Secrets And Surprising Incidents Of Reincarnation - Alternative View

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Secrets And Surprising Incidents Of Reincarnation - Alternative View
Secrets And Surprising Incidents Of Reincarnation - Alternative View

Video: Secrets And Surprising Incidents Of Reincarnation - Alternative View

Video: Secrets And Surprising Incidents Of Reincarnation - Alternative View
Video: 3 Mysterious REINCARNATION STORIES 2024, October

Helena Blavatsky, who is considered an unsurpassed occultist and theosophist, argued that the main metaphysical principle of any religious teaching is reincarnation, that is, the recognition of the transmigration of the soul from one physical body to another.


And the fact that reincarnation is rejected by Christianity, Elena Petrovna emphasized, does not yet mean that it was not in the teachings of Jesus Christ himself. Indeed, until 553, this idea was present in early Christianity, but at the Fifth Ecumenical Council it was condemned and blotted out from all written sources.


Even the fact that the idea of reincarnation is inherent in almost all religions, that is, it has been known since ancient times, proves its reality, not to mention the fact that cases of transmigration of the soul have been traced, documented and comprehensively researched more than once or twice. The miracles alone with the rebirth of the Dalai Lama are worth what! But his case is only one of many …

Reincarnation: a prophetic dream

In Palermo, in 1910, a five-year-old baby Alexandrina dies of tuberculosis in the family of the Italian doctor Samoya. Some time after the death of her daughter, the unfortunate mother sees an amazing dream in which her beloved girl comes to her and says that she is returning. After that, Adele learns that she is pregnant, although doctors have long ago diagnosed her with a terrible diagnosis: she will never be able to have children.

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In due time, Samoya's wife gave birth to two twin girls, and one of them turned out to be with the same birthmark that the deceased Alexandrina had. Naturally, this girl was named by the same name. Alexandrina turned out to be a copy of her deceased sister, even left-handed, she adored the same food, clothes, games. When the twins grew up, their mother took them to Montreal, and then Alexandrina said that she was already in this city with her mother and a woman with a scar on her forehead, and they saw priests in red clothes here. Adele remembered that she actually came to Montreal with her dead daughter and a friend who had a scar on her forehead, and that time they remembered Greek priests in bright red robes. This means that her daughter actually returned, and that dream was prophetic …

Reincarnation: other interesting cases

In 1995, a five-year-old girl named Eleanor crashed to death on a swing, after which her parents' family life somehow did not work out, and they parted. The father had a son in a new family, but what is surprising is that outwardly, and in all habits, he was a copy of the deceased Eleanor.


Knowing the tragic story of her husband's daughter, the boy's mother never allowed him to ride on a swing - for some reason she was panicky afraid of a repetition of the tragedy. But one warm spring day, she, without knowing why, put the boy on a swing in the children's park and began to swing him. A five-year-old kid suddenly tells his mother that he has already skated like this, and then flew into the sky. And then the woman remembers that today is April 17th - the day of Eleanor's death.

Another case. In 1945, a certain Victor Vincent, who lived in Alaska, came to Mrs Chatkin, who was a good friend of his, and told the woman that he would soon die. And in 1947, they say, she will give birth to a boy who will have the same scars as him, however, not as traces from operations, but simply - birthmarks. And this is all because this boy will be he …

And so it happened, the man soon dies, and two years later Mrs. Chatkin gives birth to a boy, on whose body there were birthmarks in the form of amazing "surgical scars", even the holes from the medical needles could be seen. When the boy grew up and once met Victor Vincent's adopted daughter, he suddenly shouted joyfully and ran to her, calling the woman Suzy, that is, by the name that only one person in the world used - her father …


Reincarnation: some conclusions and surprising facts

Researchers have found that souls migrate most often in a very limited circle of relatives and close friends. Although not necessarily, often even the souls of inhabitants of other worlds come to Earth.

As a rule, children under five or seven years old remember their past lives, then all this is completely forgotten. Nevertheless, under hypnosis, almost all people remember their past life path, and can delve into more than one life. Here it suddenly turns out that man lived not only on Earth, but also on other planets or, possibly, in parallel worlds.


People under hypnosis also remember their afterlife. For example, Mile Newton, a hypnotherapist of the highest category of the United States, based on his rich practice, wrote a number of books about post-mortem memories of people. And one of them - "The Purpose of the Soul" describes just the experience of the birth and existence of the soul between its life in the physical shell of a person. The book, of course, looks like a fairy tale, but what is a fairy tale if not a reality that we simply cannot understand yet? After all, not a single person is simply capable of inventing anything that would not already be in the information field of the Universe - he simply reads the data. It is no accident that the great Indian philosopher and father of integral yoga Sri Aurobindo noticed that if a person could come up with at least one thought on his own, he would be God …
