very much, if in a short period of time all the technical structures disappeared everywhere. They were either demolished or rebuilt in such a way that no one would think why they were built at all. The calculation was that everything will be erased in memory and the third generation of descendants will not even think about it. All archival data are still classified, and school textbooks on physics are braided so that everyone is sure that meat is extracted from cutlets, only machine-generated objects give electricity.

I thank everyone who was not lazy and read this material in full. Well, friends, it’s probably time to summarize the above. You all probably realized that the secrets of our family and dear architectural monuments turned out to be not so difficult. I do not guarantee that all of the above is absolutely true, but I could be mistaken only in some details, the general concept is correct, which I have no doubt about. I reserve the right to consider it nonsense for you, but in this case, consider that I made at least a good plot for a domestic fantasy film. And myself, for example, after this material I see the following:

- Our very recent ancestors knew much more than some professors in prestigious research institutes now. How they managed to develop such knowledge and, most importantly, where did they get such practical skills in energy construction, without even having electrical measuring instruments, alas, is not known. This is a huge layer of work for historians.

- Dome structures on the territory of the former Russian Empire were completely multifunctional and were used in many industries. Which technical service supported them is difficult to say now. And it is no less difficult to explain why the church at one time was annexed to the state and from where it had such untold wealth before 1917. One must think that at the expense of donations, she could not accumulate so much even for several centuries. It was probably much more complicated, as I see it, she was a successful enterprise providing services to the public. Not a cult service, as you probably already understood.

- The process of decay of domed structures of all types occurred abruptly in the 19th century. There was some event, after which the countdown began in their development. There were not enough technical specialists and apparently there was no state support. It is possible that this process was deliberately carried out with the connivance of the sovereign's husbands. There were too many circumstances that were not conducive to development. The Bolsheviks who came to power began to actively fulfill someone's external order to completely remove the domed structures, and not only for ideological reasons. Destroyed only that part of them that possessed miraculous properties. Otherwise, they would have broken everything without a trace.

- None of the comrades zealous in scrapping imagined that in just 70 years digital technology and the Internet would appear, and information about the structures that had been accidentally preserved would come out into free access. Naturally, this information will be found by a narrow circle of specialists and will understand where our country has gone during this time. I have no doubt that there will be people who will be able to revive these unique structures, and this will happen soon. They will raise the price of electricity a couple more times, and there will be another Kulibin, restoration from the ashes will go by itself and uncontrollably for the authorities. Unique country-).