The Mystery Of The Megaliths Of Gavrini - Alternative View

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The Mystery Of The Megaliths Of Gavrini - Alternative View
The Mystery Of The Megaliths Of Gavrini - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Megaliths Of Gavrini - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Megaliths Of Gavrini - Alternative View

In the photo: The main corridor of the structure, consisting of 26 large-tonnage megaliths, covered with patterns and signs.

The islet of Gavrini is located a stone's throw from the mainland (France. Brittany). In a tiny strait, there is always a strong current, whether it is low tide or high tide. On the island, the length of which does not exceed 750 m, and the width is 400 m, small trees grow, and underfoot grasses resembling giant mosses and the ubiquitous nettles rustle, forming a kind of dense carpet that paves the way to the sanctuary. just saw what this sanctuary is

This "burial" complex on the top of a low mound, which is the highest point on the entire island, can rightfully be called the foremother of the famous Newgrange in Ireland. But only the local complex looks more abstract, preserving for humanity a kind of mathematical message, a silent message left to us by unknown, more advanced fellows in reason.

The local Bretons are well aware that this hill is of artificial origin and that under its base can be hidden the key to understanding many, many mysteries of the megalithic era.

In 1832, the entrance to the ancient sanctuary was discovered, and in 1979-1984. an archaeological expedition led by Dr. Charles-Tanguy Leroux carried out the restoration of the cyclopean structures. Gavrini makes an unusually strong impression; he resembles a kind of phantom, the ghost of the prehistoric era. It seems like a completely chaotic pile of stones, and yet it offers an answer to emerging questions in the most logical of languages - the language of mathematics. Islet of Gavrini. Brittany, France. The diagram shows which huge blocks of stone were delivered to the island. And now - a question for scientists: can there be any doubt that this complex was created by the owners of highly developed intelligence? And what intelligence!

The hill on Gavrini, like in Newgrange, bears traces of artificial planning. After the hill was filled up, many stones of various sizes and, finally, a couple of dozen truly cyclopean megaliths were brought to the construction site. More precisely, on Gavrini, the very foundation of the island consists of artificially laid slabs. The complex was created counting on Eternity. Am I not entitled to assert that these many, many hundreds of thousands of tons of stone blocks, no one would ever be able to deliver to the island from the mainland on primitive boats of that time? If you don't believe me, try to load a 250-ton stone monolith on a fragile raft of the megalithic era at least once! It remains only to state the same stubborn fact: Gavrini arose back in the days when there was dry land on the site of the current strait.


The main corridor consists of 26 monoliths, towering on both sides of Gavrini Island. In order for the stone reliefs to give shadow, we had to tinker with candles. The overlap of the so-called burial chamber is a monolithic slab weighing about 17 tons. The length of the gallery, consisting of monoliths and covered with powerful stone blocks, is 13.1 m. The "sanctuary" itself, or, as it is sometimes called, "burial chamber", is 2.6 m long, 2.5 m wide and 1, 8 m. The walls of this chamber are formed by six powerful vertically standing slabs, and a giant monolith of the ceiling is laid on top of them, the dimensions of which are 3.7 x 2.5 m. I mean, a megalith, of which exactly half is decorated with carved reliefs with very rare symbols and ornaments.


Among them there are countless spirals and circles, both concentric and intertwining with each other, and peculiar grooves resembling multiply enlarged human fingerprints, and serpentine or wavy lines flowing from one monolith to another, and, finally, the most important attraction - a stone with images very, very similar to stone axes and a kind of mittens. This is truly a mysterious world, casting the most bizarre shadows and silhouettes on the opposite wall, depending on the angle of incidence of the light beam. These gauntlets hold a secret. They are an unknown message, set forth in the language of mathematics, not tied to any particular time and addressed to all generations who know the basics of arithmetic.

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The discoverer of the secret writing of this complex was Gwenslan Lescuzek, a Breton, a man clearly endowed with brilliant mathematical abilities, although, in fact, he only publicly stated that it was already quite obvious to everyone for many, many millennia. The counting of monoliths in the sanctuary, as well as everywhere where the laws of mathematics rule, is conducted from one. Of particular interest is the sixth - if you count from the entrance - the monolith; it is slightly smaller than its neighbors, slightly taller than them, and besides, it has preserved a carved relief, conventionally called "fingerprints".

Yes, only the circles and grooves that are characteristic of "fingerprints" are visible on it.

This is the only stone in the entire sanctuary with a single drawing. All the others either do not have any images at all, or, on the contrary, there are a lot of them. Perhaps this "sixth" stone symbolized the number 6? Or maybe he was pointing to the counting system in which all the calculations here were done? Gavrini Island. "Fingerprints", wavy lines and grooves harbor a message in the language of mathematics. Gavrini Island. These three holes in Monolith No. 27, as scientists believe, were not made by the builders themselves, but by someone in later times. Columns-symbols of numbers of the Stone Age On the massive monolith No. 21 in the gallery of the sanctuary, in the lower part of it there are “fingerprints”, above which there are 18 carvings resembling axes, facing downward. We repeat, there are 18 of these drawings,that is, a multiple of 3 and 6. Multiplying 3 x 4 x 5 x 6, we get 360, or 60 x 6. Thus, the total number of these strange "hatchets" is 1/20 of 360. And 360, we recall, is the number of degrees of a complete circle. If you write down the numbers 3, 4, 5 and 6 sequentially one after another, then in the decimal system of counting we get the number 3456.

