Prehistoric Air Route - Alternative View

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Prehistoric Air Route - Alternative View
Prehistoric Air Route - Alternative View

Video: Prehistoric Air Route - Alternative View

Video: Prehistoric Air Route - Alternative View
Video: Why Planes Don't Fly Straight 2024, September

“It cannot be considered a mere coincidence that such powerful ring fortresses are located strictly in one line. Moreover, all four are oriented along the axis of symmetry passing through the Trelleborg parabola. These objects were erected by someone who was very important that they were on the same line, and who, moreover, had sufficient technical means to erect them in this way over a stretch of more than 200 km. This transport line, known since time immemorial, runs regardless of the terrain, be it the sea, islands or the mainland."

Aerial discoveries

Early in the summer of 1982, Preben Hansson, born in 1923, flew a small French-made Muren-Solnier 880 single-engine aircraft. An amateur pilot who has an American and Danish flying license prefers this type of aircraft, because his flight speed, to put it mildly, is low. This allows you to leisurely observe the panoramas of the surroundings, opening under the wing of an

aircraft, calmly and without fuss noticing the details of the landscape, soaring on a slug, as if in a balloon, over forests and fields.

Preben Hansson is a glassblower by profession. He is the owner of his own firm, as well as a member of the board of an insurance company and a representative of the public school of glass blowers. He and his wife Bodil are sober and sensible people, firmly on the ground and alien to any fantasies … And when he wants to relieve the burden of stress, Preben sits at the wheel and soars into the air.

That summer morning in 1982, Preben Hansson kicked off in his hometown of Corsere. The weather was sunny and the visibility was excellent. Preben quickly lifted his favorite winged car into the air, made several circles over his home, which stood at the very edge of the forest, and waved his hand to his wife. A few minutes later he flew over Trelleborg. And this is what he saw. 16 elliptical "rooks", 4 in each of the quadrants of the inner circle, with their slenderness and precision of outlines reminded him of "a huge filigree brooch, such as adorned the neck of blond Viking girls." Preben Hansson made a U-turn and began to trace circles over Trelleborg, admiring the clearly outlined contours of 13 "rooks" of the southeast segment from different heights. These "rooks", whose axes were oriented strictly to the center of the ring of walls,very much like a gigantic parabolic antenna pointing exactly to the northwest. The sight is simply amazing, Preben Hansson thought. "And how did the Vikings manage to create such a precise layout?"

Pictures taken from different heights of Trelleborg clearly show that it is a circular object with a clearly visible cross in the center. The lines forming the cross are oriented along the north-south and east-west axes.


Then he put his car on autopilot, heading northwest. And after some three minutes, he flew over Muskholm Bay, on the coast of the Great Belt, heading for the center of the Reersse Peninsula. Choosing a frequency of 127.30 Hz, he radioed to the Karstrup radio tower, asking the radar station to observe him during his flight over the sea. In response, he received an order to switch to the frequency of 2345 Hz and report on his flight over the sea coast in the region of Resnas. Following orders, Preben Hansson headed in a straight line from Trelleborg, heading 325 north-northwest.

After 67 km and 34 minutes of flight, a small discovery awaited him. The island of Eskeholm appeared directly under it, the place is also very, very interesting. On the ground were two huge triangles, and to the east of them - though with difficulty - the outline of a circle was guessed. These were the remains of a ring of walls, the total circumference of which was slightly inferior to that of the famous Trelleborg. The islet is very tiny, and archaeological excavations in these places have hardly been carried out. One gets the impression, the venerable glassblower pilot told himself, that the two points are on the same straight line.

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At the 1b7th km in a straight line from Trelleborg is the third "Vikingburg" of Denmark - Firkat, which lies in the vicinity of Hobro.


And then an unexpected thought flashed through his head. Fuel remained for more than two hours of flight. "I wonder where I will end up following the same course?" thought Hansson. After flying another 50 minutes and overcoming 99.5 km during this time, he found that his airplane was hovering directly over the archaeological zone of Fir-kata, also in the shape of a circle.

Firkat is the second most important Vikingburg in Denmark, its second national shrine. The ring of ancient walls sits on a tiny strip of land a few kilometers west of the town of Hobro. Like Trelleborg, Firkat is striking in its astonishing geometric precision. On three sides, this strip is surrounded by green floodplain meadows, in the place of which there were swamps in ancient times. It was only possible to get here on solid ground from the southeast. The nearest point of the coast is about 40 km from here.

