How Old Is The Sphinx? - Alternative View

How Old Is The Sphinx? - Alternative View
How Old Is The Sphinx? - Alternative View

The Sphinx is the largest sculpture on the planet. The Sphinx is 73 meters long and 20 meters high.

How old is the most famous statue of a creature with the body of a lion and the head of a man? From the point of view of official historical science, the pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx were built during the time of the pharaohs of the IV dynasty, in the III millennium BC. However, for alternative historians, this conclusion is not at all obvious, since they assume a significantly older age of the Sphinx and the pyramids of Giza.

According to the "Emerald Tablets" of Hermes Trismegistus, the age of the Sphinx is 10-15 thousand years.

Hermes Trismegistus, according to legend, was the deified king of Egypt several millennia BC. Legend endows him with the image of Thoth - "the scribe of the gods", the mediator between Gods and people. Tradition claims that Hermes Trismegistus possessed a secret teaching, which is the legacy of the civilization of the lost Atlantis. After the death of Hermes Trismegistus, an emerald tablet with an engraved text of the Atlantean teachings, "The Emerald Tablet" was laid on his grave.


The Sphinx is very old, the secret of its origin is lost in the darkness of time. Historians, geologists and archaeologists cannot indicate the exact time of its creation, it could have been built in the period from 15 to 5 thousand years BC. There is an opinion that the present appearance of the Great Sphinx in Giza was given during the reign of the fourth dynasty Pharaoh Khafre - around 2520-2490. BC.

Helena Blavatsky in "The Secret Doctrine" says that the creation of the Sphinx and the Pyramids by the "initiated" Atlanteans dates back to 200 - thousand years ago.

Edgar Cayce, an American clairvoyant, claimed that the Pyramid of Cheops and the Sphinx were built between 10490 and 10390 BC.

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In his prophetic revelations, Edgar Cayce indicated that the documents and materials of the disappeared civilization of the Atlanteans are kept in the "Hall of Chronicles" located between the paws of the Great Sphinx. Cayce claimed that these documents provide information about the history of the people of Atlantis and about the cataclysm that sank this continent.


There are about 5 thousand archaeologists-Egyptologists in the world, most of them are Muslims, and their holy scripture is the Koran. The Koran says that the creation of the world began about 6 thousand years ago, and if a Muslim agreed that the Sphinx was about 15 thousand years old, he would thereby dispute what was said in the Koran.

The famous French occultist and Egyptologist Schwaller de Lubicz, while researching the Sphinx, became interested in the striking wear and tear of its surface. Closer to the back of the Sphinx, the wear is so significant that it cuts, and this type of wear is completely different from that of other Egyptian antiquities. Deterioration on other structures believed to have been erected at the same time is due to the work of sand and wind, which is plausible if the structures are believed to be 4,000 years old. But the furrows on the Sphinx look like they've been smoothed out by water.

In 1992, geologist John Anthony West and Boston University geology professor and rock erosion specialist Robert Schoch, speaking at the annual meeting of the American Geological Society, stated that meteorological studies of the Sphinx were postponing the time of its appearance in an era much older than the time of the pharaohs. … According to their conclusion, the erosion of the Sphinx and the surrounding trench, carved into the rock, is not the result of the influence of the wind at all, but the heavy rains that watered them for thousands of years long before the time of the Egyptian Old Kingdom and the Pharaohs of the IV Dynasty.

The surface of the Sphinx and the walls of the trench is characterized by a combination of deep vertical grooves and undulating horizontal grooves. This, in the words of Schoch: "… a classic example from a textbook of what happens to the structure of limestone if it rains for several thousand years …"

Traces of water erosion on the walls of the trench around the Sphinx
Traces of water erosion on the walls of the trench around the Sphinx

Traces of water erosion on the walls of the trench around the Sphinx.

By the time the pharaohs began to rule, the climate of Egypt was already rather dry. The heavy rains on the Giza plateau had ended many years before. And traces of water erosion could have formed only on condition that the Sphinx was built in the X-VI millennium BC, when the climate in the Nile valley was more humid, that is, thousands of years before the pharaohs!


In addition, limestone from the trench around the Sphinx was used in the construction of the walls of the Sphinx temple, located in front of its paws.

The walls of the temple were previously faced with huge granite blocks weighing tens and even hundreds of tons, just like the Granite Temple next to it, which was clearly created by the same builders. It turns out that both of these temples were also built long before the first pharaohs.

As Andrei Sklyarov wrote ("The Sensational History of the Earth"): “It is quite obvious that the pyramidal temples could not have been built earlier than the pyramids themselves. And the technologies for their construction are clearly the same. And the conclusions of geologists about the age of the trench walls at the Sphinx automatically apply to all the main structures of the plateau. Both the temples and the main pyramids were built not at all during the 4th dynasty, but many thousands of years before the pharaohs!"


The ancient Egyptians called the Giza complex “the house of Mr. Rostau”. This is one of the titles of the god Osiris. They associated the Great Pyramid with the name of Isis, the sister of Osiris. And the famous ancient Greek historian Manetho compiled from the words of the Egyptian priests a dynastic list of the rulers of Egypt, in which, in addition to the dynasties of the pharaohs, the long period of the reign of the gods is also indicated. The reign of the god Osiris, according to this list, falls on the middle of the 10th millennium BC. This is at least six thousand years before the appearance of the first pharaohs and not much later than the catastrophic events of the 11th millennium BC, associated with the biblical story of the Flood.

Indirect confirmation of this conclusion can be found in the mythology associated with the Zodiac. As you know, the Sphinx has the figure of a Leo, and according to zodiacal symbolism (which has not undergone significant changes throughout its existence), the Leo refers to the so-called era of Leo, beginning approximately in the middle of the 11th millennium BC, that is, to the time when the Sun on a day the vernal equinox rises in the region of the constellation Leo. The gaze of the Sphinx of the Giza plateau is directed just to the east - to the point of sunrise on the day of the vernal equinox.

Undoubtedly, the Sphinx and the pyramids of Giza were created by an ancient, highly developed, high-tech, possibly extraterrestrial civilization. Perhaps the Sphinx was created by the descendants of the legendary Atlantis? The legends and myths of Ancient Egypt say that the gods erected the Sphinx and the Pyramids at Giza during the "golden age".

Author: Valentina Zhitanskaya