Mysterious Church - Alternative View

Mysterious Church - Alternative View
Mysterious Church - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Church - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Church - Alternative View
Video: Mysterious Things Caught On Camera In Church 2024, September

He who does not know the past does not understand the present. How can one think or talk about the future in this case?

Why and for whom did I decide to write? First of all, in order to somehow structure the information that envelops from all sides. Everything used to be linear. Alternative history, Slavism, religions of the World, Shamanism, Esoterics, Matrix. Sometimes you read a book and digest for a month. Now there is so much information that you understand, the former speed of the mind is simply not enough. Hence the lack of time. The world is accelerating, the density of information flow is accelerating. You can of course blame everything on the Internet. I tried it, turned it off, but the images that were flat before began to acquire volume and, moreover, are reflected in the matrix. I would like to tell you about these images.


I am very grateful, dmitrijan and pro_vladimir for their articles, thoughts, for another world. They showed me that when working with information, one must not only take, but also give. What happens when the capacitor is just picking up? It explodes. By giving, you can go from the discharge of capacitors into conductors. And thus be constantly in the flow of information. And this is a different speed and frequency of the work of consciousness. The mind generally tunes in to another wave or works on other programs, as it pleases. The close environment will immediately notice the change. Especially matrix or inveterate materialists will label you crazy.

These Boyar Husbands, dmitrijan and others can and should be taught. With a pure heart, I call these by this high name. For only a person with a fervent heart is able to process and give out so much unique information, necessary for our time, that can wake up sleeping people and make them move in search of knowledge. Thanks to them, I found articles from my fellow countryman tech_dancer. I recommend that you familiarize yourself with these publications in order to understand what will be discussed. After his articles came the realization that it was no longer possible to sit, you had to write. Here is the answer to the question, for whom am I writing? First of all for their fellow countrymen, natives of Murom

We have a fashion to travel to Turkey, Egypt, Thailand … To bask in the sun … This is understandable. But those who are looking for their own way, go to Altai, Tibet to India … It is worth looking back and look at this World with different eyes. The veil is falling away. Maybe you don't need to go anywhere. There are so many interesting and mysterious things around, in the accessible proximity, you just wonder. Where have I looked before? Where have I been? And banal for deeds and dreams passed by. But it’s impossible to dream of pyramids, and not to notice close and dear ones. Or even worse, not knowing about it at all.

What does the name Moore mean? The official history says that there was a tribe of Murom, which belonged to the Finno-Ugric peoples. And supposedly muru from Finnish means grass, lawn. In principle, nothing new … Everywhere we have, in Russia, the ancestors: Turks, Greeks, Semites, Finns, Ugrians, etc. "Slavs appeared later." Probably they climbed out of dugouts and caves and quickly dissolved these peoples in themselves. Well, how else to explain this? Yes, and our history for us was written by three Germans who even could not speak Russian.

Let's better take the Old Slavonic Initial Letter with 49 letters and each has its own image, but not one, and consider the name Murom. "M" think-wisdom, "Ur" - land, territory. And there was a separate letter "Om". It was used when it came to higher celestial concepts that stand above the senses. What does Sanskrit say, an ancient Vedic language that has a lot in common with Old Slavic? "OM" in the Hindu and Vedic traditions is a sacred sound, the original mantra, "word of power." What kind of territory is it that makes you think about the highest? So it spins in my head - the Place of Power.

Promotional video:

But in the Drop cap there is such a point: the word is read from left to right, and the figurative control goes from right to left (two-row). What happens? MorUM is the death of the mind. Wow! What are yogis, shamans, parapsychologists, psychics and others doing? First of all, they turn off the internal dialogue. Lull the mind. And they get into an altered state of consciousness. The subconscious begins to work. And there is an exit to the information field. His ancestors called him CO-Common Knowledge. It includes the experience of all generations that have lived before us. And not only … Many people now call it Akash.

It turns out Murom is the place where the mind leaves. And the pure, not clouded consciousness turns on. For an unprepared person, this is madness or death of the mind. This is the place of power. Think nonsense, but how do you like that?


An old painting depicting Murom. Attention is drawn to how the name of the city is written. An artist, one of the Europeans. Now the expression becomes clear. "What is good for a Russian, death for a German."