Indeed, a strange "Vikingburg", lying so far from the sea! The thickness of the ring walls of Firkat reaches 12 m, the height is 4 m, and the diameter is 120 m. Like Trelleborg, Firkat is oriented strictly along the north-south and east-west axes, intersecting in its center. There are also 4 quadrants preserved here, in which the outlines of 16 "boats" with a strict astronomical orientation are guessed. In the 50s. XX century Danish archaeologists have carried out extensive restoration work to recreate the Danish National Museum-Reserve Firkat. Here - again as in Trelleborg - during the excavations, various decorations and items of daily use of the Vikings were discovered, as well as the remains of wooden structures that fell victim to some grandiose fire. The ruler of the local fortress was King Harald Blaatand or his son Svend Tveskag. The last one in 985 AD. e.overthrew his decrepit father from the throne.

Undoubtedly, Firkat, like Trelleborg, was home to the Vikings for some time. But why on earth would they want to maintain such a harmonious geometric order of planning, which usually annoyed the Vikings, like a thorn in the eye?

Or maybe this round complex arose here long before the Vikings, and the formidable rulers of the seas became just the heirs of an older culture?

Preben Hansson glanced at the gas meter and figured it would still make it to a small private airfield not far from here. He put his car back on autopilot, setting the previous course: 325 north-northwest. It then flew directly over the center of the Firkat wall ring. Was not, thought Hansson and decided to continue. And so, having flown another 26 minutes and having overcome during this time 52 km of the path, he saw right in front of his car the center of a ring of powerful ancient walls of another fortress - Aggersborg.

Aggersborg is rightfully considered the third national shrine of Denmark, its third "Vikingburg". The general plan of Aggersborg is exactly the same as that of Firkat and Trelleborg; everywhere in the center of the complex there is a clearly visible "cross", strictly oriented along the north-south and east-west axes; everywhere there are several rows of walls (in one case there are two, in the other four). And everywhere these striking findings raise the same questions.

Islet Exeholm. The remains of the ring walls, as well as traces of the ancient layout, are hardly guessed.


Aggersborg has only one difference: the inner ring of the walls is larger than in Trellenborg, and it can accommodate more "rooks". In addition, Aggersborg has not yet undergone restoration, the "boats" in it are not fixed with concrete, and besides, part of the ancient complex is still underground: a field is spread out in its place.

This is also evidence

So, Preben Hansson covered the route with a total length of 218.5 km. Course 325 north-northwest was set by the direction of the "parabolic antenna" of Trelleborg's rooks. Our pilot flew over land and sea, strictly following a straight line from Trelleborg, and found that it led him to other ancient monuments - Exeholm, Firkat and Aggersborg. So, there could be no doubt: Aggersborg - Firkat - Exeholm - Trelleborg are located strictly along a straight line, like an arrow! A line running through hills, winding coastlines, bays and sea. So, there can be no question that this is a pure coincidence. But a natural question arises: why and, most importantly, with the help of what means the Vikings could build such a complex complex of fortresses?

Returning home, Preben Hansson hastened to unfold the geographical maps. He had maps of neighboring countries, as well as a trivial globe. Taking a pencil, Hansson continued on the map the line Aggersborg - Firkat - Exeholm - Trelleborg, extending it beyond the borders of Denmark. And it turned out that this line, passing through Berlin and past Yugoslavia, buried itself straight into the legendary Delphi - the residence of the famous ancient Greek oracle. Extending the mysterious line even further, Hansson discovered that it passes just west of the ancient Egyptian pyramids at Giza and ends in Ethiopia, where in ancient times the empire of the biblical Queen of Sheba was located …

Preben Hansson is, as they say, solid. It became abundantly clear to him that he had discovered an ancient, prehistoric "air route" linking northern Europe with Delphi. On the same route, we often met the remains of ancient walls and places with old names, one way or another connected with such concepts as light, fire, flight, gods and power. The indefatigable glassmaker and his faithful wife Bodil became frequent guests of the largest libraries in Denmark and Northern Germany. They were looking for ancient myths and legends, and a new, fascinating world was opened to them, the living particles of which they transferred to the pages of the exciting book They Were There Too.

The author of this book and the publishing house "Hestia-Verlag" kindly provided me with the opportunity to use excerpts from the book by Preben Hansson and to acquaint my readers with the most interesting photographic materials presented in it. However, I could hardly refrain from sampling long passages from this book in the hope that Preben Hansson's work will become a reference book for anyone who is no longer satisfied with the conventional explanations of the mysteries of the prehistoric era of human development. The book convincingly shows how the fortune that accompanied the brave researcher, as well as logic and common sense, made it possible to draw very bold conclusions. Let's give the floor to Preben Hansson himself:

"Really, it is simply amazing if Trelleborg, Firkat and Aggersborg in ancient times were not points of a single and very important trade route."


