Evidence For The Existence Of Paradise On Earth - Alternative View

Evidence For The Existence Of Paradise On Earth - Alternative View
Evidence For The Existence Of Paradise On Earth - Alternative View

Video: Evidence For The Existence Of Paradise On Earth - Alternative View

Video: Evidence For The Existence Of Paradise On Earth - Alternative View
Video: What Do You Think About Heaven & Hell? #UnplugWithSadhguru 2024, September

Everyone knows that there is Heaven and Hell, places where the souls of people go after death. But until recently no one even thought that Paradise could really exist on the planet. However, several groups of scientists from different countries put forward the theory that Paradise existed in reality, but not in the form in which the Holy Scriptures describe it.

In addition, according to some experts, the appearance of man on planet Earth was due to the intervention of a higher intelligence. The facts that fit into this theory are collected from various sciences: genetics, archeology, as well as the analysis of ancient texts.

One of the scientists who supports the hypothesis about the reality of the existence of Paradise is the Italian archaeologist Marco Boulogne. He was greatly interested in the numerous archaeological finds that were discovered in Russia on the Solovetsky Islands: pyramids, mysterious labyrinths, the remains of ancient structures. After carefully studying the data of several expeditions, the scientist created a three-dimensional model, which made it possible to see the center of the island, surrounded by water channels.

The archaeologist is sure that Solovki has a lot in common with the legendary island, which was described by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato - Atlantis, which is considered an earthly paradise where prosperity and peace reigned. The scientist notes that myths about Atlantis exist in other cultures, but with the only difference that there it is called differently. In the mythologists of the ancient Aryans, such a sacred place was called the Lost Paradise. This place, according to the myth, was destroyed.

Boulogne is sure that Plato did not write that Atlantis sank and appeared on the ocean floor. The ancient philosopher just told that there was a grandiose flood that destroyed the ancient island, and the Atlanteans lost their paradise. At the same time, the island itself is still on the surface - and now it is the Solovetsky archipelago.

The archaeologist claims that all the details Plato pointed out can be found here. The size of the archipelago is 18 kilometers in diameter, the length of the channel coincides with the size of Dolgaya Bay. And even a large plain with a large number of rivers has the same dimensions as the plain of Karelia.

The scientist visited Solovki back in 2006. According to him, he managed to find the very Pillars of Hercules, behind which, according to Plato, was ancient Atlantis. These pillars are the rocks of Karelia, which frame the exit to the White Sea. And the huge figure, whose arms are outstretched, are the hands of the Atlantean holding the firmament.

No less important evidence of the possibility of the existence of an earthly paradise was provided by the Russian biologist Ilya Ivanov. Back in the 20s of the last century, the scientist was engaged in experiments on the hybridization of humans and monkeys. Initially, in Guinea, he conducted artificial insemination of two female chimpanzees with human sperm obtained from volunteers. Then the experiments were continued in the Sukhumi nature reserve.

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The professor received full support from the Soviet authorities. Moreover, advertisements for volunteers were specially printed on the pages of the Krasny Kommunar magazine.

However, Professor Ivanov's experiment failed, and it was not possible to cross directly a man and a monkey. In the same way, it was not possible to prove the reliability of Darwin's theory of the origin of man from ape.

However, there are many supporters of Darwin's theory today, even despite numerous inconsistencies. One of these inconsistencies is the greater number of chromosomes in monkeys. They have 48 of them, while in humans there are only 46. The development of the embryo also occurs in completely different ways. However, geneticists do not pay attention to such discrepancies. In the middle of the last century, the experiments were continued at a higher level. Scientists from the United States attempted to cross a human and a monkey using a chimera: they took a human embryo at the stage of 4 cells and a monkey embryo at the same stage, removed the protective shell and mixed the cells. The new embryo began to develop, and the experiment promised to end in a real sensation. But at the stage of development of the circulatory system, the development of the fetus stopped. All subsequent attempts were similarly unsuccessful:about a month after crossing, all embryos died. Currently, such experiments are prohibited by international law.

Thus, if a person did not descend from a monkey in the course of evolution, then he is a separate species. Therefore, it is quite logical to allow its creation with the help of some higher intelligence.

Another proof of the existence of paradise on Earth is the finds of the skeletons of giants. So, in particular, the doctor of medical sciences, the world famous ophthalmologist Ernst Muldashev in the Middle East found the burials of giants. He received permission in Syria to visit the grave of Adam's son Abel. This shrine is located about 40 kilometers from Damascus. Its keepers are the ancient Arab tribe Druze.