Dividing 3456 by 21 gives 164.57. And this is the circumference of a circle with a diameter of 52.38 m. Nothing special? Let's think about it. Bah, but exactly at the point 52 ° 38 'is the southern azimuth on the day of the winter solstice, as viewed from the island of Gavrini! Do I need to remind you that the "funeral" complex itself is focused strictly on the point of the winter solstice? Isn't that enough? Okay. We divided the number 3456 by 21 precisely because these signs were carved on monolith number 21. As a result, we got 164.57, which corresponds to the circumference of a circle with a diameter of 52.38 m. But what, in fact, gives the division of the larger of these numbers for less? Let's take a calculator and see. Here's what we got: 164.57: 52.38 = 3.14. And at the sight of this figure, any schoolchild will immediately remember that 3.14 is nothing else,as the famous number l - a number expressing the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. "Well, that's pure coincidence!" growls the angry skeptic, although the numbers speak volumes. Yes, if it was limited to numbers alone, I would not make a fuss either. But how can I be silent if messages from the depths of millennia are stubbornly ignored and hushed up only because an unconventional approach was used to study them. Gavrini is literally littered with symbols that allow for mathematical interpretation.if messages from the depths of millennia are stubbornly ignored and hushed up only because of the fact that an unconventional approach was used to study them. Gavrini is literally littered with symbols that allow for mathematical interpretation.if messages from the depths of millennia are stubbornly ignored and hushed up only because of the fact that an unconventional approach was used to study them. Gavrini is literally littered with symbols that allow for mathematical interpretation.

Here are just a few examples. The number of megaliths in the sanctuary and their location becomes especially impressive if three of their disparate groups are combined into a coherent mathematical system: a) the right side of the gallery, consisting of 1 2 monoliths; b) "burial chamber" formed by 6 monoliths; c) the left side of the gallery, consisting of 1 1 monoliths. The first two numbers of monoliths, that is, 12 and 6, fit well into the scheme. Adding them together gives 18, and exactly as many "hatchets", as the reader remembers, is depicted on the relief of monolith No. 2 1. But what does the number of monoliths on the left side of the gallery say - 1 1? The number 1 1 does not fit into any system at all. How could it have appeared in such a mathematically verified structure? First, let's brush up on the section we just read. So the base number is 3456. Let's divide that number by 11. The result is simply stunning: 314.18!

In other words, before us again is the number L. If, in the number 3456, put a comma just in the middle and divide 34.56 by 1 1, the result will be the same legendary number 3.14. Gavrini is a real treasure trove of mathematical codes, where three different and independent systems are used in different symbols, which, however, are integrated into a single, combined counting system. These systems are: the ancient hexagonal system with many of its derivatives, the usual decimal system and the 52-ary system with multiples of 26 and 1 3 - And now let's remember that it was on the number 52 that the counting system, and the calendar, and in general all Mayan math.

The creators of the mathematical message that reached us on the island of Gavrini took care of all the little things. They understood that no matter what system of counting would be followed by future generations, beings with developed intelligence will sooner or later be able to read this message.

Among the mathematical messages of the island of Gavrini are not only the number of mc, but also the Pythagorean theorems, and the number of circumlunar orbits (all in their places!), And the concept that the Earth has the shape of a ball, and even the number of days in a year, calculated with absolute accuracy: 365.25 days. Isn't that enough? Well, I can continue. Monolith # 21 is a unique exception. It contains 18 drawings that resemble wedge-shaped hatchets. These images formed the basis for mathematical deciphering. The "burial" complex on the island of Gavrini consists of 52 basic elements. On the 21st monolith there are 18 images of the "hatchet" type. Adding 52 and 21, we get 73- So what? Here's what. The base number, symbolically written on the same 21st monolith, is 3456. Dividing 3456 by 73, we get 47.34. And then it dawns on us: why, after all, 47.34 is 47 ° 34 'west longitude, that is, the geographical coordinates of Gavrini! Anyone who even now does not want to understand anything is just right to seek advice from a psychiatrist. Gwenslan Lescuzek, who worked hard on deciphering the mathematical codes of the island of Gavrini, concludes his work with the following very effective ending: “It is quite possible that among the many calculations, some are less accurate than others, but this only emphasizes the enormous importance of the object of research itself. In other words, the number of matches and parallels in these calculations is too great to be considered a coincidence. "finishes his work with the following very effective ending: “It is quite possible that among the many calculations, some are less accurate than others, but this only emphasizes the enormous importance of the object of research itself. In other words, the number of matches and parallels in these calculations is too great to be considered a coincidence. "finishes his work with the following very effective ending: “It is quite possible that among the many calculations, some are less accurate than others, but this only emphasizes the enormous importance of the object of research itself. In other words, the number of matches and parallels in these calculations is too great to be considered a coincidence."

Based on the book: Erich von Daniken "The Stone Age was different …"