Megaliths Speak. Part 4 - Alternative View

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Megaliths Speak. Part 4 - Alternative View
Megaliths Speak. Part 4 - Alternative View

Video: Megaliths Speak. Part 4 - Alternative View

Video: Megaliths Speak. Part 4 - Alternative View
Video: Megalithic Mysteries of Germany Part 3 2024, July

- Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 -

Most of us are accustomed to unconsciously trusting information coming from the lips of husbands endowed with academic degrees and titles. Elderly men with a gray beard, round glasses and a strange hat inspire particular confidence. Respectable gentlemen with sleek faces, full of success and self-confidence, dressed in expensive suits, with impeccable ties around their necks have the same magical effect on the audience.

What year are you, Megalith?

It never even occurs to anyone to question their words. Incomprehensible terms, florid turns of speech, and a colossal number of words that an ordinary person does not use in everyday life have a special hypnotic power. A person who expresses his thoughts so that no one understands him automatically puts himself in the place of God. And the crowd is ready to worship him unconditionally.

But if we do not succumb to hypnosis and try to grasp the essence of what the “gods” say, then we are surprised to find that very often spatial speech is designed to confuse listeners, discourage, force them to take on faith everything said, even outright stupidity. Consider, for example, the statement of a professor at a university there, made in front of a dozen cameras with an intelligent face, that scientists have established the age of the discovered marble statue, which is 1800 years.

Roman marble copy of the ancient Greek statue of Myron, circa 120-140, Massimo Palace in Rome
Roman marble copy of the ancient Greek statue of Myron, circa 120-140, Massimo Palace in Rome

Roman marble copy of the ancient Greek statue of Myron, circa 120-140, Massimo Palace in Rome.

As a rule, the guides "forget" to say that this is a "copy from a copy from a copy" of an ancient antique sculpture, and tourists take everything at face value.

Promotional video:

Let's take another fact as an example. Once upon a time, in the mid-eighties of the last century, in one of the newspapers I came across an article that spoke about public protests, outraged by the cut in funding for the restoration of the historical heritage of ancient Rome. Then I thought, why this "eternal city" stood for thousands of years, and was as good as new, but in the twentieth century it suddenly began to crumble. It turned out that scientists attributed this phenomenon to the appearance of acid rain. Like, before the atmosphere was clean, and the city stood. And with the advent of boiler houses, industry and cars, rainwater began to cause significant damage to structures made of granite, sandstone, and marble began to suffer especially.

So, for reference: - The service life of natural marble is from 150 to 200 years, depending on where exactly a particular sample was mined. After all, what is marble? Yes, just chalk, in fact. A specially formed limestone Ca (CO) 3. Plus, it's still on fire! Yes Yes! in the case of involuntary firing, the marble changes its formula: - CaO + 2HF = CaF2 + H2O. And CaF2 is calcium fluoride (fluorite), and it is FLAMMABLE. Moreover, when heated, it also glows - just like burning coal. By the name of this mineral, the term "fluorescence" was created.

Therefore, all "antique" marble statues were made in the nineteenth century, at the earliest. But the scientist professor knows very well that no one will go into reference books in order to check the reliability of what he said.

The following uncomfortable question for the professor immediately arises: - And how was the age of the statue determined? If he starts to say something about the radiocarbon method, immediately give him a “no”, and demand that the university leadership deprive him of the title of professor, this impostor. And that's why:

Brief information about existing dating methods.

We will not consider the methods that are actually able to give a fairly accurate answer to the question about the age of the found object of research. For example, the dendrochronological dating method is quite accurate, but it is not applicable in our case because we are talking about stones. More precisely about minerals, rocks and sedimentary rocks. And the dendrochronological method, as is clear from the name itself, is designed to determine the age of wood products, more precisely logs and structural elements, the saw cut of which allows you to fix the size and number of annual rings that appeared on a tree during its lifetime.

Exactly for this reason, I will not cite other dating methods that are not related to megaliths. So here's what we're interested in:

The radiocarbon method is a type of radioisotope dating used to determine the age of biological remains, objects and materials of biological origin by measuring the content of the radioactive isotope carbon-14 in the material in relation to stable isotopes of carbon

Discard immediately as unusable when dating inorganic materials.

The thermoluminescent method is based on the ability of certain materials (glass, clay, ceramics, feldspar, diamonds, calcites, etc.) to accumulate the energy of ionizing radiation over time, and then, when heated, give it away in the form of light radiation (flashes of light). The older the sample, the more flares will be recorded

We reject this method too, for the same reason as the previous one. We are interested in stones, not shards and glass. In addition, the error of this method, even according to official data, exceeds 10%, as in the case of the RUM.

