In Cambodia, There Is A Child With A Crack In The Head, Which Is Constantly Growing - Alternative View

In Cambodia, There Is A Child With A Crack In The Head, Which Is Constantly Growing - Alternative View
In Cambodia, There Is A Child With A Crack In The Head, Which Is Constantly Growing - Alternative View

Video: In Cambodia, There Is A Child With A Crack In The Head, Which Is Constantly Growing - Alternative View

Video: In Cambodia, There Is A Child With A Crack In The Head, Which Is Constantly Growing - Alternative View
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Cambodian Peatra Pov was born with a huge crack in his skull, which grows every day. Now the boy is six years old, local doctors do not know how to help him. He needs expensive treatment, for which his parents do not have the funds, reports Sun.

The boy's mother says that the doctors did not attach much importance to the fact that her child was born with a crack in the head.

“They let us go home, saying that they didn't know how to help. Perhaps the crack will heal itself, the doctors said, said the patient's mother, 40-year-old Srey, who earns $ 10 to $ 25 a week, begging for alms at a local church.

The woman's husband left her as soon as he saw his newborn son for the first time. A woman is forced to raise a child alone, with rare help from her 67-year-old mother.

“The crack in my son’s head is so large that I can put my entire hand in it. We are helped by charitable organizations, but their medicines only alleviate the pain, and nothing more,”said a resident of Cambodia.

The patient's family is trying to draw attention to their problem with the help of the media.