The grave is about 6 meters long. Of course, even there can be no question of digging a grave and getting bones. The grave of Adam's second son, Cain, is located on the territory of modern Yemen and is 7 meters long.

According to the Druze beliefs, the length of the burials indicates that during their lifetime the sons of Adam were very tall. And Adam himself, according to the ancient Middle Eastern legends, was a real giant: he was eleven meters tall. Eve was also about the same height.

There are references to the gigantic growth of the first people on Earth in the Old Testament. In all corners of the world, archaeologists find burials of giant creatures, whose bones have a structure similar to that of a human, with the only difference that their height reaches 5-6 meters. One of the last such finds was made not so long ago in Ecuador.

It is noteworthy that the huge bones fit perfectly into the theory of Marco Boulogne. Indeed, to the west of the Solovetsky archipelago, the throne of a giant was discovered, and on the archipelago itself there is a pyramid. All these amazing structures still cause heated debate among scientists. In addition, labyrinths have survived to this day on Bolshoy Solovetsky Island (Zayachiy Island), the origin of which is also unknown. Such assumptions are further strengthened by the legends that still exist on Solovki, that these labyrinths are able to reveal the hidden capabilities of a person and help to look deep into consciousness, as well as move in time and space.

No less significant, according to scientists, are the legends and visits of alien beings. Many scholars are convinced that the Flood myth is only partly fiction. One of the best proofs of this is the existence of flood legends among races and peoples living in different parts of the planet. Obviously, there was a global rise in the level of the world's oceans, so most of the peoples who inhabit the planet have retained memories of this.

In the legends and myths of many peoples, scientists find references to the visits of some creatures who flew to Earth from space. Moreover, coded information about visits by representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations is contained even in Russian folk tales. Often, aliens are represented as omnipotent gods traveling in celestial chariots.

One of the first in the scientific world who seriously started talking about the visit of aliens to our planet in ancient times was the Soviet scientist Matest Agrest. He expressed this theory back in 1960 at an international conference. His theory is supported and supplemented by his own arguments and the famous theologian Walter-Jörg Langdein, who is sure that the earthly Paradise actually existed. According to him, if you take an episode about the creation of the world from the Bible and interpret it literally, it turns out that a dome was built on the seabed, and water was pumped out from under it. It turned out to be a kind of underwater station. At this station, plants and trees were planted, reservoirs arose, that is, a world was created in miniature. The stars, the moon and the sun appeared on the dome, under which the first people, Adam and Eve, were brought out in the research laboratory. Sure,such an interpretation of the Bible is too bold, but the author himself notes that he only translated the texts from ancient Aramaic. The scientist is also sure that the Bible describes high technologies that only recently appeared in people, and also describes their application.

However, the scientist in his research went even further, stating that Adam and Eve were not the only pair of living beings that appeared during the experiment. According to the Book of Genesis, Cain went to the land of Nod, where he built a fenced-in gray plant and got married. But who could he marry if, following the logic, only his parents existed? And from whom was he forced to defend himself?

According to Langbein, not only Adam and Eve lived in Eden, but all their descendants before Noah. And the present moment of the exodus of people from Paradise is the Great Flood.

Austrian professor Algund Enbom also tried to look at ancient texts with an open mind. And in the Holy Scriptures he managed to find a lot of interesting things. So, according to him, if you look at the exodus of the children of Israel from Egypt, you can find a dramatic scene in which the pharaoh sent an army for his slaves, wanting to return the slaves. All of this took place around 1400 BC. A cloud pillar showed the way for the children of Israel. But how could he have adhered to any course that people would be guided by? And since people walked at night, at that time a pillar of fire appeared in the sky, which was lit by an angel. According to Enbom, the pilot was the angel. The statement, I must say, is too bold, but, as it turned out, the professor has more compelling evidence than myths. According to him,amazing artifacts were repeatedly found in tombs, in particular, golden airplanes with the most perfect aerodynamic properties.

Together with model aircraft designer Peter Belting, Enbom made a scale model of a golden airplane, attached a motor to it and launched it into the sky. As it turned out, the aerodynamics of the model fully meets modern technical requirements and even surpasses them to some extent. Meanwhile, these artifacts date back to about 5-1 millennia BC …

There are many other hypotheses that Paradise existed in reality and the first people were created there. But these are only versions so far. Archaeologists continue to search for the ruins of Eden, but so far no one has managed to find anything similar. However, there are plenty of indirect proofs of the real existence of paradise, and what to do with them remains unclear …