No, this is not a coincidence. The Great Unknown erected these objects exactly where they were supposed to be. That is, on the air route from Aggersborg to Delphi. Perhaps these points served as a kind of "beacons", landmarks or visual compasses on a certain global route, which the gods flew. It is quite possible that in ancient times there were "radars" or "aircraft filling stations".

Who built these huge complexes in the prehistoric era? It is quite obvious that the Vikings have nothing to do with it. To erect Firkat, lying 40 km from the sea, would have been sheer madness for the Vikings, not to mention the fact that these harsh warriors did not like geometric symmetry and avoided it.

Who then erected all these mysterious "Vikingsburgs"? Apparently, people created these mysterious complexes back in the era of the "flying gods". An instant message spread throughout the community: the gods descend from heaven. Over time, in the minds of the people of that era, these objects acquired the status of a grandiose sanctuary.

Subsequently, when the gods stopped appearing, people began to raise their prayers to heaven, reinforcing them with sacrifices that were burned at the stake. Of course, they very soon settled on the places where powerful and mysterious creatures once lived. It is hardly possible to find a more suitable place for all kinds of priestly rituals and ceremonies than these mysterious points, where the gods have recently favored to dwell. And many millennia later, already in the Viking Age, no one else remembered the original purpose and functions of these objects. Today's archaeologists are too dry pedants, completely devoid of any imagination and therefore unable to understand what these monuments were originally. Preben Hansson writes:

“It cannot be considered a mere coincidence that such powerful ring fortresses are located strictly in one line. Moreover, all four are oriented along the axis of symmetry passing through the Trelleborg parabola. These objects were erected by someone who was very important that they were on the same line, and who, moreover, had sufficient technical means to erect them in this way over a stretch of more than 200 km. This transport line, known since time immemorial, runs regardless of the terrain, be it the sea, islands or the mainland."

My friend - the one who constantly seeks to explain everything by "natural causes" - believes that all these objects were placed on the same line by the Vikings. Who else ?! I immediately remember their gods: the great Odin, the formidable Wotan, the mighty Horus! It is always a real torment for me to communicate with adherents of such inert views. Do you think this is not science? Do you want to see completely obvious things? The straight line encircling the ball is called its

circumference. It is the shortest path from point to point on the curved surface of the earth. This is the line that Hansson discovered. More arguments? And remember, as God said 2500 years ago through the mouth of the prophet Ezekiel:

“They have eyes to see, but they do not see; they have ears to hear, but they do not hear …”Ezekiel 12: 2

Impossible is possible

The prehistoric air route, discovered by Preben Hansson, leads directly to Delphi, the seat of the oldest oracle in Greece. In this regard, we can assume that almost all the cult sanctuaries of Ancient Greece, dating back to the prehistoric era, should be located at the same distance from each other. Too bold guess? Not at all. Take a detailed map of Greece and a ruler Or compasses, with which you can measure the golden ratio. Now let's REMEMBER:

“If line A-B is divided by point E in such a way that all of it as a whole belongs to the larger of the resulting parts in the same way as this large part to the smaller, then this means that the golden section of line AB passes through point E. If we take a straight line divided by the golden section and add to it the larger of the segments, then the resulting new straight line will be divided by the golden section passing through the end point of the original straight line. This also applies to all subsequent extensions of the straight line "(Edwald Grether" Theory of planimetry ").

And now - a few examples of ancient Greek monuments

- The distance between Delphi and Epidaurus corresponds to a larger segment of the golden section of the distance between Epidaurus and Delos, that is, 62%.

- The distance between Olympia and Halkis (Halki Diki) corresponds to a larger segment of the golden section of the distance between Olympia and Delos, that is, 62%.

- The distance between Delphi and Thebes corresponds to a larger segment of the golden section of the distance between Delphi and Athens, that is, 62%.

- The distance between Epidaurus and Sparta corresponds to a larger segment of the golden section of the distance between Epidaurus and Olympia, that is, 62%.

- The distance between Delos and Eleusis corresponds to a larger segment of the golden section of the distance between Delos and Delphi, that is, 62%.

