The Third World Scenario: First Syria, Then Iran - Alternative View

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The Third World Scenario: First Syria, Then Iran - Alternative View
The Third World Scenario: First Syria, Then Iran - Alternative View

Video: The Third World Scenario: First Syria, Then Iran - Alternative View

Video: The Third World Scenario: First Syria, Then Iran - Alternative View
Video: Early Muslim Expansion - Arab Conquest of Iran and Egypt 2024, September

The article is contraindicated for impressionable people. No amount of cognitive dissonance, belief in the normality of what is happening, and general apathy can protect even the most ignorant Americans from what awaits them in the near future.

The Fed's solvency is in jeopardy, and to understand the roots of the impending world war and tyrannical martial law, I will have to briefly review the historical background of the issue.

The birth of the petrodollar

In 1944, an unprecedented system of currency and exchange rates was established. The Bretton Woods Agreement was reached at the UN Monetary and Financial Conference, which took place on July 1-22, 1944 in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire.

The Banksters (for example, the Rockefellers) rejoiced at their luck. The consequence of the Bretton Woods conference was that countries wishing to buy Middle Eastern oil were forced to first buy dollars and only with them to buy, finally, oil.

Within our country, almost everyone has benefited from this system. By and large, Americans enjoyed the benefits of a stable currency, less inflation of about 5 percent a year, which played the role of an unwritten tax that went into the pockets of the Fed banksters. This is how the petrodollar was born. If the domination of the petrodollar is ever successfully undermined, our currency will sink faster than a submarine with hatches covered with mosquito nets.

From 1910 to 1971, the old guard at the Fed worked to free the economy from the gold standard so that by indulging a protracted and unbridled spending spree, accompanied by the awarding of lucrative contracts to elite corporations without bidding, debt slavery could be imposed on the American people and government. All this should have led to a sharp increase in the [budget] deficit and fill the pockets of the owners of the Federal Reserve.

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The impending war with Syria is just an opening act. The main act, after the conquest of Syria, will include an attack by the United States and Israel, and possibly England, on Iran. Iran is the trophy the Fed's old guard needs to keep its stranglehold on the global economy. At first glance, an attack on Iran seems like a good idea if it will save our economy. However, the risks associated with choosing this course of action are astronomical.

On the verge of World War III

Syria is the first real domino in the looming conflict that threatens life on this planet. The dismantling of Egypt and Libya was just a prelude. The real action will begin in a few months with the invasion of Syria under the pretext of saving humanity from the Syrian weapons of mass destruction, namely, chemical weapons. Hmm, is there an hour-long BIV planning a chemical defense exercise in Denver or Portsmouth next month? But I'm deviating from the topic, this issue will be fully covered in the next additional article in the series.

Rest assured, America is being led to a war with Syria, and do not even for a second suppose that this war will in any way reproduce the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Compared to Syria, and then Iran, previous wars are like child's play compared to everything that happened to us in the entire history of this country. The Fed's strategy of “saving the petrodollar” is a high-stakes casino where you, your children and the future of humanity act as collateral.

That an imminent war is imminent has been confirmed by accusations now being made by the American government that Syria is using chemical weapons against the rebels. In this fabrication of the Syrian version of the false flag bombings at the Boston Marathon, it is possible that if chemical weapons are used, the CIA is the responsible party. Why? Because all roads to Tehran go through Damascus. Iran is the real target of the Fed's military designs because it does the unthinkable when it wages a war against the old guard of the New World Order by selling its oil to Russia, China and India for gold, and this is a dire threat to the dollar's solvency.

First Syria, then Iran

Before invading Iran and facing the specter of Russian interference, Syria must first be occupied and saturated with US (NATO) military forces. Occupying Syria allows America and its allies to invade Iran from different directions. Thanks to Syria, we will see airstrikes delivered unhindered across northern Iraq. In addition, and most importantly, the occupation of Syria will threaten the mobilization of forces within Russia, which would then come under the influence of US long-range and short-range missile batteries installed in Syria.

These missiles will most likely be equipped with tactical nuclear warheads. This deterrent could give the Americans enough time to occupy most of Iran before Russia and China can operate on their own. However, this strategy neglects the danger that in this biggest game of weakness ever played out on this planet, the Chinese and Russians could resort to full-scale use of nuclear weapons.