Glass hydration is one of the auxiliary methods for dating geological objects and archaeological artifacts. Applies to items made of natural volcanic (obsidian) or artificial glass. The method is based on the fact that the glass surface absorbs water from the atmosphere with the gradual formation of a hydration crust

And again by. We are not interested in glasses and obsidian today.

Crystal defects - any stable violation of the translational symmetry of the crystal - the ideal periodicity of the crystal lattice. According to the number of measurements, in which the size of the defect significantly exceeds the interatomic distance, defects are divided into zero-dimensional (point), one-dimensional (linear), two-dimensional (plane), and three-dimensional (volume) defects

It may well be that this method is good, but it allows you to date the approximate period of the emergence of the material itself, and not the product made from it. Therefore, we can in no way consider this method reliable when dating products made of natural stone.

Relative methods:

- Stratigraphy, which allows dating artifacts from geological deposits, mainly the so-called "cultural layer";

- Typology, which implies the production of a comparative analysis of similar newly found artifacts with those found earlier. Basically, it's more like a child's guess what the cloud looks like.

The reliability of these methods is more than doubtful and, again, is not applicable to the dating of natural stone products.

Absolute methods are based on the phenomenon of radioactivity of chemical elements: over a certain period of time, one isotope of the element is converted into another. Since the half-life of different elements is different, it is possible to accurately date the time of origin of the studied rocks. These are methods such as potassium-argon, argon-argon, cesium-40, etc

Past again. These advanced technologies also do not allow determining the time of creation of a stone product, only the age of the stone itself.

Optical dating is a physical dating method based on determining the point in time when a mineral was last exposed to light

No comment. In order not to burst into tears.

So what is left for us, apart from the unfounded statements of scientists? And nothing, absolutely! And here we should remember such objects, for example, as Popov Island in the Urals. The brightest example, which clearly shows how important it is to know the time of origin of a product made of stone, and not the stone itself:

Popov Island.

Neivo-Rudyanka is a settlement in the Kirovgrad urban district of the Sverdlovsk region. Around him are swamps. And on one of these swamps there is a mountain with the strange name Popov Island. It would seem, how can a mountain be called an island? However, everything becomes simple and clear if you understand that any swamp "in childhood" was a reservoir:


Sverdlovsk region (coordinates - 57 ° 18'32 "N 60 ° 11'23" E). Nearby cities: Yekaterinburg, Nizhniy Tagil, Kamensk-Uralsky. The nearest villages are Verkh-Neyvinsk and Neyvo - Rudyanka. There the Neiva River flows, it is clear where the first settlement is located, but why is the name of the second associated with ore? Ural!

I find out that the village was founded in 1762, when Prokofiy Demidov, son of Akinfiy and grandson of Nikita, launched a water-powered iron and iron foundry here. True, after 7 years he sold it to Savva Yakovlev, like many of his other enterprises. With iron, everything is clear. How about the rest? Preserved information that there was also a granite quarry on the mountain … Popova Island. Stop!!!

Is it a mountain or an island after all? We look at old maps.

Map of 1914
Map of 1914

Map of 1914.

The drawing is quite fresh, but we can see significant differences on it too! Here the mountain is not just in the middle of swamps, but also lakes are present, which are no longer there. Lake Glukhoe 2, who knows about it? None of the old-timers remember this! It is obvious that the process of waterlogging of lakes and natural reclamation have not stopped to this day. This means that 300 years ago there was so much water here that it was, in fact, an inland sea, and the mountain was in fact an island! This is the answer to the seemingly incompatible name "MOUNTAIN OF Priests ISLAND"

Rocks - remnants on Mount Popov Island
Rocks - remnants on Mount Popov Island

Rocks - remnants on Mount Popov Island.

Obviously, at first it was possible to get to the island exclusively by swimming, and now only on foot, or by special transport, by bike, including. Those. the place is extremely uncomfortable in our time, as well as 250-300 years ago, to fly back and forth for ore or stone. And who says that something was mined there?


It seems to be just bizarre stones, very similar to artificial structures, but in the Urals there are a great many such formations.

Could it really be a quarry? Local historians tell everyone that until the invention of concrete in the 20th century, granite blocks were cut here for construction. The first stone was used in the 18th century to build the dam of the Verkhne-Neyvinsky pond. What's wrong with that? Well, first of all, I have already said that it is a very thankless, time-consuming and costly enterprise to transport a stone from here. Secondly: they lived, therefore, in huts, and the dam for the pond was made of granite blocks? Is this logical? The dam was always flooded with simple unprocessed boulders, alternating with fragments of stones, rubble and clay, often just soil, reinforced with scrap wood. Nevertheless, the stone was actually mined here:


What a necessity then was to cut blocks for the dam! Well, the Taj Mahal was not built, just a dam, a water reservoir. Will you be using nails for building a house, using garden tools on your 6 acres, doing laser engraving? And why, then, there is no doubt that our "great-greats" were cutting down blocks of hundreds of poods on the island, from where it still needs to be delivered to land, for an economic hydraulic structure? On what, on carts? And what was the carrying capacity of our carts? What's the use of them if they don't even pass through the swamp empty!


