Strange Death - Alternative View

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Strange Death - Alternative View
Strange Death - Alternative View

Video: Strange Death - Alternative View

Video: Strange Death - Alternative View
Video: Skyrim Mod: Death Alternative - Your Money or Your Life 2024, July

On December 8, 1997, in Kamchatka, at the base of the Russian Navy, a mysterious incident occurred: an officer of one of the numerous formations in the north-east of the country disappeared

The captain of the third rank, as usual, took up the next duty in the brigade, having passed the instructions required by the charter. During the day when he was on watch, nothing special happened at the coastal base.

However, the next morning the officer did not appear at the appointed time to surrender his post to the newly interceded. The situation was aggravated by the fact that along with the officer on duty, the service weapon also disappeared, which must be handed over after the shift.

Hot on the heels, an investigation was carried out, which showed that the last time a captain of the third rank was seen two hours before the end of the shift by the sailor on duty. According to him, the officer proceeded along the pier to the end of the base and never came back.

When examining the territory of the compound, no traces of the disappeared sailor were found. It also turned out that he did not go home or to his colleagues. Thus, a picture emerged of the unauthorized abandonment of a unit with a service weapon, and this is already an emergency on the scale of the entire flotilla. Given the great resonance of the incident, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were involved in the investigation, who blocked possible routes of departure from the Kamchatka Peninsula.

And there were, in fact, few of them: this is a civil airport and naval aviation, with which the sailors are traditionally very friendly. True, the measures taken turned out to be useless in operational measures: the officer did not appear anywhere.

Now and a century and a half ago

And two months after the start of the investigation in the mountainous region of Kamchatka, the hunters found the remains of a man in the uniform of a captain of the third rank. Surprisingly, it was a complete skeleton with no traces of soft tissue. No injuries to the bones that remain after a fight with wild animals or after the separation of soft tissues with a sharp object was not found.

The uniforms also showed no traces of mechanical damage, but they looked very old. In the pockets of the uniform there were documents in the name of the missing officer, but they were also quite dilapidated.

The find was taken to a military medical institution in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, where military doctors conducted a forensic medical examination.

Based on its results, the following conclusions were made: the bone remains belong to a thirty-year-old man who died about one hundred and sixty years ago! Laboratory analysis of form fragments indicated the same time period. Moreover, all this time, the corpse was in the open air and was not buried.

The investigation decided to transport the strange remains to the mainland, to one of the central military medical institutions of the Ministry of Defense, for more thorough research.

The results were not long in coming. Genetic examination with a high degree of probability established the identity of the remains of the missing officer. The radiocarbon method also confirmed the age of death: 160 years ago. The investigation has reached a dead end. The riddle has not been solved to this day.

The only explanation?

Perhaps the only plausible explanation is that since 1996, Kamchatka has experienced a long period of geomagnetic activity. Small earthquakes occurred every day for several years.

Tectonic activity was protracted and led to the eruption of two large local volcanoes. Unusual atmospheric phenomena were observed everywhere.

Perhaps this was the reason for the space-time anomaly in which the missing officer fell. In any case, no other explanation for the mysterious disappearance was found.

Now the officer is officially listed as missing. Many questions remained unanswered. The weapon that the officer was supposed to have was not found. The legal aspects related to cash payments to relatives have not been settled. Only one thing is clear: orthodox science is not ready to explain such cases.

Vyacheslav MITYASHOV

"Secrets of the 20th century" February 2013