The Law Of Opposites - Alternative View

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The Law Of Opposites - Alternative View
The Law Of Opposites - Alternative View

Video: The Law Of Opposites - Alternative View

Video: The Law Of Opposites - Alternative View
Video: The 7 Laws Of The Universe -Series: The Law Of Opposites/Polarity 2024, September

Our life is inconceivable without opposites, it contains birth and death, love and hate, friendship and rivalry, meeting and parting, joy and suffering, loss and gain. A person is also contradictory: he, on the one hand, strives to ensure that his life is stable, but at the same time, a certain dissatisfaction drives him forward. In the world of opposites, a person seeks to find the lost unity with himself, with other people and with life itself. Everything has a beginning and an end, it is the earthly cycle and the cycle of life. Things, having reached their limit, turn into their opposite. A pair of opposites maintains balance, and the transition from one extreme to another creates a variety of life. Sometimes in order to understand something, you need to see, to know the opposite of it. One opposite cannot exist without the other; in order for there to be day, night is needed.


The world is not created just for pleasure. He does not always correspond to our ideas about him and our desires. Anyone who is not able to do a good deed himself will not appreciate the good from others. For those who are unable to see evil, evil does not exist.


What annoys a person in others is in himself. What a person does not want to hear from other people is what is most important for him to hear at this stage of his life. Another person can serve as a mirror for us, helping us to discover what we do not see, do not know in ourselves. If a person corrects what annoys him in others in himself, fate will not send him such a mirror to anything. By avoiding everything that is unpleasant for us, avoiding people who cause us negative feelings, we deprive ourselves of the opportunity to change our lives, deprive ourselves of the opportunity for inner growth.

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If you allow your negative feelings to play out, then one unpleasant experience will reach for another. If you live indulging in dreams and dreams, then reality will be squeezed out by the illusory world of fantasy. It can be difficult for a person to stop the flow of his negative and unproductive thoughts, because he develops the habit of experiencing, worrying, suffering, dreaming, i.e. move away from reality, from active problem solving. What you give more energy, that will be more. The thought that you give your time to acts like a magnet, attracting others like you. One disturbing thought is easier to deal with than a swarm of obsessive thoughts. In the process of our communication with other people, we tend to adopt their mood through emotional contamination.


Life itself is neither good nor bad. It is our perception that makes it good or bad. Life is what it is. You need to accept life, enjoy life, value life. Trust in life, trust in the power of your mind and the dictates of your heart. Everything will be as it should, even if it is different.


You have to pay for everything: for action and inaction. Which will be more expensive? Sometimes the answer is obvious only at the end of life, on the deathbed the payment for inaction is more expensive. Avoiding failure doesn't make a person happy. “There have been many failures in my life, most of which never happened” - the words of the old man to his sons before his death.


Like attracts like. There are no random people in our life. We attract to ourselves not the people we want to attract, but those who are like us.


If you don't ask for anything from life, you get nothing. If we ask fate for something incomprehensible, then we get something that is unknown. Our request attracts the corresponding reality.


If you are not a driver, if you are being driven, then the further you are taken, the more expensive it will be for you. You have not booked the route, you can be anywhere. The further you go down the wrong path, the more difficult it will be for you to return.


Our life consists of many choices. You always have a choice. Our choice may be that we are not making a choice. The world is full of possibilities. However, there are no acquisitions without losses. By accepting one thing, we are giving up on something else. Entering one door, we miss another. Everyone must decide for himself what is more important to him. From losses, you can also get an acquisition.

From the book: "Tales of the wind of wanderings." Author: Valentina Spirina