Ancient Horror, Or The Enemies Of The Human Race - Alternative View

Ancient Horror, Or The Enemies Of The Human Race - Alternative View
Ancient Horror, Or The Enemies Of The Human Race - Alternative View

Video: Ancient Horror, Or The Enemies Of The Human Race - Alternative View

Video: Ancient Horror, Or The Enemies Of The Human Race - Alternative View
Video: All Tomorrows: the future of humanity? 2024, July

Those whom we wish to represent in the form of aliens or inhabitants of the underworld have long been known to mankind. One feature of the meetings with "aliens from parallel worlds" that took place in modern times is striking: these meetings, judging by their descriptions, are very similar to the contacts of people with Satan's minions described in medieval chronicles. The founder of Lutheranism, Martin Luther, who suffered many hardships and disasters due to the influence of evil spirits, was subjected to incessant attacks from the father of lies, wrote with boundless sorrow in his restless and suffering soul: and they steal human seeds in order to prolong their demonic line."

About the intrigues of the enemy of the human race will also tell us the life of Saint Nikita, nicknamed by the Orthodox people the REDESSER. Nikita was the son of the emperor Maximian. He was subjected to unthinkable tortures by his father for becoming Orthodox. Then he was imprisoned by his father in prison for three years, where he prayed incessantly. On one of the days of this terrible confinement, Nikita saw that the darkness in the place of his torment seemed to be thickening … As if a spirit appeared from the air, similar in appearance to a bright angel. This spirit tried to seduce Nikita, but he, having prayed, saw the demon behind the angelic image, grabbed him by the horns, and then beat him. When the emperor ordered to bring Nikita to him in order to turn him away from the true faith, Nikita, by the hand, like a child, brought the devil with him and showed his own father who he had been deceived. Following this, Nikita, by the power of Christ, resurrected two long-dead spouses. But nothing worked on Maximian, who decided that his son had become a sorcerer, who believed that he, the great emperor, could fall under the influence of some ugly dwarf … But the people rebelled against the wicked emperor and freed the great martyr. On that day, Nikita contributed to the enlightenment of eighteen thousand people, and then departed to the Lord, because the years spent in prison did not pass without a trace. He helps Orthodox people to free themselves from devilish deceptions. On that day, Nikita contributed to the enlightenment of eighteen thousand people, and then passed away to the Lord, because the years spent in prison did not pass without a trace. He helps Orthodox people to free themselves from devilish deceptions. On that day, Nikita contributed to the enlightenment of eighteen thousand people, and then departed to the Lord, because the years spent in prison did not pass without a trace. He helps Orthodox people to free themselves from devilish deceptions.

So, descriptions of meetings with demons in the Middle Ages and in modern times coincide to the smallest detail with modern stories about contacts with "humanoids", with stories about abductions of people by "aliens" or "aliens from other worlds." And today, as in the Middle Ages, numerous victims of abductions and "contacts" also claim that they had - a sexual relationship with "extraterrestrial beings", "higher entities."

Bosch. Removing the stone of stupidity
Bosch. Removing the stone of stupidity

Bosch. Removing the stone of stupidity.

In his book On Satan's Malice and Evil Spirits, published in the 16th century, Abbot Crepe described the incident of a harlot who seduced a Latin priest. After the untimely death of the seduced harlot, she completely lost her peace and could not sleep, as a spirit appeared to her, which, in her words, was constantly "tormenting her …". Only when she repented of her sins, began to pray and fast, the demon left this woman [See. Quoted from: Orlov M. A. History of the relationship between man and the devil. - M.: Republic, 1992. - S. 14].

Bosch. Carrying the cross
Bosch. Carrying the cross

Bosch. Carrying the cross.

I. Vir described how in 1551 the feast of the Trinity was celebrated in one of the townships of Livonia. The inhabitants of the shtetl, as always, drank and blasphemed. At the same time, one merchant was especially different, whose name of the unclean did not leave her lips. Invisible entities dragged her out into the street, then lifted her over the town and carried her, carried her over the fields and vegetable gardens. The entire population of the town - men, women, elders, old women, children, sick and healthy, drunk and sober - picking up rolling pins, mortars, shafts, counting and just sticks, with a boom and shout, ran after the blasphemy shouting something from above. Some of the visiting merchants, they used to say, believed that day [See. ibid., p. 16] …

P. Bruegel (the Elder). Games for kids
P. Bruegel (the Elder). Games for kids

P. Bruegel (the Elder). Games for kids.

Promotional video:

The source of the belief in werewolf, according to A. Afanasyev, the author of "Poetic views of the Slavs on nature", lies in the very language of our ancestors, full of allegories, synonyms, similes and hints. Our ancestors knew. that the impure can take any form, any form.

Our acquaintance I. Vir assured that in one Latin monastery the unclean tormented the nuns of the monastery by playing perky dance melodies on musical instruments, forcing them to dance to complete exhaustion some kind of godless and impious dances. If they resisted the influence of enemies, then, in spite of all their efforts, all the same - they danced a little … In the midst of the ball an evil dog appeared, which rushed at the most sinful nun. In another monastery, according to I. Vir, the unclean pounced on the nuns in the form of a large black and fat cat [See. ibid, p. 20].