But obviously the stone was mined here, contrary to common sense. Granite is still mined using this technology. Boreholes are drilled and chipped off. And before, wooden wedges were driven in. Several questions arise:

Are these wedges, or are they already boreholes?

My answer is holes. The wedges have flat rectangular indentations.

Question two: Why, on a distant island in the middle of swamps?

No answer.

The third question: When the stone was mined, was it in our time, or is it before us?

No answer.

At least we found out for sure that the stone was still mined there! This fact is not in doubt. There is only an acute question about dating.


Maybe they cut a stone here during the specified period for local needs, spent a lot of effort and money, then not on such a scale as it might seem. But … How do our contemporaries deal with buildings that have lost their owners? The ownerless buildings are being dismantled into bricks, and new summer cottages and sheds grow out of them! Our ancestors did the same. Look at these rungs:


And what conclusion can be drawn from what he saw? And the conclusion, in my opinion, is only one: - The outlier rocks, which are considered to be of natural origin, miraculously jumped onto an impeccably executed, as if carved with a mechanical tool, a structure - a flight of stairs. Part of it remained not covered with pancake layers of "natural" remnant. What is this talking about? Only that outliers are much younger than man-made structures.

An enlarged fragment of the staircase under the outlier
An enlarged fragment of the staircase under the outlier

An enlarged fragment of the staircase under the outlier.

Strictly speaking, this is certainly not a flight of stairs, but traces of the industrial extraction of granite, which we talked about a little earlier.

Pasty granite poured layer by layer onto the steps of the quarry, absorbing them into its bowels, and solidified. Those fragments of an older structure that were not covered with layers of "paste" were useful to the residents of Neyvo-Rudyanka in the recent past. They took out almost everything that could be loaded without much difficulty. And what was too large and heavy to transport, split into smaller fragments right on the spot. But not everything was taken out. Here is a fragment with obvious traces of its high-tech processing:


So what do we have? Here's what:

  1. The stone was mined here.
  2. They have been mined at all times.
  3. They were mined using technologies of various levels. Both with the help of those contemporary to us, and those that have already been lost.

For example, the third point is controversial, although it is almost clear to me, but this will be discussed later. For now, let's take a look around the area. What is it!


And this is nothing but a pit left by the prospectors. Searches for information about these pits led me to the quite expected result: -

“There has always been a lot of gold in the vicinity. After all, the first Ural gold nugget was found right here. But then there was a state monopoly on gold mining, and the lands given to the breeders under the ownership right could be taken away to the treasury. Therefore, 13-year-old Katya Bogdanova, who found the nugget, was not thanked, but harshly whipped, so much so that the girl went crazy after that.

But soon, in 1812, the government allowed breeders to search for gold in their own dachas. After that, the "golden" age of the Nevyansk region began. For some 10-15 years 45 mines were opened in the dacha of the Verkh-Neyvinsky plant.

Rudyansky residents claim that gold is everywhere in their village and that local prospectors allegedly washed the soil throughout the territory, excluding the land under the church.

Quite a few holes were dug along the perimeter of the Bright Swamp. Gold is friends with granite (after all, our swamps always lie on a granite bed), and traces of miners are found in pits in logs, on the edges of swamps and in swamps themselves, usually filled with water, and in the presence of waste rock dumps in the immediate vicinity of these pits. (From the information sheet of the local history museum).


And this fact confronts us with an obvious circumstance: - In both the Americas, and in Kolyma, and in Nakhodka, and in Krasnoyarsk, and in Perm, almost any of the locations of megalithic structures coincides with existing or depleted deposits of precious and valuable metals. These are primarily platinum, gold, silver and copper. Moreover, it does not matter whether the megaliths are recognized by official science as man-made, or of natural origin. And this is no longer just a coincidence!

One way or another, everything we are considering is related to the extraction of minerals. And then it comes to mind to try to separate the structures from the "production waste" - dumps that inevitably accompany every mining enterprise. There is also a need to figure out which methods were used for extraction. Then many questions will disappear by themselves. But, this will be discussed a little ahead.

Continued: Part 5.

Author: kadykchanskiy