Polish Roswell - Alternative View

Polish Roswell - Alternative View
Polish Roswell - Alternative View

Video: Polish Roswell - Alternative View

Video: Polish Roswell - Alternative View
Video: After the Biden-Putin Summit: Polish and German views on US policy in Eastern Europe 2024, September

The sensational events that will be discussed took place in early 1959 in Gdynia, a major port city in Poland. These events, which received the official name "Gdynia Incident", are still shrouded in a veil of mystery. It is characteristic that neither the date nor the month when this incident happened is even known for sure, although, despite the almost complete absence of official information, at one time much talked and wrote about it. So, ufologists Bronislav Re-peckii and Kshishtov called the Infantry 21 January; Hilary Evans and John Spencer at The UFO Encyclopedia - February 21; Enric de Vincent-Martin in UFOs, 1947-1987 - May 21.

A thorough investigation of this mysterious case was (and is still being done), in particular, by famous Polish ufologists - Robert Lesnyakevich, coordinator of the Polish Center for the Study of UFOs and Anomalous Phenomena and Bronislaw Repetsky, editor-in-chief of the magazine Czas UFO ("UFO Time"). The scanty information they received from officials, as well as stories of eyewitnesses or people who communicated with eyewitnesses, and reports from foreign sources of information, managed to build the following picture of what happened.

January 21, 1959 (the most probable date) in the water area of the seaport of Gdynia, near the fourth berth, a brightly luminous object fell into the water. This was seen by dockers and other workers of the port, members of the crews of the ships at the berth, as well as by the border guards. the next day), a group of combat swimmers from the Polish Navy arrived at the scene. They made a series of dives, carefully examined the seabed, covered in these places with a thick layer of silt, and raised several strange-looking metal debris to the surface. The debris was then sent to the laboratory of the Gdansk Polytechnic Institute for analysis

The analysis showed that the material of the debris is a stainless metal, but no conclusion about their origin was made. Unofficially, the researchers expressed the opinion that these could be fragments of shell bombs or even an iron-nickel meteorite. The latter assumption seemed to be confirmed by the fact that an object that fell into the water the day before, shone brightly

A few days after these events (the exact date is unknown), some soldiers, whom Vincent-Martin calls in his book "guards", while bypassing the city beach of Gdynia, discovered an unusual creature. It was crawling along the sand, apparently with the last of his strength, and his condition was very deplorable The face of this creature, which looks like a little man, was badly burned The body of the man was hugged by a jumpsuit resembling a scuba diving suit, only it was made of some kind of heavy-duty material

The strange creature was taken to the clinic of the University of Gdynia (or Gdansk - there is no more accurate information) where it was found that he had six fingers on his hands and feet. It is appropriate here to recall that the alien from the UFO, who suffered an accident in 1947, had the same number of fingers in the USA near Roswell

The man from the city beach was examined, which, in particular, showed that his respiratory and circulatory system was different than that of a person. During the examination, a bracelet was removed from his hand, which hardly served as an ornament. A few days later, the man died, presumably due to strong injuries of internal organs in combination with a complete decline in strength And maybe the fatal role was played by the absence of a bracelet on his arm The exact cause of death could not be established

In the book of Vincent-Martin it is said that the remains of a mysterious creature under heavy protection were sent to the USSR and there they were subjected to thorough and comprehensive research, the results of which are kept secret until now. Vincent-Martin's version is not unfounded, since such an event could not but interest the KGB or the GRU (Main Intelligence Directorate) of the USSR, and at that time in the countries belonging to the Warsaw Pact, the "wishes" of the two named organizations were fulfilled unquestioningly. However, Polish ufologists did not find confirmation of this version, so they believe that the remains of a mysterious creature may still be stored in morgue of one of the Tricity clinics - the cities of Gdansk, Gdynia and Sopot that have merged almost together

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In the opinion of Robert Lesnyakevich, another scenario of the development of events in January 1959 is also possible. Early in the morning in the sky over the Gulf of Gdansk near the mouth of the Vistula, an unknown object was "spotted" by means of detecting air defense of Poland or the USSR. he was shot with a rocket launched from the ground or from an interceptor fighter raised on alarm When the rocket hit the target and the object began to fall apart, the pilot managed to eject. And what fell into the water near the fourth berth of the port in Gdynia was either the pilot's seat or a rescue capsule, subsequently found and brought to the surface by divers of the Polish Navy

In September 1996, the Japanese television company NHK TTS filmed a documentary film about the Gdynian incident in Poland. The film shows, in particular, interviews with several eyewitnesses to this event, which further confirms its reliability. In the process of searching for materials and information for filming the film, another version of events

First, there was evidence that the enlonaut was not found on the city beach and not by the border guards, but by the guards near the building that housed the naval port administration and which was located on the territory of this port.

Secondly, it became known that soon after the incident over the northwestern regions of Gdynia, another UFO was seen. The last circumstance may indicate that after the first UFO was hit by a missile, the aliens organized a rescue operation in order to find their ejected brother and evacuate him from Earth. This version of the development of events is also supported by the more frequent occurrences of UFOs over the Gulf of Gdansk in the vicinity of Gdynia in subsequent years. It is possible that "others" were already looking not for the missing enlonaut, but tried to locate the wreckage of the destroyed UFO

In 1999, on the basis of some new information, it was also suggested that the Poles found and picked up not one, but two enlonauts who made up the crew of the downed UFO. The first of them fell out of the escape capsule over the Gulf of Gdansk and then managed to swim to the city beach, or there it carried out by waves The second enlonaut, together with the capsule, fell into the water near the fourth berth, emerged from it to the surface and reached the sandy shore in front of the naval port administration building

Ufologists are still investigating this whole story. Little by little, new details and circumstances associated with it are being revealed. But it is still a long way from the final clue of what happened in the sky over Gdynia in the early morning of January 21, 1959.

"Such cases have to be unraveled for years," Bronislav Repetsky once remarked on this occasion. "Sometimes the truth comes out only after decades."