P. Bruegel (the Elder). Dance in nature
P. Bruegel (the Elder). Dance in nature

P. Bruegel (the Elder). Dance in nature.

The wife of a merchant, continues the same author, who lives in the town of Witemberg, but by the nature of his occupation left his closed community for a long time, in one of her husband's long absences she decided to accept her lover in order to somehow dispel the melancholy. Once, after spending a long time with her lover, she noticed that it was time to say goodbye … The trader's lover at the moment of parting suddenly turned into a magpie and, sitting on the closet and looking at her from above with his black eye, said to her in a human voice:

- So this is what he is, your beloved, admire him!..

P. Bruegel (the Elder). Crippled
P. Bruegel (the Elder). Crippled

P. Bruegel (the Elder). Crippled.

P. Bruegel (the Elder). Fall of the angels
P. Bruegel (the Elder). Fall of the angels

P. Bruegel (the Elder). Fall of the angels.

People were forced to take part in the rituals of the Sabbath by deception and violence, as the learned author Delrio told us about in his book "Contravers and Magical Investigations" (1611). The ride to the Sabbath is done on horseback, smeared with an ointment made from the fat of slain babies. Sometimes you can sit on a poker or broom. Margarita M. Bulgakova made her flight to the diabolical meeting on a brush, and her housekeeper, a representative of the nomenclature.

P. Bruegel (the Elder). Proverbs
P. Bruegel (the Elder). Proverbs

P. Bruegel (the Elder). Proverbs.

Blessed Augustine in his work "City of God" admits that there are carnal unions of man with demons. He writes that the Franks of his time called the prodigal demons "dusii" (spirits, dusi - author). What language did the "Franks" of the time of St. Augustine speak?..

P. Bruegel (Art.). The country of laziness
P. Bruegel (Art.). The country of laziness

P. Bruegel (Art.). The country of laziness.

At the beginning of 1606, a trial in the case of Françoise Bose was held in Basel. She was accused of having intercourse with evil spirits. Françoise claimed that an evil spirit arose in the bedroom "from nowhere" and made her pious spouse numb. According to Bose, it is clear that she did not remember what happened next, that is, after the moment when her husband fell into a kind of "numbness." But after all, modern "victims of aliens" also talk about "paralysis" either of themselves, or of people who are nearby at the time of the abduction. “Contactees” also often do not remember what happened since they fell into a state of daze.

P. Bruegel (the Younger). Fight
P. Bruegel (the Younger). Fight

P. Bruegel (the Younger). Fight.

In the Irish epic there is a legend about how "unfortunate Irgen gave herself to the demon." Poor Irgen assured those who judged her that she was paralyzed by fear, therefore she did not call for help, but they did not believe her. Irgen was drowned.

Jan Bruegel (St.) The Temptations of St. Anthony
Jan Bruegel (St.) The Temptations of St. Anthony

Jan Bruegel (St.) The Temptations of St. Anthony.

In early October 1957, the Brazilian Villas-Boas was working in the field. Suddenly, a UFO dropped to the ground in front of him. Villas-Boas wanted to run, but was numb with fear. some creatures dragged him with some disgusting exclamations and squeals into the lighted room. A naked female creature entered him, and he, succumbing to violence, entered into sexual intercourse with him. What happened next, Villas-Boas does not remember. When he woke up, he saw that he was lying on the field on which he was working.

Camerius, referring to A. Giovanni, writes that near Cairo there is a small hill on which the Mamelukes gather annually on March 25 to see the dead rise from their graves. The bodies appeared in the form in which they were buried in ancient times, that is, wrapped in swaddling clothes. This phenomenon was considered by people as a guarantee of the universal resurrection of the dead. The Italian Giovanni visited this cemetery in 1540, but people have observed this phenomenon since ancient times [See. ibid, pp. 74-75].

P. Bruegel St. The fall
P. Bruegel St. The fall

P. Bruegel St. The fall.

Br. Art. The fall
Br. Art. The fall

Br. Art. The fall.

Goya. Sabbat
Goya. Sabbat

Goya. Sabbat.

Goya Lucientes. Help
Goya Lucientes. Help

Goya Lucientes. Help.

Füsli Heinrich Johann. Sleep paralysis, 1781
Füsli Heinrich Johann. Sleep paralysis, 1781

Füsli Heinrich Johann. Sleep paralysis, 1781.

Teniers D. Jr. Temptation
Teniers D. Jr. Temptation

Teniers D. Jr. Temptation.

Pieter Bruegel the Elder Saul's suicide, 1562 Horsemen sit on domestic dinosaurs
Pieter Bruegel the Elder Saul's suicide, 1562 Horsemen sit on domestic dinosaurs

Pieter Bruegel the Elder Saul's suicide, 1562 Horsemen sit on domestic dinosaurs.