The place of power implies the presence or release of some kind of energy. Now many say that Churches, Temples, Shrines, Star Cities, Dolmens, and the same Arkaim were built in certain places. And obviously not for beauty. Look at Moore. It is covered with domes. Three monasteries. Moreover, under the communists, many churches were destroyed. The city itself is not big now, but it was even smaller … And this despite the fact that they were baptized by Moore, one of the last. The sons of the famous prince Vladimir-Boris and Gleb were not allowed into the city. Prince Yaroslav (Konstantin), the grandson of Yaroslav the Wise, mother, daughter of Margrave Luitpold, was himself brought up in Germany. And this prince, approaching Murom, sends his son Mikhail forward. "Open the gate, the Prince is coming, we will be baptized now." The Murom guys, seeing who came, killed Mikhail, and threw the body behind the city wall. And after that, there are so many Churches, Temples? Something is wrong here. So I decided to study everything carefully. And where you can visit. It is natural to photograph and record whenever possible. Well, we will draw conclusions together, so it's more interesting and productive.

Digging around on the Internet, I discovered that one of the oldest churches in Murom is associated with a legendary historical figure - Tsar Ivan the Terrible. Many mysterious and mystical stories and events are associated with it. Look for his library. Amazing St. Basil's Cathedral - his idea. Tsar is a cannon that did not shoot … Tsar is a bell that did not ring … The connection is the same. With Ivan the Terrible. And how much dirt is poured on him. Anyone who studies the history of Russia knows that if the official history condemns someone, then either he was for the people, or he fought hard with the traitors and the fifth column. Moreover, in the remains of Ivan IV the Terrible, an excessively high concentration of one of the most poisonous metals for the human body - MERCURY was found. He surrounded himself with magicians, sorcerers, soothsayers. There is information about the rapid movement across the territory of Russia, allegedly in different places at the same time. Some riddles.

So the Church of Cosmas and Damian or Kozmodemyanskaya. According to one version, the shrine was built on the site where in 1552 the royal tent was located, from which Ivan the Terrible watched the crossing of his troops across the Oka during the Kazan campaign. There are many versions of why it was called that, and all contradict each other. As if it was done on purpose. It is important for us that it was by his order that it was built by Postnik, who will then build the Cathedral of St. Basil the Blessed.


1868 The tent of the Kozmodemyanskaya church collapsed. As the "Calendar for All" for 1869 reports, "in 1868 from the mountains. Muroma is broadcasting the news of the collapsed temple there. This temple in the name of the unmercenaries Kozma and Demyan collapsed on April 6 at 8 o'clock in the morning … But on that day, when it collapsed, fortunately, there was no service. The entire iconostasis with ancient icons and wooden candlesticks underneath is completely covered with collapsed bricks. Also, three church entrances were smashed to smithereens, the head and the cross were not found, but the altar somehow remained intact. During the catastrophe there was a terrible noise and crackle; dust and fragments of brick reached even the Oka River. However, with all this, no one was killed or hurt. " There is a considerable distance to the Oka in this place.


You can, of course, write off on tap, but where did the cross and the chapter go? It looks like an explosion, and only the tent is destroyed. For a long time she stood with a low conical roof and looked like this:


This is in 1901.


Like this before restoration.

In the Murom Museum there is a model of the Church of Kosma and Damian.


The layout itself was made in 1863 on the basis of a student drawing by Konstantin Zworykin, the uncle of the creator of electronic television Zvorykin Vladimir Kozmich, in whose house the Murom Museum is now located.


We will return to the drawing itself. It is unique and carries interesting information about the past. The question is different. Why did the restorers not examine the plaster model made after the reconstruction of the famous photographer of the late 19th century Barshchevsky I. F. before the restoration?


After all, if the church was built by Postnik, then this model had to be considered in the first place. Look at the Cathedral of St. Basil the Blessed, and you yourself will understand everything.

The restoration work was completed in 2009. The arched belfry with bells, which Barshchevsky has and Zvorykin's drawing, is visible. They did not restore it. Maybe you made your job easier? Most likely, so that unnecessary questions are not asked. Why is she there? Call? So at the top is the Smolensk Church with a bell tower.


Are there little bells here? It is still necessary to climb there somehow, there are no passages. Imagine: there is a service, the church is small, there is practically no space for parishioners … People are standing in the street, praying. And then a bell ringer appears with a large staircase. Something like it doesn't dock. Let's put the ringer there in the morning. Let him sit. Think about the eternal. Yes, there is nothing to hold on to. And how to call? It's easy to fall. Some riddles. And as soon as the time appeared, I decided to inspect everything myself, I took a camera and went to the embankment, where the tent-roofed temple of Kosma and Damian stands. But that's another story.

Read the continuation here.