How Do Muslims Get To Paradise - Alternative View

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How Do Muslims Get To Paradise - Alternative View
How Do Muslims Get To Paradise - Alternative View

Video: How Do Muslims Get To Paradise - Alternative View

Video: How Do Muslims Get To Paradise - Alternative View
Video: Paradise is NOT a fantasy! Mufti Menk 2024, September

The concept of heaven exists in many religions. In Islam it is called "al-firdaus". It is also believed that all the righteous after the Day of Judgment will go to the Garden of Eden - Jannat.

What does the Qur'anic paradise look like?

The Qur'an describes Jannat in great detail. The word itself means "gardens." But Muslims can call the Quranic paradise in different ways. Here are some names: "gardens of grace" - jannat an-na'im; "Gardens of Eden" - jannat 'adn; "Gardens of Eden" - Jannat al-firdaus; "Garden of eternity" - Jannat al-huld; The "gardens of the refuge" - Jannat al-ma'wa; “Sublime garden” - jannatun 'aliyah; "The abode of the world" - dar al-salam; "The abode of the God-fearing" - dar al-muttakin; "The abode of abiding" is the gift of al-muqam.

According to the Qur'anic scriptures, paradise is enormous. It has a temperate climate, never too cold or too hot. It is built of bricks of silver and gold that emanate a scent of musk. Golden trees grow in it. Paradise has four gardens and four rivers in which water, milk, heavenly wine and honey flow, as well as numerous springs, canals and ponds. One of the reservoirs is called Kausar and is intended specifically for the Prophet Muhammad, the founder of Islam. It is to Kausar that all the rivers of paradise flow down. Paradise is guarded by angels, the most important of which is named Ridvan.

In the Muslim paradise, there are several levels designed for different categories of the righteous. So, 'Adn (Eden) is the place where the prophets and martyrs will be located. But there is also a higher level - Firdaus, above which there is only 'Arsh - the Throne of Allah.

The transition of every single faithful to paradise should take place after the Day of Judgment (Kiyamat). As for the infidels, they will go to hell.

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Who will go to heaven?

Who is destined to get into the Gardens of Eden? Surah Ar-Rad 13: 69-73 answers this question: “Those who believed in the signs of Allah, obeyed Him and surrendered to Him, it will be said on the Day of Resurrection respectfully:“Enter Paradise, rejoicing, you and your wives, where are your faces will be radiant with happiness. When they enter paradise, they will be surrounded by golden dishes and bowls of various foods and

drinks. Everything in paradise is prepared for them that the souls desire and that will delight the eyes. And so that their joy is full, they will be told: "In this bliss you will abide forever!" And so that they feel complete mercy, they will be told: “This is Paradise, into which you entered in reward for your good deeds in earthly life. Paradise for you is an abundance of fruits of different types and varieties that you will enjoy."

The inhabitants of paradise will live in huge tents made of precious stones, for example, yacht and pearls. They will wear robes of silk, satin and brocade and gold jewelry, recline on "embroidered beds" and "spread carpets." They will be served by "boys forever young" who will bypass them "with vessels of silver and goblets of crystal."

According to the Qur'an, people who find themselves in paradise will be able to live a married life, but they will not have children. All local inhabitants will live forever at the age of approximately 33 years. Men will be able to live not only with their wives, but also with paradise virgins - gurias, "black-eyed, big-eyed, like a stored pearl", "whom neither man nor genie has touched before them." In paradise it will be allowed to drink wine, which, however, will not intoxicate. Although the inhabitants of paradise will be able to eat and drink, they will not defecate as in ordinary life: the secretions will evaporate from their bodies through a special sweat like musk.

The contemplation of Allah occupies a special place in the descriptions of paradise: "The faces on that day are shining, looking at their Lord." The hadith says: “You will see your Lord as you see the moon, and you will not have any difficulty in this. And there will be no barriers between Him and you. " Those who can contemplate Allah with their own eyes will reach the pinnacle of heavenly blessings.

Islamic theologians (ulema) believe that in fact the descriptions of paradise in the Qur'an are given at the level of human concepts and the true essence of what awaits a person after death in paradise is incomprehensible to us living.

Bliss for death row

The Quranic descriptions of heavenly life look very attractive: the righteous are guaranteed whatever benefits a person may wish for. And all this in exchange for strict adherence to the precepts of the Quran.

Not surprisingly, there are so many suicide bombers among Islamic terrorists who have been brainwashed with the promise of heavenly delights. Real life loses its value for them, and in the "heroic" death they see a way to go to heaven and find eternal bliss.