- The distance between Knossos and Delos corresponds to a larger segment of the golden section of the distance between Knossos and Chalkis, that is, 62%.

- The distance between Delphi and Dodona corresponds to a larger segment of the golden section of the distance between Delphi and Athens, that is, 62%.

- The distance between Delphi and Olympia corresponds to a larger segment of the golden section of the distance between Olympia and Halkis, that is, 62%.

Anyone who, even after such irrefutable proofs, doubts whether the location of these points follows a geometric plan or is an accidental coincidence, apparently, cannot throw off the long-worn rags of obsolete ideas. But if the motives for the construction of these objects were exhausted only by geometric principles, it would not yet seem such an obvious "miracle", because one of the greatest mathematicians of all times and peoples, the famous Euclid, worked in Ancient Greece.

At the end of the IV century. BC e. he studied at the Alexandria "University", and subsequently created 15 major works, covering almost the entire spectrum of the then mathematics and geometry. Euclid was a contemporary of the famous philosopher Plato, who even listened to Euclid's lectures. It is known that Plato was not only a philosopher, but also a politician … The rest lies, as they say, on the surface: Plato, when determining the plan of construction work, could not have had the last word, and thanks to his detailed knowledge of Euclid's geometry, the cult

sanctuaries were not located arbitrarily, but following a harmonious geometric system.

Apollo's advice

Now let's remember: the ancient air route discovered by Preben Hansson, passing through the Vikingsburgs in Denmark, strung on it like pearls on a string, leads directly to Greece - to the famous Delphi. The legendary "oracle" once stayed there. But why on earth was this place considered an oracle? What is so special about Delphi that is conducive to "oraculation"? Why has this item, lost on the map of the world, gained truly worldwide fame already in ancient times?

The fact is that Delphi was considered the center of the Universe even in the era of classical Ancient Greece. There, in ancient times, there was a visible sign - the "navel of the world", the so-called omphalos, a beautifully crafted block of marble, decorated with sculptures and crowned with two golden eagles. In these eagles, the ancients saw the messengers of Zeus - the father of the Olympian gods. However, an interesting detail! - Delphi was dedicated to Apollo, who was considered not only the son of Zeus, but also the god of light and "prophecy". In addition, Apollo was worshiped as a great healer, and one of his sons was none other than Asclepius1, who is still called the “forefather” of doctors.

Apollo possessed truly limitless power and was the only god that even his own father, Zeus, feared. He often supported Trojans during battles and - straight from heaven - took heroes under his protection. The most famous nickname for Apollo is Lyceum, that is, the god of light. But the most amazing thing is that the Greeks themselves did not know where Apollo came to them from. Even today, the luminaries of academic science and experts in mythology are breaking their spears in disputes about whether the sun god came to Greece from the North or from the East. However, everyone unanimously recognizes the fact that every year Apollo went to visit some mysterious people, the so-called Hyperboreans, who lived "on the other side of the north wind" for several weeks or a month.

Well, that's okay. This is also quite biographical data, although they are gleaned from the field of mythology. Apollo is the son of a "celestial", the god of light, and finally, the god of healing. He supported his friends in battle, guarded transport roads, but every year he went to visit some people who lived "on the other side of the north wind." He chose Delphi as his residence … Well, is everything clear?

And now - a guess

Let's say that some alien flying object, in order to shorten its route, decided to land at point X and turn it into its “base”. Frightened to death gathered around, and Apollo healed them of many diseases and gave a number of wise advice on the most important issues. So he came into contact with earthlings. After that, masses of people began to flock to that place, seeking advice or healing from ailments. So this place in the minds of people of that era acquired a special, sacred status, becoming the "center of the world."

Delphi could well have become this point X, for it was there that the "advice of God" was first heard. This is how the prophecies were born.

And then the astonished people saw how the god Apollo ascends to the sky in a halo of luminous rays. It is only natural that people, not experienced in technical miracles, recognized Apollo as the embodiment of light. So the god of light appeared.

True, they did not ask where he came from. Perhaps he told something to the priests - to special people whom he himself chose and commanded them to keep the knowledge proclaimed to them pure. And then he flew away to an unknown people living "on the other side of the north wind." This Apollo was not at all a selfish businessman. He fixed his benevolent gaze on beautiful earthlings of both sexes. He often fell in love with men, and when it was not easy for them, he rushed to their aid and struck their enemies with his unearthly weapon. Naturally, such a unique figure in popular beliefs could not help but acquire the status of a universal god, a god of all trades.

