Five Mystical Places Of Crimea - Alternative View

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Five Mystical Places Of Crimea - Alternative View
Five Mystical Places Of Crimea - Alternative View

Video: Five Mystical Places Of Crimea - Alternative View

Video: Five Mystical Places Of Crimea - Alternative View
Video: КРЫМ - Ужасная НАХОДКА на МЕТАЛЛОИСКАТЕЛЬ мы такого не ОЖИДАЛИ. Остались ЖИТЬ в ЗЕМЛЯНКЕ в ГОРАХ. 2024, September

Crimea is a peninsula in the south of the European part of Russia. It is washed by the Black and Azov seas. Crimea is an amazing place where you can feel the harmony of life with might and main. It's hard to find something more captivating than Crimean beaches, mountain ranges and nature reserves.

Beach vacation is an important part of vacation, but vacation in Crimea is, first of all, spectacle and new emotions. Crimea has many places where every tourist should visit. Vorontsov and Livadia palaces, Miskhor, Ai-Petri, Bakhchisarai, Valley of fairy tales …

You can endlessly list the interesting sights of Crimea. What about mysticism? After all, a lot of tourists who come to Crimea want to visit unusual places and thus get a share of adrenaline and unforgettable sensations. Naturally, such places exist in Crimea! We are ready to tell you about the five most mystical places on the peninsula.


At the place where a long time ago a Tatar settlement was located, which was later destroyed by the Nazis, you can see mysterious caves. Tourists are allowed to visit only one of them, since to descend into the rest, you need special equipment and some skills. So, thrill-seekers can go to the Ene-Sala 2 cave, discovered by two unknown boys in 1965. Scientists have established the fact of sacrifice on the territory of the cave. The ancient Taurus worshiped gods and thus atoned for their atrocities, and also expressed their reverence. Many tourists who have visited the cave claim that it is full of ghosts.


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Much has been said and written about the Bear Mountain. This mountain has long attracted the attention of tourists. Everyone knows that the steep cliffs of Ayu-Dag are very dangerous, but few people know about the mystical events taking place on its territory. Adventure seekers who stop overnight on the mountain, for no apparent reason, jump up in the middle of the night and rush towards the cliffs. What scares people is unclear.

Alimova beam

This name bears an amazingly beautiful gorge, enchanting with flora and impetuous rocks. In the spring, this place is a paradise for flower gatherers, because here you can find many peonies and lilies of the valley. It is known that in the gorge there is a stone with Arabic script, which not everyone can find. Those who are lucky enough to see the stone speak of a rapid change in life. After meeting with a mysterious "landmark", people gain material and spiritual benefits. The gorge is a favorite place for sorcerers and magicians, who claim that this place is an incredible source of spiritual strength and energy. The only frightening thing is that not every traveler can return from the gorge. By the way, tourists get lost in Alimovaya Balka for completely inexplicable reasons. Some adventurers are eventually found. In turn, they assurewho wandered around the same place for a long time, unable to find their way back.

Crimean "Stonehenge"

On the territory of the village called Rodnikovoye, there are mystical menhirs, called by scientists as monuments of megalithic culture. The vertical blocks are considered to be the same age as the Egyptian pyramids! It is still impossible to understand why and by whom this building was erected. Anyone who touches the stones will certainly feel the cold emanating from them, which is in no way even the hottest weather.


The Valley of Ghosts is considered one of the most popular sites in Crimea. Nowadays, it is already known for certain that mysterious phenomena and shadows that appear at dusk are just an atmospheric phenomenon. When evening falls on the mountains and the temperature drops, a thick fog begins to descend from the peaks, reminiscent of something terrible and inexplicable. This frightened our ancestors, who believe that ghosts and other evil spirits gather in the valley. By visiting one of these places, you will forever take with you a piece of Crimea, its history and incredible beauty!

Anna Nenasheva