Possible Alternative History Of Russian Writing - Alternative View

Possible Alternative History Of Russian Writing - Alternative View
Possible Alternative History Of Russian Writing - Alternative View

Video: Possible Alternative History Of Russian Writing - Alternative View

Video: Possible Alternative History Of Russian Writing - Alternative View
Video: ALTERNATIVE HISTORY OF RUSSIA | Альтернативная история России - 1864-2021 2024, September

Every student knows the hypothesis about the first teachers - Cyril and Methodius. For many years we were convinced that they generously presented the Slavs with writing, helped our state move to the next stage of development. Without them, our state would have remained a kingdom of barbarism and ignorance.

But modern research questions this interpretation of history. Scientists studying ancient manuscripts unanimously declare that the Slavs had the highest distinctive spiritual culture. This fact is confirmed by the presence of three types of writing actively used by our ancestors in business and everyday life.

The scientist V. Chudinov insists: on many German books there were inscriptions in Slavic runes. This fact testifies to the sacredness of the language of the ancient Slavs. In his opinion, Cyril created a new language, which was previously considered the first written language, based on the existing heritage. A combination of the letters of the Greek alphabet and the oldest alphabet of the Slavs was carried out, which made it possible to translate Christian texts for our ancestors while preserving their sacred meaning.

Few know that traces of the Slavic runica were found on Greek icons of the 5th century; our ancestors left traces of their original writing on Greek vases dating back to the 6th-2nd centuries. BC. Thanks to their presence, scientists become more understandable events that took place 30,000 years ago. The study of religious objects gives the right to say that the Slavic writing was spread over a vast territory covering the coast of Portugal and the Trans-Ural Arkaim. Experts conclude that the language of the Slavs of the pre-Christian era was an unprecedented phenomenon.

The first to talk about pre-Christian writing was Vasily Tatishchev. In his opinion, the famous chronicler Nestor created his "Chronicle" not on the basis of oral traditions, but after studying the books that existed before. Indeed: how could such a global work have been created without serious documentary support? Tatishchev gives logical arguments: was it possible to accurately convey the Treaties with the Greeks, created a century and a half earlier, without having some kind of graphical base (no, after all, a significant time interval has passed that separated the historian from the events described)? Most likely, the ancient written sources on which Nestor relied existed, it is just that modern scientists did not find them. Perhaps they died for some reason or were destroyed on purpose.

The Arab scientist Ibn Yakub al-Nedim testified to the existence of a distinctive script among the Slavs a year before the official invention of the alphabet by Cyril and Methodius. The Slavs actively used dashes and cuts in writing. This fact is confirmed by the Bulgarian monarch Brabr. Many scientists agree that in the pre-Christian era, our ancestors used several types of writing, and Cyril and Methodius made the unification of graphic images.

Many facts about our ancient history were gleaned by us in antiquity. But can the chronicles be trusted? The discoveries of scientists make us wonder whether the real information is contained in the works of the monks and whether influential persons tried to "rewrite" history out of mercenary interests?

The process of active writing of chronicles begins in the 16th century. Some works were lost, therefore historians, first of all, are guided by the "Tale of Bygone Years". However, today they are already talking about the fact that this document contains fake sheets that falsify history. The material that reveals the Norman theory seems like a foreign inclusions.

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There are also claims to the Radziwill Chronicle. It is assumed that many inconsistencies, the fragmentary nature of the presentation of information are explained by the fact that it was created in a hurry in order to temper the curiosity of Peter I. Scientists are not satisfied with the nature of the images - many drawings are not painted to the end, the images do not give the impression of completeness. It seems that the household items of that time were deliberately wanted to hide from descendants.

Everyone knows the grip of Catherine II. Its activity extended to all spheres. Having gained access to archival sources, the empress was discouraged by the fact that the history of the Russian state was based on a verbal, not an evidence base. G. Miller became a significant figure who influenced the formation of the history of the state at that time. Thus, many facts were omitted regarding the Mongol-Tatar invasion. Under the leadership of Catherine, the history of Kievan Rus remained almost virgin. The Empress devoted a lot of time and effort to concentrate under her influence the primary sources of the chronicles, many of which then disappeared somewhere …

For what purpose were ancient artifacts collected and then hidden? We can only guess and imagine what information has remained unexplored for us.

What do we have at the moment?

The voices of those who claim that our ancestors had a distinctive writing system in the pre-Christian era are heard louder and louder. This is confirmed by numerous discoveries and findings. Unfortunately, individual chronicles of historical interest have not yet been published (Novgorod Karamzin Chronicle). Some of the information included in the annals can be viewed with a grain of salt. Scientists find fake watermarks not on the sheets of manuscripts, specialists in the drawing of images say that there are attempts to modernize, modify the initial drawings. For what purpose was this done and by whom?

It's no secret that every ruler tries to “adjust the story for himself, to place accents in such a way that certain events seem significant, and some pages of history are being ruthlessly adjusted.