Talking Mayan Cross - Alternative View

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Talking Mayan Cross - Alternative View
Talking Mayan Cross - Alternative View

Video: Talking Mayan Cross - Alternative View

Video: Talking Mayan Cross - Alternative View
Video: Forged in Fire: 4 EPIC Blades That WOULDN'T KEAL | History 2024, September

By the middle of the 19th century, when the European conquerors with fire and sword marched across America, sowing the "blessings of civilization," in the Indian village of Chan spoke … the cross. With a human voice, this symbol of the Christian faith called on the last descendants of the ancient Maya people to a holy war against the invaders …

During the time of the conquistadors, Spanish monks who landed in the New World noted with surprise that the symbol of the Cross was known to the Mayan Indians as early as the 1st millennium AD. Images of the Cross as an object of worship can still be seen in the ancient Indian temples of Palenque. Therefore, the Indians willingly included the Christian Cross in their religious symbolism.

According to the legend passed from mouth to mouth, a huge cross, carved from a single piece of wood, said to the Indians: “People, rise to the sacred uprising against the pale-faced invaders! Drive them away from all borders and shores of Quintana Roo, and then reunite with your brothers from all over Yucatan and continue the holy war, the cross will help you. And the Maya did not dare to disobey the order!

At the behest of the voice

The entire population of the Quintana Roo area came to see the miracle. And again, in a squeaky otherworldly voice, the cross ordered to kill all the whites. Thus, as paradoxical as it may sound, the uprising in 1847 was led by a wooden cross. And the most amazing thing is that during this period crosses spoke in the temples of other Mayan cities - Tulum and Chompon.

Encouraged by the support of the "higher powers", the Indians began a bloody campaign for the scalps of the Spaniards and the British. As a result, the descendants of the ancient civilization were able to partially achieve the restoration of their rights and some freedoms, in addition, they acquired relative independence and got rid of the colonialists.

Chan village soon declared itself the capital of the independent state of the same name. These actions, again, were dictated by the order of the speaking cross. The new state was recognized by the United Kingdom. Be that as it may, the residents of Chan and its environs managed to maintain their independence until 1892.

Promotional video:

But seven years after independence, Mexican dictator Porfirio Diaz ordered a punitive operation to be launched, during which several recalcitrant Mayan settlements were burned to the ground. But even then, the Indians thought about their shrines. They took the crosses out of the city and hid them in the depths of the jungle. These skirmishes ended only in 1935. The Mexican government made concessions, promoted the head of the village to general and even awarded him an order. He was officially considered the ruler of the Free Indian Territory.

Puzzle for posterity

The governor of Yucatan, Miguel Barbareno, puzzled by the mystery of the talking crosses, sent his agents to Chan to figure out what was the secret of this miracle. The spy Pablo Rojas managed to get into the confidence of the rebels and visit the sanctuary where the talking cross was.

In his report, Rojas swore that the cross did indeed speak. A strange, inhuman, high, raspy voice emanated from the center of the temple premises, and since there was only a cross, it means that it was broadcasting.

If events took place in our time, it would be reasonable to assume that some kind of audio device is hidden inside the cross. But in those years this was ruled out.

Some believed that a man was sitting in the cross. But, firstly, the cross was too small for even a child to climb in, and secondly, it was carved from a single piece of wood and there were no cavities inside it. According to the stories of the priests, the cross, as a rule, began to speak in the presence of a certain teenager. When the boy and his family moved to Tulum, the cross there also suddenly spoke. The same thing happened when the boy arrived in Chompon. Therefore, there is a version that the teenager, whose name has not come down to us, had the gift of ventriloquism.

In general, if this was a deception, it was so thoroughly done that they could not prove it until today.


"Mysteries of History" October 2012