Chelyabinsk Archaeologists Have Discovered The Ancestral Home Of Arkaim - Alternative View

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Chelyabinsk Archaeologists Have Discovered The Ancestral Home Of Arkaim - Alternative View
Chelyabinsk Archaeologists Have Discovered The Ancestral Home Of Arkaim - Alternative View

Video: Chelyabinsk Archaeologists Have Discovered The Ancestral Home Of Arkaim - Alternative View

Video: Chelyabinsk Archaeologists Have Discovered The Ancestral Home Of Arkaim - Alternative View
Video: Arkaim ancient city Chelyabinsk region 2024, September

Chelyabinsk scientists, in the framework of the study of the origin of Indo-European peoples, presented a hypothesis of the origin of Arkaim and Zoroastrianism

As the correspondent of the "New Region" reports, the population, which left behind megaliths of the island of Vera and settlements such as Arkaim and Sintashta, migrated to the territory of the Southern Urals several thousand years ago. But where these people came from - directly from the Far East or through Europe - is still unknown to science. Scientists of the "Island of Faith" fund are studying this issue.

One of the projects of the foundation is a study of population migration in the territory of Kurdistan, an ethnogeographic region, the territory of which is currently part of Iran and Turkey. There, scientists are looking for the ancestral home of Arkaim and the origins of Zoroastrianism.

According to Stanislav Grigoriev, senior researcher at the Chelyabinsk Scientific Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, in 1996, scientists made their first trip to Northern Iraq in order to find out the origin of the ancient European people. There they managed to get to the sacred Lalish valley, where the temple of the same name of Yezidi worshipers is located.

Yezidism is the original religion of the Kurds before the Islamization of the people, which is one of the most ancient religions in the world. This is the belief of fire and sun worshipers. It is believed that Yezidism originated in the primitive era.

Note that the main world religions - Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Zoroastrianism - were formed in the Middle East. Their origins lie in the earlier religions of the region. According to Stanislav Grigoriev, Zoroastrianism was formed on the territory of ancient Kurdistan on the basis of Yezidism or a religion close to it. At the same time, by the nature of the burial rite, archaeologists suggest that the people who inhabited Arkaim, in turn, professed a religion close to Zoroastrianism. Chelyabinsk archaeologists suggest that Arkaim was built by people who professed Yazidism, and Zoroastrianism was formed on the basis of their beliefs.

All in all, northern Iraq amazed archaeologists. Next to modern universities, there are caves in which shepherds live in the same way as their distant ancestors lived in the primitive era. In the Lalysh valley there is a gateway to paradise (locals claim that only pure souls can pass through them and get to their destination), and the entrance to the cave of the genies is blocked only by a curtain. Formed over millennia, the reverent attitude towards these places is passed on from generation to generation.

Scientists of the "Island of Faith" foundation plan to find proto-cities on the territory of Kurdistan, similar to Arkaim and Sintashta, but only much older. The project is supported by the Institute of Western Asia and Kurdistan and funded by the Government of Iraqi Kurdistan.

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It should be noted that interest in the archeology of the Middle East has made it possible to more actively develop a hypothesis about the Middle Eastern roots of the Ural megaliths, and, possibly, the megaliths of Europe.

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