Apollo was very practical. In a very short time, he managed to turn his "base" into one of the most important centers of the then world. Yes, he really had a lot to do: open schools, teach people and give them wise prophecies, teach the art of healing - in short, to be a teacher in all spheres of life.

For his near-earth flights, he did not use a spaceship, which he most likely simply did not have, because at that time the father of the gods Zeus had not yet completed the creation of the solar system. Apparently, Apollo moved across the sky on some aircraft, it is possible - on something like an airship balloon with propellers and a rudder, or on vertical takeoff aircraft. For these devices he needed "filling stations" where his miracles of technology could be refueled with everything necessary, be it water and fuel for steam engines, or carriers of other sources of energy, for example, electric or microwave. So there was a whole network of objects of the "ring shafts" type, and everywhere Apollo left, so to speak, service personnel. So a whole class of priests appeared - servants of the god of light. Then,the accuracy with which Apollo chose places for such "staging points" is shown by the following examples.

Delphi is at the same distance from both the Acropolis and Olympia. Together with them, they form an isosceles triangle "Acropolis - Delphi - Olympia". Nemea is located on the Delphi leg. She, together with Delphi and Olympia, forms new triangles - "Nemea - Delphi - Olympia" and "Acropolis - Delphi - Nemea". Both of these triangles have the same hypotenuse, and their relation to the total length of the “Delphi - Nemea” segment is again determined by the law of the golden section.

A perpendicular running through Delphi, raised to the Delphi-Olympia line, connects the oracle's residence with the Dodons. This again gives a right-angled triangle with the tops of Delphi - Olympia - Dodona, with the segment between Dodona and Olympia being its hypotenuse. The ratio of his legs is also determined by the golden ratio.

The distance between Delphi and Dodona corresponds to a larger segment of the golden section of the distance between Dodona and Athens, that is, 62%, between Dodona and Sparta, etc., etc. It is quite logical that many of these points are located on a circle constructed from common center. Here are some examples that the reader can easily check with a pair of compasses and a good map of Greece.

The center of the circle is Knossos. Sparta and Epidaurus are located on the circumference. The center of the circle is Taros. On the circumference are Knossos and Khalkis. The center of the circle is Delos. Thebes and Izmir are located on the circumference.

These curious investigations with a compass in hand can be continued, as they say, ad infinitum.

Whole volumes have been written about this, the existence of which very few people know.

The discoverer of these curious geometric coincidences was the Greek Air Force Brigadier General, Dr. Theophanis M. Manias, who, like the Dane Preben Hansson, a pilot, noticed that these points are separated by equal distances and that they are most often located in a straight line.

In Germany, Professor Fritz Rogowski became interested in the phenomenon of equal distances between ancient objects, who believed that the ancient Greeks preferred to settle close to each other, mastering new lands, so to speak, little by little, and this allegedly eventually led to the formation of an extensive network of villages. Well, this explanation is quite in the spirit of "natural causes", for the scientist did not want to recognize any exotic solutions. However, this version does not answer the main questions.

The fact is that such a geometric system is not limited to Greece alone, forming a network of cult centers in Cyprus, Lebanon, Egypt and - as we already know - even in Denmark.

Moreover, as I said, these cult centers arose long before Euclid. The version about the development according to the principle of "a little bit" has to be bracketed. It is also surprising that Plato, referring to geometric knowledge in his Timaeus (chapters 7 and 8), claimed that it was transmitted over many millennia. And if the wise Plato, who lived 400 years BC. e., said that the age of this knowledge and monuments is many millennia, which means that we are dealing with the era of the gods, be it Apollo, Wotan or the Great Unknown.

So why do we need more? The thing is that the sources that have come down to us are very mysterious, difficult to perceive and, we can safely say, mystical. And yet they all together paint a perfectly clear picture. At least for those who do not seek to stand upside down in order to lift the veil of secrecy. The authors of ancient texts, who for thousands of years have told about such aircraft, were, quite naturally, much better acquainted with the ancient wonders of technology than we are. Perhaps they had at their disposal some long-lost documents and books from the archives of the former rulers, which the history of mankind, full of wars and conflicts, has not preserved to this day.

Why is there antiquity? Back in the Middle Ages, the English philosopher and monk Roger Bacon (1219-1294) used sources of information that were no longer available to us.

It is quite possible to build aircraft (instrumenta volandi) … they knew how to build them in ancient times … and in the old days there must have been an apparatus for flying through the air

Based on the book: E. F. Daniken. "The Stone Age Was Different"