Unexpected zigzags of the impending world war

I don't think China will attack the US in the Middle East, at least not the first. I expect the Chinese to go to Taiwan and allow the North Koreans to launch their nuclear missiles at Japan. There is a possibility that Russia could further invade the United States through Alaska.

I never thought that elements of the script for Red Dawn would ever come true, but how many times have we seen the media tell us what will happen before the event? And since we are talking about this, I would venture to predict that China will approach the southwestern underbelly of the United States through Central America, taking into account Chinese control of the Panama Canal and, as rumor has it, Chinese troops throughout Central America, including in Mexico. And if a real mess begins, all sides can launch ICBMs and nuclear missiles from their submarines at each other, and then all records will be reset. I suppose you can see now why I keep remembering these psychopathic banksters who took over our government.

Iran is public enemy number one

In view of the Iranian threat to the petrodollar, Iran is taking a similar, but much more dangerous position than Iraq in 2001. As we all now know, the events of September 11, 2001 provided a justification for the invasion of Iraq. No, Iraq was not responsible for the 9/11 attacks, as President Bush admitted. But this did not stop Bush from turning to his advantage the emotions about 9/11 so that America confused concepts and tacitly agreed to the invasion of Iraq, during which the Iraqis and all the Middle Eastern nations were dumped into one big heap of those who “want to kill us from - for our freedoms."

In this regard, why was it necessary to conquer Iraq? The answer is simple, Saddam Hussein tried to sell his oil for a currency other than Fed banknotes (i.e. the euro). It posed a threat to the Federal Reserve and, at the same time, posed a threat to the central bankers at their headquarters, otherwise known as the Bank for International Settlements, which controls all central banks. During that period, these bankers would have done everything to eliminate the threat to the world reserve currency under their control, namely the dollar.

After the end of the second Iraqi war, Exxon and BP controlled 80 percent of Iraqi oil fields, and no one would sell Iraqi oil for euros or gold. However, the game took a different turn - Iran replaced Iraq as the main threat to the sustainability of the Federal Reserve notes.

Iran is destroying the United States economically. Unfortunately for every man, woman, and child in America, this day of economic reckoning is fast approaching. China started buying Iranian oil for gold. India followed suit, as did the Russians. The days of the petrodollar are numbered, which means that the days of the dollar's only source of support are numbered.

Russians and Chinese warned Americans

Making a pretext for starting a war and then successfully feeding American society the need to fight is one thing. But winning a war is another matter entirely. How serious are the Chinese and Russians in their determination to confront the imperialist US? Given that both Chinese President Hu and Major General Zhang Zhaozhong have threatened the United States with nuclear war if they invade Iran, prudence suggests that the new edition of the Axis of Evil has clearly defined the borderline.

Dawn of the American Empire

America is facing a very difficult dilemma. If we are forced to accept the Russian and Chinese threat of war over the invasion of Iran, our dollar will collapse. If after the capture of Syria we attack Iran, the nuclear powers with formidable armies promised to respond. America may survive the first invasion of its territory since the War of 1812.

It is possible that in the game of balancing on the brink of war with the Russians and the Chinese, the Americans will limit themselves only to the conquest of Syria in order to test the determination of the latter (for example, the game of military "weak"). However, it does not seem to me that the probability is high. The Fed will not back down. They have already killed Gaddafi and Hussein to save the petrodollar. They are not going to retreat before the Iranians, Chinese and Russians, because not their children will fight and die, but ours. So does it make sense that the elite knock down the price of gold so that they can buy as much as they can at the lowest price? She intends to remain the only survivor at the end of the next big war, which will end all wars.

And how will the elite feed us the war? You can rest assured that there will be even more actions under false flags, one worse than the other. And who do you think they will blame? You don't need to be seven inches in your forehead to guess that the last event under a false flag will be nuclear, after which the gates of hell will open.


This is understandable - hands off Iran or we will get the Third World War. But does anyone really think the Fed is going to screw it up? Could the World War III course be the reason why so many bankers have left the United States, because they know what is coming?

What does false flag shares have to do with this? Here's one hint - once you begin to understand the goals of the globalists, the Boston Marathon bombings and the aftermath of martial law will explain a lot. The last question is the easiest to answer because the government left a trail of documents detailing the state of emergency in its wake, and that description is intimidating. In the next few installments of this series, I will answer all of these questions, and maybe not just them.